Part 1

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Morning 8 am
A bunny faced boy was sleeping on his bed, his bangs were touching his face giving him extreme beauty, there was a small pout on his face, he was looking so adorable.

Who is he? He is Jeon Jungkook, the younger son of Jeons, His father is a ceo while his mother is house wife, He himself study in university. He is college's bad boy but no one knows it at his home.

He also have one brother named as Jeon Yoongi, he is scared of Yoongi so much that's why he never let Yoongi go to his University, he keep on telling Yoongi that he is doing all well.

He says that his teachers praise him alot but he lies, his Principal always tries to call at his home but Jungkook never gave him right number of his parents or brother.

He is scared, if Yoongi came to know he will beat the sh!t out of him, Yoongi is actually very strict in case of studies that's why Jungkook is scared of Yoongi, Yoongi is a doctor in Seoul's famous hospital.

"Jungkook-ahhh get up"Yoongi said while shaking him
"Mhmm let me sleep hyung"Jungkook said
"You have to go to University kid"Yoongi said
"I will go tomorrow, please not today"Jungkook said in sleepy voice
"And why so mister?"Yoongi said
"I slept late"Jungkook said
"What?"Yoongi said angrily
That's when Jungkook realised he have f*cked up.
"H-hyung, I mean"Jungkook said
"You mean what?"Yoongi said while raising an eyebrow
"I was s-studying so I slept late"Jungkook said
"Baby I know it's important to study but you should get enough sleep"Yoongi said
"Sorry hyung"Jungkook said
"It's alright, you can take a leave today"Yoongi said
"Really?"Jungkook said
"Yeah, take rest"Yoongi said
Jungkook layed on the bed while showing his bunny smile.

Yoongi chuckled and then kiss his cheek and went downstairs.
"Woah, it's so easy to trick hyung, let's sleep now"Jungkook said

In dining room
Yoongi came and sit on chair beside his father.
"Where is Jungkook?"Mr Jeon said
"He didn't slept well last night so he is sleeping"Yoongi said
"What about his University"Mrs Jeon said
"He will go tomorrow, well today I have to go to Jungkook's University"Yoongi said
"Why?"Mr Jeon said
"Don't know, his Principal called me"Yoongi said
"Okkk"Mr Jeon said

"What did you made for breakfast mom?"Yoongi said
"Vegetable soup and salad"Mrs Jeon said
"Alright give me after that I have to go to hospital first"Yoongi said
"Then when you will go to Jungkook's University?"Mrs Jeon said
"In evening mom"Yoongi said
"Okk"Mrs Jeon said
After dinner Yoongi wents to hospital.

In hospital
Yoongi was sitting inside his cabin when his friend barged inside the cabin without even knocking.
"Yahhhh, Hoseok-ahhh atleast learn how to knock"Yoongi said frustratingly
"Leave it and tell me do you have any appointments today?"Hoseok said
"Obviously"Yoongi said
"After appointments are you free?"Hoseok said
"Nah bro, I have to go Jungkook's University"Yoongi said
"Why what happened?"Hoseok said
"I don't know, he just called me and said he wanna talk something about Jungkook come at evening please"Yoongi said
"What can be the reason?"Hoseok said while thinking
"I don't know"Yoongi said

"Whatever leave it"Hoseok said
"Now f*ck off"Yoongi said
"Behave kid"Hoseok said
"You are the kid here now go and do work"Yoongi said
"Going going, chill wild cat"Hoseok said as he run out of the room
"Brat"Yoongi said

On the other hand with Jungkook
Jungkook just got up and went to get fresh.
When he was done he came downstairs to eat breakfast.
"Mom my breakfast"Jungkook said while sitting on chair
"You got up"Mrs Jeon said
"Yes mom now give me breakfast, I am hungry"Jungkook said
Mrs Jeon re-heated the food and gave it to Jungkook.
"What is this?"Jungkook said while looking at food with disgusting expressions
"Salad and Vegetable soup"Mrs Jeon said
"I don't wanna eat this mom"Jungkook said while pouting
"Eat it or else I will tell Yoongi"Mrs Jeon said
"Ahhhhh why you always scare me with Yoongi hyung's name"Jungkook said while pouting
"Because you only listen to him"Mrs Jeon said
"He is scary"Jungkook said while pouting
"But he never beat you"Mrs Jeon said
"He is still scary"Jungkook said while pouting

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