Part 62

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Just snapstreakers things😂🤌🦋

"Don't you wanna go to eat ice cream?"Yoongi asked

Jungkook immediately opened his eyes and sit on the bed.

"Wanna go"Jungkook spoke while pouting

"Then get ready"Yoongi said

"Just give me a minute hyungie"Jungkook said

"Alright, come downstairs after getting ready"Yoongi said

He was about to go when Jungkook grabbed his wrist.

"What?"Yoongi asked while raising his one eyebrow

"Can you help me to choose clothes for me?"Jungkook said

"Obviously kiddo, let's go to your wardrobe room"Yoongi said

"Yes, let's go"Jungkook said
He took Yoongi to his wardrobe room.

"Oh hyungie see, I don't have any clothes"Jungkook said

Yoongi looked at him with a disbelieve look on his face.

"Are you serious kiddo?"Yoongi said

"Yes, I'm serious, see I've nothing to wear"Jungkook said while pouting

"I'll beat you right here Kook"Yoongi said

"Why?"Jungkook asked while pouting

"Ahhh, don't know, let me just select one"Yoongi said

"Yeah, be fast, we are already late because of you"Jungkook said

Yoongi looked at him with disbelieve face but didn't spoke anything.

"What are you looking? I know I'm handsome"Jungkook said

Yoongi shook his head and starts to take out clothes.

After almost showing 30 dresses to Jungkook, he liked only one.

"Kook, I'm telling you stop testing my patience and wear this"Yoongi said

He was irritated by now.

"Yeah, this looks kinda fine from the others"Jungkook said

"Just wear it"Yoongi said

"Alright my angry bird hyung"Jungkook said

He took clothes from Yoongi and told Yoongi to go downstairs.

Yoongi went downstairs and he starts to change his clothes.

After changing them he also went downstairs.

In the living room.

"I'm ready hyungie"Jungkook said

"Finally"Jimin said

"Did I took too much time?"Jungkook asked

"No, we got ready early"Jimin said with so done face

"I know that I can never be on fault"Jungkook said

"The self confidence he have"Yoongi mumbled

"You said something hyung?"Jungkook asked

"Yes, I said let's go we are already late"Yoongi said

"Oh yeah, let's go"Jungkook said

They all wents to the car except Mrs Min.

In the car.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐭 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now