Part 10

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Before starting the ep, I wanna say I accidentally changed Jeon to Min, at first I used to write Jeon Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook but now I write Min Yoongi and Min Jungkook.

So from now onwards they are Minjeon Yoongi and Minjeon Jungkook😅

"Ahm, what's happening here?"?? said with a mischievous smile

Jungkook got up from Taehyung being embarrassed and saw a kid standing infront of them.

"GGUKIE"Taehyung yelled
Junggukie runned to him and hugged him tightly.

New character.

New character

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Kim Jungguk.
Age 10
Study in 5th standard.
Younger brother of Taehyung.

Till now he was living with his aunt because he was having vacations from school.

"Hyungie's baby, hyung missed you alot"Taehyung said while kissing his head
"Ggukie also missed hyungie alot"Gguk said

"Why my baby didn't even called me huh?"Taehyung said while making Gguk sit on his lap
"Hyungie, Ggukie was busy in playing"Gguk said
"Huh my baby forget hyungie while playing so bad"Taehyung said dramatically
"No no Ggukie didn't forget hyungie"Gguk said as he hugged Taehyung tightly
"What's happening here?"Mr Kim said
"Can't you see two brother reunited"Mrs Kim said
"I am angry on you both go from here"Taehyung said
"Huh what we did bubba?"Mrs Kim said
"You kept my baby away from me"Taehyung said

"Aigoo, your baby was the one who wanted to spend his vacations there"Mr Kim said

"Don't blame my innocent baby"Taehyung said
"Woah, now he is innocent"Mr Kim said
"Yeah yeah, now you both go and fresh up, I'll take care of his little devil"Taehyung said
"Jungkook, after coming back, I've to tell you something"Mr Kim said
Jungkook nodded his head.
Mr and Mrs Kim wents to fresh up.
"Jungkook, sit down, why are you standing?"Taehyung said
Jungkook awkwardly sat on couch.
"Who is he, he looks like a bunny human, a bunny hybrid"Gguk said

"Haha, he is Jeon Jungkook, he is my student ggukie also he is our cousin"Taehyung said

"Jeon Cocktail hyung"Gguk said
"No, it's Jungkook"Jungkook said
"No, it's cocktail"Gguk said
"Don't mind him kook, he is kid"Taehyung said
"I never knew you have a little brother also, he is so cute"Jungkook said
"Thank you cocktail hyung"Gguk said
"A brat as well"Jungkook said annoyingly

"Jeon Cocktail hyung"Gguk said "No, it's Jungkook"Jungkook said "No, it's cocktail"Gguk said"Don't mind him kook, he is kid"Taehyung said "I never knew you have a little brother also, he is so cute"Jungkook said "Thank you cocktail hyung"Gguk said...

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