Part 21

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Jimin was sleeping in his room when his mom came to wake him up.
"Chimmy get up, it's Sunday but it doesn't means you'll sleep whole day"Mrs Park said
"Mhmm, just half hour please mom"Jimin said
"Get up before I grab my slipper and make your ass red"Mrs Park said
"You are so cruel eomma"Jimin said as he sits on the bed while pouting
"Yeah yeah, get freshed and come downstairs"Mrs Park said
"I'm coming, I wanna talk with you and appa"Jimin said
"About what?"Mrs Park said
"I'll tell it after gearing freshed"Jimin said ad he wents to the washroom to get freshed
After getting freshed he came downstairs.

"Eomma appa I wanna say something"Jimin said
"What is it son?"Mr Park said while reading newspaper
"Actually I love someone"Jimin said
"Now which kdrama actor?"Mr Park said
"Appa, I'm serious"Jimin said
"I am serious as well, which actor you want me to buy for you?"Mr Park said
An: Billionaire things yk.
"Appa I wanna marry someone"Jimin said
"Which actor?"Mr Park said
"I wanna marry Jungkook's brother"Jimin said
"Jungkook? Who is Jungkook? I don't know any actor named as Jungkook"Mr Park said
"My bestfriend is Jungkook and I wanna marry his elder brother"Jimin said
"You wanna marry his brother? Somedays ago you said you wanna marry Lee Jungsuk"Mr Park said
"Appa I was just kidding, he is actor I can't marry him"Jimin said
"You can marry him, I'll buy him for you"Mr Park said
"Appa why can't you understand? I have date with Jungkook's brother today"Jimin said
"Oh nice, enjoy your date"Mr Park said
"Really? I can go on a date?"Jimin said
"It's your life son, you can go but don't betray Jungsuk"Mr Park said
"Appa I wish you were younger than me"Jimin said
"Why? So that you can make me marry Jungsuk"Mr Park said
"Ahhhh, it's useless to talk with you"Jimin said
"I'm not your mother"Mr Park said
"So Mr Park, talking with me is useless"Mrs Park said
"N-no j-jagi, I was j-just kidding"Mr Park said
"You guys can fight later now listen to me, I'm serious"Jimin said
"Speak son"Mrs Park said

"Actually somedays ago Jungkook's father died, his last wish was that Jungkook will marry our professor they are also cousins but his mom wants Yoongi to get married first"Jimin said

"So?"Mrs Park said
"So Yoongi told me last night, let's go on a date tomorrow"Jimin said
"You really wanna marry him?"Mrs Park said
"Yes mom, I loves him alot"Jimin said
"Alright then we will go at their home to decide yours and Yoongi's marriage"Mrs Park said
"Thank you eomma, you are the best"Jimin said as he hugged her
"Now get ready, don't you wanna go on a date?"Mrs Park said
"Yes yes, I'm going"Jimin said as he kissed his mom's cheek and runned from there
"Will Jimin really get married with Yoongi?"Mr Park said
"Yes"Mrs Park said
"What about Jungsuk?"Mr Park said
"You are really mad Mr Park"Mrs Park said
"I'm kidding but I like a boy in my hospital for Jimin"Mr Park said
"Who is he?"Mrs Park said
"I don't know his full name but I know his surname is Min"Mr Park said
"Let Jimin marry from his choice"Mrs Park said
"But that boy is really beautiful, let me show you his picture"Mr Park said
The picture.

"So?"Mrs Park said"So Yoongi told me last night, let's go on a date tomorrow"Jimin said"You really wanna marry him?"Mrs Park said"Yes mom, I loves him alot"Jimin said"Alright then we will go at their home to decide yours and Yoongi's marriage"Mrs ...

