Part 67

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After being depression for about months.

He finally got his reason to live back.

He got his Kook back, he got his bubbly husband back.

He was happy so much happy that no one can describe in words.

Indeed he feels like he is the happiest man alive.

"Oh my lod, I feels like the most happiest man alive"Taehyung said

"I can't thank you enough for returning my Kook to me"Taehyung said

He looked at Jungkook who was sleeping peacefully.

He leaned to Jungkook and starts to kiss his face.

Jungkook whined in his sleep but Taehyung didn't stopped.

"Mhm stop Taeeeeeee"Jungkook said in sleepy voice

"I love you Kook, I love you so much"Taehyung said

He was still kissing Jungkook's face who was whining.

"Stop na Tae please let me sleep"Jungkook said

Taehyung didn't stopped.

Jungkook opened his eyes and saw Taehyung's crying face.

He immediately sit on the bed being all worried.

"Tae, are you alright? What's wrong?"Jungkook asked

Taehyung just hugged him and said.

"Just stay like this please"Taehyung said

"Atleast tell me what's wrong?"Jungkook said

"Nothing, just stay like this"Taehyung said

"I'll but tell me what's wrong?"Jungkook said

"Nothing's wrong Kook"Taehyung said

"Stop lying, you've been lying from the morning to me"Jungkook said

Taehyung didn't said anything for a while and then he spoke.

"I'm not lying"Taehyung said

"Swear on me"Jungkook said

"Are you mad Kook?"Taehyung said

"I'm not telling me truth Tae"Jungkook spoke

He was now being frustrated.

"You really wanna know?"Taehyung asked

"Yes"Jungkook said

"You'll feel guilty and you'll blame yourself"Taehyung said

"I won't just tell me already"Jungkook said

"Alright then, what you remember last?"Taehyung asked

"I remember we were in university, I was coming to your cabin when I saw your so called ex after that I don't remember anything"Jungkook stated

"After that she pushed you from 2nd floor"Taehyung said

That's when Jungkook starts to remember everything.

"Oh yes, I remember but what happened after that?"Jungkook asked

"After that I took you to the hospital"Taehyung said

"After that?"Jungkook asked

"Your condition was critical, you lost alot of blood and....."Taehyung said

"And?"Jungkook asked

"Yoongi hyung said if you won't wake up within 1 day you'll went to coma"Taehyung said

"And then?"Jungkook asked curiously

"You didn't woke up and wents to coma"Taehyung said

"What? Are you serious?"Jungkook asked

"Yes"Taehyung said

"After how much time did I woke?"Jungkook asked

"After 2 months"Taehyung said

"Are you serious?"Jungkook said

"Yes and cherry on the top when you woke up you had forgotten everything, you didn't even remembered me"Taehyung said

"Are you serious? What happened when I woke up?"Jungkook asked

"I was so happy when you woke up, I was teaching in university when I got Yoongi hyung's call"Taehyung said

"Then?"Jungkook required curiously

"I was so happy I rushed out of the class and directly came to the hospital, seeing you sitting on the bed with eyes opened made my heart emotional"

"I was about to say something but you noticed me and spoke, who is this guy? At that moment I felt like you're joking but you weren't joking"

"My whole world felt upside down, I felt like crying my heart out, I did cried I stayed depressed but I took you home with me"

"I told you that I'm your caretaker and somehow you agreed and we started to stay here in our house, I somehow keep myself happy Infront of you but deep down I was breaking"

"I've bear alot without you Kook, I tried my best to make you remember everything but then granny came and gave us idea of my marriage again"

"But before this could happen you fell in the dressing room and got hurt in your heart that's why you remembered everything"

Taehyung finished the story and heared sniffing sound.

"As expected"Taehyung said

He looked at Jungkook who was crying.

"Jungkook, what's wrong baby?"Taehyung asked

"I'm s-so b-bad I m-made you a-all suffer"Jungkook said while crying

"Aish Kook, there's no use of crying baby"Taehyung said

"Let me c-cry, I'm b-bad"Jungkook said

"Aish that was the only reason I wasn't telling you"Taehyung said

"I'm so bad"Jungkook said and starts to cry loudly

"Aish Kook baby, stop crying"Taehyung said

He hugged Jungkook and starts to calm him.

"Stop crying Kook, everything's alright now"Taehyung said

"But I made you suffer alot"Jungkook said

Taehyung broke the hug and cupped Jungkook's face.

He wipped his tears and said.

"Everything's alright now right?"Taehyung asked

"Yes"Jungkook replied while sniffing

"Then what's the use of crying?"Taehyung asked

"I'm feeling guilty"Jungkook said

"Don't feel guilty babe, I'm happy now and seeing you crying makes me sad, you want me to be sad again?"Taehyung asked

"N-no, I don't want you to be sad"Jungkook said

"Then stop crying"Taehyung said

"F-fine, I'm not crying but you won't be sad ok?"Jungkook said

"I won't be"Taehyung said while smiling

"Mhm alright, I won't cry then"Jungkook said

"Let's sleep now? Shall we?"Taehyung asked

"Yes, I wanna sleep, I'm sleepy"Jungkook said

"Alright, let's sleep again"Taehyung said

"Yeah, let's sleep"Jungkook said

They both laid on the bed and drifted to their Dreamland.

To be continue:)
Sorry for the short ep, I don't have any ideas and moreover I've school so it's really hard to write for me.

I hope you guys will understand, hoping to get summer vacations soon then I'll update more, not daily but I'll try to upload more, thank you!

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