Part 46

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Time skips after lunch break.
Right now Jimin was outside the Taehyung's office.
Here Taehyung was sitting while checking some test papers.
Suddenly he heared a knock on the door.
"Come inside"Taehyung said coldly
Door opened and Jimin came inside.
Taehyung looked up and said.
"What do you want?"Taehyung said coldly
"S-sir"Jimin said
"What?"Taehyung said coldly
"You're angry with Jungkook"Jimin said
"Shouldn't I be?"Taehyung said
"I didn't said this, I wanna ask you something"Jimin said
"What?"Taehyung said
"Are you angry with Yoongi as well?"Jimin said
"Yes I'm so?"Taehyung said
"Nothing I was just asking"Jimin said
"Don't you dare to tell him, no one will be more mad than me"Taehyung said
"I w-won't tell him"Jimin said

"Hm good, now go to the class and tell them Mr Choi is absent today, tell everyone to revise chapter 1-10 I'll take tests in next lecture"Taehyung said

"But sir, it's too much"Jimin said
"Don't forget you all studied before, now go"Taehyung and
"Okk sir"Jimin
He bowed and wents from there.

He came inside the class and stood near dice.
"Attention everyone"Jimin said
Everyone diverted their attention to Jimin.
"Mr Kim said he'll take rest in next lecture as Mr Choi is absent"Jimin said
"How much?"A boy said
"Chapter 1-10"Jimin said
"What? It's too much"A girl said
"I said the same to him but he became angry"Jimin said
"It means we have to give test?"A girl said
"Yes, let's revise now"Jimin said
He wents to his seat and whole class starts to revise test.
"Hey Jimin, are you serious?"Yeonjun said
"I'm serious Junnie"Jimin said
"Is he angry?"Jungkook said
"Yes he is, we should revise or else he won't hesitate to beat the whole class"Jimin said
"You are right, let's revise"Yeonjun said
Three of them starts to revise their test.

Time skips after 45 minutes.
Now it's Taehyung's lecture time.
Taehyung came inside the class with coldest face.
Everyone greeted him and he said.
"I hope Park Jimin told y'all about the test"Taehyung said coldly
"Yes sir"Whole class said
"Take out your papers fast"Taehyung said
"Sir p-please let u-us revise for sometimes"A boy said
"I gave y'all enough time, papers out NOW"Taehyung said
Everyone took out their papers and Taehyung said.
"Kim Jungkook come and sit here"Taehyung said coldly
Jungkook got up and sit Infront seat.
"Min Jimin sit in last row"Taehyung said coldly
Jimin got up and sit in the last row.
He rearranged all the students and starts to write on board.
After sometimes he was done writing.
After seeing test whole classed got to know that they are going to fail badly.
"I want atleast 80% in this test or else be ready to get beaten"Taehyung said
"Yes sir"Whole class said
Everyone starts to write test.
Jungkook was sitting in first row and he don't know what to do.
"What should I do, I don't even know single question"Jungkook thought
"Kim Jungkook don't stare at the board and write test"Taehyung said coldly
"S-sorry sir"Jungkook said
He starts to write whatever came in his mind.
Taehyung starts to take rounds in the class.
He was passing by a boy who wasn't writing anything.
"Why aren't you writing?"Taehyung said coldly
"S-sorry sir"That boy who's name is Junghyun said
"Stand up"Taehyung said coldly
Junghyun scaredly got up.
"Tell me one thing, you know anything?"Taehyung said coldly
Junghyun didn't said anything.
Taehyung was already angry he slapped that boy hardly on his face.
"THIS IS WHAT Y'ALL KNOW?"Taehyung yelled
Whole class shivered listening to his yelling.
Jimin got up and starts to collect tests.
"Whole class go to your seats and stand up"Taehyung said
Everyone wents to their seats.
Suddenly Taehyung's phone starts to ring and he went out.
Jungkook got up from his seat and was about to go when Jimin said.
"Where are you going?"Jimin said
"Wait a minute"Jungkook said
He wents to Junghyun and said.
"Hey Junghyunie are you alright?"Jungkook said
"Go from here Jungkook, sir will get angry"Junghyun said while crying
"Hey please don't cry"Jungkook said
Jungkook cursed under his breath.
Taehyung came there and held Jungkook's arm tightly.
"Ahhh sir you are h-hurting me l-leave"Jungkook said
"Shut up"Taehyung said coldly
He took him to the dice and said.
"Kneel down here until I told you to get up"Taehyung said
Jungkook kneeled down beside Taehyung's dice.
Taehyung starts to check everyone's test.