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"Woah, he is beautiful but Jimin's happiness matters more"Mrs Park said
"I told you he is beautiful"Mr Park said
"Give me divorce, I'll marry him"Mrs Park said
"Then I'll marry Lalisa"Mr Park said
"Lalisa will never marry a fay pig like you"Mrs Park said while laughing
"Then he will never marry an oldie like uou"Mr Park said
"We are made for each other"Mrs Park said as he kissed Mr Park
"Eomma appa, it's my age to do these things"Jimin said while coming downstairs
"You always asks for little brother, you want him?"Mr Park said
"No, I don't want him anymore"Jimin said
"How shameless you are"Mrs Park said
"I am going, you both don't fight and appa I don't need a brother"Jimin said
"But we want to make one for you"Mr Park said
"We? No Jimin, we don't want, you are go"Mrs Park said
"Alright bye eomma"Jimin said as he wents from there
"But Jungsuk?"Mr Park said
"Shut up"Mrs Park said

Meanwhile Yoongi was getting ready in his room when Jungkook came inside.
"Where are you going hyung?"Jungkook said
"On a date with Jimin"Yoongi said
"Take me with you"Jungkook said
"Jungkook, I'm going on a date not on a picnic"Yoongi said
"That's true also"Jungkook said
"Told your Taehyung to take you on a date"Yoongi said
"That Trainhyung, he won't even let me eat Junk on a date"Jungkook said
"He is so Good"Yoongi said
"Why you told him about my weka immune system, now he won't let me eat Junk"Jungkook said
"I did good by telling him"Yoongi said
Jungkook was about to say something when his phone starts to ring.
"Who's it?"Yoongi said
"Monster"Jungkook said
"Monster who?"Yoongi said
"Trainhyung Monster"Jungkook said
Yoongi smacked his head and said.
"Learn to respect your future husband"Yoongi said
"Yeah Yeah"Jungkook said
He picked the call.

"Yes Trainhyung, what do you want?"Jungkook said
"Jeon Cocktail, can we go on a date?"Taehyung said
"Date and with you? Never Mr train"Jungkook said
"Like, I am dying to take you on a date, my mom told me to take you"Taehyung said
"I don't wanna go, I'm sick"Jungkook said
"What happened to you?"Taehyung said
"M-me? actually I fell from stairs"Jungkook said
"What? Are stairs alright?"Taehyung said
"You train, you wanna die by my hand"Jungkook said

"I am ready to die from your hand love"Taehyung said in a deep voice
""S-shut u-up"Jungkook said while stuttering
Yoongi snatched his phone and said.
"Taehyung, he'll go on a date with you, I'll make him ready"Yoongi said
"Alright thank you Hyung"Taehyung said
He hunged the call.

"Why are you blushing mister?"Yoongi said
"M-me? N-no, I'm not b-blushing, it's so hot i-in here"Jungkook said

"It's winters Kook"Yoongi said
"Hyung hyung, you are going on a date with my bestfriend"Jungkook said
"Yes so what?"Yoongi said
"Do you know some pickup lines?"Jungkook said
"No"Yoongi said
"I'll teach you, listen, you have to say, Jimin you know what you'll look good in?"Jungkook said
"Then he'll say what? Then you have to say in my arms"Jungkook said
"Yahhh, I'm not that chessy"Yoongi said
"Shut up hyung and listen more, you'll say, let's play golf"Jungkook said
"Golf? We are going on a date"Yoongi said
"Atleast let me complete"Jungkook said
"Oh yeah speak"Yoongi said
"He'll say yes sure, then you'll say but Ball will be mine and hole will be yours"Jungkook said
"YAHHH, WHAT THE FUCK"Yoongi shouted
Jungkook laughed and run out of the room.
"Oh my god, now a days, kids are just"Yoongi said
He wents to Jungkook's room.

"Yah Jungkookahhh, get ready, you have date with Taehyung"Yoongi said
"Yeah yeah, I'm getting ready"Jungkook said
Yoongi wents downstairs.

"Eomma, I'm going"Yoongi said
"Where?"Mrs Min said
"On a date with Jimin"Yoongi said
"Oh alright go"Mrs Min said
Yoongi wents to her mom, kissed her forehead and wents from there.

Meanwhile with Jungkook.
"I don't wanna go on date, what should I do to escape"Jungkook said

To be continue:)
What Jungkook will do to escape from date?

Next ep is fully requested. No will be blame me for reading that ep🔪
I'll show the prove in next ep, I have ss👀

70 votes.

I can't add pics, my WiFi isn't working properly, I somehow added that one pic, I'm sorry.

I have a question for y'all.
What's your age?
I'm 15.
Tell yours in comment section.

Thanks for voting and reading.

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