Chapter 7

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Paul asked me out to dinner with him.

It's been more than a month since Sam and I, so I think it's okay I start dating again.

Though Paul hadn't directly mentioned it was a date, I know it's not just two friends having dinner together.

Paul and I met a few days before our training started at a grocery shop not far from the clinic.
He was a very easy person to start a conversation with and it was even better when he told me he recently finished school and was preparing for training.
I didn't tell him I was also preparing for training because I'm a big hater of 'me too's'
Three days later I saw him enter the clinic in the trainees uniform and he was even more surprised to see me than I was to see him.

I'm giving the final touch to my makeup when Priscilla enters, barges into, my room.

"Someone looks pretty" she teases sitting on my bed and going through my things scattered on the bed. I was in a hurry so I kept everything everywhere. "It's definitely not the clinic you're going dressed like that" she gives me a side smile

"No, I'm not going to the clinic" I take my purse, put my phone inside and take a look at myself in my full body mirror.

I really hope I'm not doing too much.

I'm wearing a cute white top with black dots on it with a pink boyfriend jean. I'm wearing a shoulder length straight black wig and I'm taking a white bag along. My slippers are fancy white too. My makeup is very minimal.

Everything seems casual.

"are you coming back this evening?" Priscy asks

"yes, I'm just having dinner with a friend at KP" I say

"No dinner at KP is with just a friend. He's really going all out" she sounds amazed "this is what you're wearing?" she asks almost immediately "to kp" she finishes and then she laughs "its a fancy restaurant for God's sake. I'm sure he'll pull up in a suit" she smiles

I think about it for a second. Should I have worn a dress, at least?

I hear a car horn and it brings me back almost as fast as i was taken away.

"Your boyfriend is here" Priscy says in a sing song voice.

"I heard'' I don't correct that he's not my boyfriend.

I take one final glance at myself and I begin to head downstairs with Priscy following behind me
"No instructions for the night?" she asks. I know she's playing with me.

"I'll only be out a couple of hours, I'll be back before tommorow"

She follows me till we reach outside and she makes an 'o' when she sees Paul.

"He's not wearing a suit" I point out and we both smile.

"He's hot. I'm drooling" she fakes a faint, resting on me.

"Common, get away from me! Playerr" I joke and she stands up.

I can imagine Paul looking at us from beside his car and wondering what kind of people we are.

"I wouldn't mind playing with thatt" she gestures to Paul and I see a smirk on her face.

"Shut up"

"You're jealous"

"I'm leaving" I start walking towards Paul and she's still following me "Why are you such a pest?"

"Just want an intro, thats all"

"Hey" Paul greets with a hug when I'm close enough and I swear I hear Priscy cough beside me.

"you look very good" I say and he blushes

"you don't look bad" he's smiling and then he turns to Priscy.

"My name is Priscy" she introduces herself.

"Nobody asked" I tell her and she rolls her eyes. Teenagers are so full of attitude.

"I'm sure the hot guy was wondering who I was so I had to do an intro" Did she just call him hot right in front of him?

"You could have stayed inside. You have no business here"

I see Paul smiling at us and I remember we're not alone.

"I'm her daughter" she says and I choke. I actually choke.

Paul is still smiling "I'm Paul" he stretches his hand for a handshake and she takes it

"And you're her..." priscy is going to get it from me when I'm back

"We're friends from work" he says and looks at me, a look I don't quite understand.

"We're leaving now. No study sechs till I'm back, no boys, and do not go into my room" priscy nods

When I'm in the car, before Paul drives off she whispers through the car's window "don't get pregnant"

Oh. How much I hate this little girl.

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