𝒀𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒎𝒊𝒏 𝑶𝒏𝒆-𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕 # 1

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"B*tch get up"Someone yelled while throwing cold water on a boy
A beautiful boy who was sleeping peacefully.
His bangs were touching his forehead giving him ethical beauty.
He looks so cute and innocent.
Who is he? He is Park Jimin, he was only hier of Parks.
Parks was forced to adopted them because Mr Park's mother saw Jimin

And he loved Jimin, so he was force to adopt Jimin and moreover parks don't have any children.

At first they treated Jimin so we'll cause mother of Mr Park used to live with them
But when she died they starts to treat Jimin like trash.

"Ahhhh"Jimin gasped while sitting on bed
"O-o-ok mom"Jimin uttered scaredly
He got up and wents to the washroom.
After getting fresh he went downstairs.

He came in the living room and said.
"M-my b-breakfast?"Jimin questioned scaredly
"You aren't getting any breakfast get lost"Mrs Park said
"S-sorry mom, I'm h-hungry please"Jimin stated
"I don't care get out of here"Mrs Park said
Jimin was about to go when Mr Park said.
"Wait boy"Mr Park said
Jimin stopped on his place.
"Come here"Mr Park said
Jimin wents to him and uttered.
"Y-yes a-appa?"Jimin said
"I want money today, ask your boss to give your salary"Mr Park said
"B-but it's n-not end of t-the m-month"Jimin said
"I don't care b*tch, I want money"Mr Park said
"O-ok"Jimin said
He then wents from there.

He was walking on the road while thinking how to get money.
"What should I do"Jimin said
"I can't ask for money, boss will scold me"Jimin said
He melancholy looked at the sky and said.
"Why eomma Appa left me? Why"Jimin said
"I feel so alone and sad God, why you snatch my parents"Jimin said
Diamonds starts to fell from his eyes.
He realize he was standing on the road, he wipped his tears and starts to walk.
Soon he reached at cafe and wents inside.

He works at a cafe to earn money.
"Hey Jimin"His friend who's name is Soobin said
"Hi Soobinie"Jimin said
"You looks sad, something happened?"Soobin said
"You know what happens daily"Jimin said
"Aghh, I hate your uncle aunt"Soobin said
"Us"Jimin said
They both starts to laugh.
After sometimes.
"Let's start work now, see costumers are coming"Soobin said
"Yes let's start"Jimin said
They both starts to do their work.
After sometimes a man came and Soobin said.
"Minnie I have to use washroom please take that costumer's order"Soobin said
"Alright go"Jimin said
He wents to that costumer.

"Hello sir, welcome to sunshine restaurant, what do you need?"Jimin said
That man looked up at Jimin's face and he got lost in Jimin's beauty.
"Umm s-sir?"Jimin said
But that man didn't said anything.
Jimin hesitatingly shaked him.
That man came out of his thoughts and said.
"Y-yes?"That man said
"Sir your order"Jimin said
"Ohh order, do you serve yourself"That man mumbled
"Huh? What did you said, I couldn't hear"Jimin said
"Bring two coffees and two red velvet pastries"That man said
"Alright sir, your order will arrive soon"Jimin said
He bowed and left from there.

"What's wrong with you Yoongi hyung?"A boy named as Jungkook said
"N-nothing"Yoongi said
"You liked that boy? Don't you?"Jungkook said while smirking
"Shut up kook, I'm a dangerous mafia I don't have feelings"Yoongi said
"I believed you didn't had but now after seeing that boy you've"Jungkook said
"Don't talk rubbish"Yoongi said
"Alright then I'm buying that boy soon"Jungkook said while smirking
"Don't you dare"Yoongi said
"Why?"Jungkook said
"I just said don't you dare, umm I'll buy him"Yoongi said
"And how?"Jungkook said
"I've my own ways baby brother"Yoongi said while smirking
"So my brother is finally in love"Jungkook said
"Who said?"Yoongi said
"I can see it in your eyes"Jungkook said
"Shut up"Yoongi said while rolling his eyes
Soon Jimin came there with their order.
"Here's your order sir, enjoy your meal"Jimin said
He was about to go when Yoongi held his wrist.
Jimin turned around and said.
"Do you need any help sir?"Jimin said
"Um actually can I know your name"Yoongi said
Jimin felt weird but he said.
"I'm Jimin, Park Jimin"Jimin said while smiling
"Thank you for this meal Jimin"Yoongi said
"Hope you'll enjoy, can you leave my wrist, I've to go"Jimin said
Yoongi realised he was holding Jimin's wrist from too long.
He left Jimin's wrist and said.
"I'm sorry"Yoongi said
"It's alright sir"Jimin said
He bowed and wents from there.
"Cute, so cute, jungkookie he is more cuter than you"Yoongi said
He was smiling like crazy.
"What did you said?"Jungkook said while raising his one eyebrow
Yoongi cleared his throat and said.
"Umm nothing baby bro"Yoongi said
"Meanie, let's eat and go you crazy mafia"Jungkook said
"I'm not crazy"Yoongi said

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐭 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now