After sometimes Professor Min came inside and said.
"Mr Kim it's my lecture now"Professor Main said
Everyone got happy that Taehyung is going.
"Can I take your lecture today please"Taehyung said
"Sure Mr Kim"Professor Min said while smiling
"Thank you Mr Min"Taehyung said while smiling back
Professor Min wents from there making everyone scared again.
He again starts to check tests, after 10 minutes.
"Everyone's test is check, Yeonjun come and distribute papers"Taehyung said
Yeonjun got up and took papers from him.
"Whoever have 50 marks out of 70 will sit"Taehyung said
Soon he was done disturbing and still whole class was standing.
"Go to your seat Mr Jungkook"Taehyung said coldly
Jungkook got up and wents to his seat.
He came to his seat and saw his test, he got 0 marks.
Taehyung called the peon and told him to bring cane.
After sometimes peon gave him stick and wents from there.
Taehyung wents to the firat row.
"Mr Felix, how much marks you got?"Taehyung said
"2-29"Felix stutters while saying
"29, how many hits you deserve?"Taehyung said
"S-sorry s-sir"Felix said
"50-29 is?"Taehyung said
"21"Felix said
"21 hits, 10 on one hand and 11 on other"Taehyung said
He took Felix hand and hit him with his full force.
At first hit Felix yelled and starts to cry.
Time skips.
Taehyung gave hits to everyone, now it's Yeonjun, Jimin and Jungkook's turn.
"Mr Yeonjun how many you got?"Taehyung said
"30"Yeonjun said
"20 hits, 10 on each hand"Taehyung said
He starts to hit Yeonjun.
After sometimes.
"Min Jimin your marks?"Taehyung said
"5"Jimin said scaredly
"Very good"Taehyung said coldly
"S-sorry s-sir"Jimin said
"Go to my cabin, I'll deal you there"Taehyung said
Jimin wents to his cabin scaredly.
"Mr Jungkook?"Taehyung said
"Z-zero"Jungkook said
"Very great, tell me one thing, you wanna fail in finals?"Taehyung said
"S-sorry s-sir"Jungkook said
"Go to my cabin, I'm coming"Taehyung said coldly
Jungkook also wents to his cabin.
Taehyung wents to his dice and said.
"Attention class"Taehyung said
Everyone diverted their attention to Taehyung.
"You all know why I beat y'all today?"Taehyung said
One of the boy said.
"Because we all did bad in test"A boy said

"Exactly, y'all are my brothers and sister I did this for your own good"Taehyung said

"We all understand sir and we are sorry, we will do our best"Cr said
"Good and about yesterday's incident so I wanna say forget that"Taehyung said

"I saw some students talking bad about me so first of all Jungkook is my husband, I didn't forced him"Taehyung said

"Sir Jungkook already told us"One of the boy said

"Alright but those who talk bad about me remember I didn't forced him and I'm not fifty character man"Taehyung said

"I'm sorry sir, it was me who said that, I'm sorry"One of the girl said
"It's alright"Taehyung said
Everyone apologised to Taehyung who said bad about him.
"I'm going now"Taehyung said
He was about to go when one of the boy said.
"Sir"One of the boy said
"Yes?"Taehyung said

"Jungkook was crying in lunch break idk what happened but if you are angry on him then please don't be, he is sensitive"One of the boy said

"Okk"Taehyung said while smiling
He wents from there.

He came to his cabin and saw Jimin and Jungkook standing there.
He cleared his throats to get their attention.
"Mr Jimin, why you got this less marks?"Taehyung said
"I'm s-sorry s-sir"Jimin said
"Show me your palms"Taehyung said
Jimin showed his palms knowing Taehyung won't leave him.
He gave 20 hits on Jimin palms and said.
"You're going to get 25 hits on calves"Taehyung said
Jimin widened his eyes.
"Pull your pants up and face the wall"Taehyung said
"P-please s-sir, I'm s-sorry"Jimin said
Jimin pulled his pants up and faced the wall.
He starts to hit Jimin on his calves.
After sometimes he was done so he said.
"Sit there on the couch"Taehyung said
Jimin wents and sat on the couch while crying badly.

To be continue:)

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