Part 5

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"Now I can't do anything, I have to study from him"Jungkook said while poutin

"Will he beat me?"Jungkook said
"Ofcourse he will, if you won't study properly"Yoongi said while entering the room
"Hyungie please I don't wanna study from him please"Jungkook said
"And why kiddo?"Yoongi said
"He is so strict and also cruel, he will beat your poor kiddo"Jungkook said while pouting
"Don't my kiddo deserves beatings?"Yoongi said
"No, I don't"Jungkook said
"Ofcourse you do, my kiddo is being naughty day by day, I guess he miss my hand spankings"Yoongi said
"No no hyungie, I don't"Jungkook said
"You will study with Taehyung and that's final"Yoongi said
"I'd rather go to boarding expect of studying with that Trainhyung"Jungkook said
"What did you said? Trainhyung?"Yoongi said while controlling his laugh
"N-no, sorry h-hyung I said i-it unintentionally"Jungkook said
"Kiddo, learn to respect your teachers"Yoongi said while smiling a little
"I will but I don't wanna study with him"Jungkook said

"If you will study with me I will beat you on your each n every mistake, now tell me with whom you wanna study?"Yoongi said

"Trainhyung"Jungkook said while pouting
"Jungkook"Yoongi said sternly
"I mean trainhyung, no no Taehyung sir"Jungkook said
"As you wish, you will go from tomorrow"Yoongi said
"I wish I'll get sick tomorrow"Jungkook said
"Then I'll give you big big injections"Yoongi said
"I was just kidding hyung, don't turn on your doctor mood"Jungkook said
"Fine fine, come and eat lunch"Yoongi said
Both brother went downstairs to eat lunch.

In dining room.
Mrs Jeon served lunch and everyone starts to eat it.
"Wow, I can't beleive today Jungkook is not throwing tantrums"Mr Jeon said
"Appa please be quiet I am thinking something"Jungkook said
"What are you thinking?"Mrs Jeon said
"How to escape from that Kim trainhyung"Jungkook said

"Jungkook, I told you to respect your teachers why don't you listen at once?"Yoongi said sternly

"Sorry hyung, it's just a slip of tongue"Jungkook said
"Next time I'll take your tongue out if you said this"Yoongi said
"Sorry hyung"Jungkook said
"It's fine"Yoongi said
Time skips after lunch.

Jungkook was laying in Yoongi's room using his phone.
"What are you doing here kiddo?"Yoongi said while entering the room
"I was too lazy to go to my room so I laid here itself"Jungkook said
"Uff, you lazy bunny, get up from here, I wanna sleep"Yoongi said while pushing Jungkook
"Don't do it, I'll fall and then I'll die"Jungkook said
"You'll die by falling from bed?"Yoongi said with so done face
"Yes, I will"Jungkook said
"Are you for real kook?"Yoongi said
"No, I'm for fake"Jungkook said
"You brat get up"Yoongi said as he spanked Jungkook
"Ahhh, hyungie control your hand they are so hard"Jungkook said
"You get up or else I'm grabbing hairbrush for you"Yoongi said
"No, I won't, you come here my little papa yoonie"Jungkook said as he pulled Yoongi on bed

"Yahhh, Jungkookahhh leave me"Yoongi said while struggling to get out of Jungkook's grip

"No, let's sleep together papa"Jungkook said
"Fine but atleast leave me"Yoongi said
Jungkook released Yoongi.
"Hyung lay straight please"Jungkook said
"Why?"Yoongi said
"Lay na"Jungkook said
Yoongi annoyingly got up from the bed and picked Jungkook like koala.
"What are you doing leave me hyung?"Jungkook said

Yoongi dropped Jungkook to their parents room and said.
"Here appa, take care of this big baby"Yoongi said
Yoongi made Jungkook lay on bed beside his father.
"What's wrong?"Mr Jeon said
"He didn't let me sleep, I'm going take care of him"Yoongi said as he wents from there

"What you did now?"Mr Jeon said
Jungkook laid on bed and placed his head on Mr Jeon's chest.
"I did nothing appa, I'm innocent"Jungkook said
"White lie"Mrs Jeon said

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