Part 60

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After they were done with the breakfast they wents to the university.

In the university.

Jikook were walking towards their department when Yeonjun came there.

"Hey guys"Yeonjun said

He knew that Jungkook forgot him.

"Hi Junie"Jimin said

"Who's he?"Jungkook asked confusingly

"He's our classmate and also our friend"Jimin said

"Oh hi, what's your name?"Jungkook asked

"I'm Yeonjun, Choi Yeonjun"Yeonjun said

Although he was sad but he introduced himself.

"Oh Hi Yeonjun, nice to meet you"Jungkook said

"Likewise Kook"Yeonjun said

Suddenly Jungkook got a flashback of old memories with Yeonjun and Jimin, his headache but he didn't showed it infront of anyone.

"Let's go to the class"Jimin said

"Yeah let's go"Yeonjun said

They all starts to walk when Jungkook said.

"Jiminahhh, where are you last night?"Jungkook asked

"I was at home"Jimin said

"I texted you, you didn't respond"Jungkook said

"I was busy with Yoongi"Jimin spoke while blushing

He suddenly forgot that Jungkook forgot everything.

"Huh? With Yoongi hyung?"Jungkook asked

Once again he got flashback from Yoonmin's marriage.

Suddenly Jimin realised and he spoke.

"Y-Yoongi, not your hyung, he is my cousin"Jimin said

"Oh you were busy with you cousin huh?"Jungkook said

"Yes, he had movie night that's why"Jimin said

"Oh wow really? Taetae caregiver also had movie night with me yesterday"Jungkook said

"Oh that's great"Jimin said

"Walk fast guys, we are already late"Yeonjun said

"Oh yeah right"Jungkook said

They all hurriedly wents to the class.

In the class.

They came to the class and fortunately professor wasn't present there.

"We are not late"Jungkook sighed

He looked at everyone but couldn't found any fear in anyone's eyes for him.

Everyone was scared of him when he was bad boy, now he forgot everything so that's why he's wondering why no one is scared of him.

He sighed and wents to his seat with Yeonjun and Jimin.

He sat on his seat and put his head on the desk.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐭 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now