Part 50

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Soon they reached Min's mansion and wents inside.
Here Yoonmin were sitting while Mrs Min were not at home.
She wents to her sister's home.
"Hyung"Taehyung said while holding Jungkook
"What a pleasant surprise guys"Yoongi said
He got up and wents to them.
"What happened to my baby kiddo?"Yoongi said
"P-papa"Jungkook said
He made grabby hand towards Yoongi.
Yoongi smiled and picked him up.
He wents to the couch and sit on it with Jungkook on his lap.
"Why my baby is crying?"Yoongi said while wipping his tears
"H-hurts"Jungkook said
"What hurts baby?"Yoongi said
He didn't said anything he just keep on crying.
"Tae, what happened to him?"Yoongi said
"He got two shots by Hoseok hyung"Taehyung said
"Huh? Why?"Yoongi said
"He throwed in the morning and he fainted in the university"Taehyung said
"Is it something serious Tae?"Yoongi said worriedly
"No hyung, it happened cause of skipping meals"Taehyung said
"Aish, why he skip meals?"Yoongi said
"Because I was angry on him"Taehyung said
"Ohh okkk"Yoongi said
"You've to give him shots at night as well"Taehyung said
"N-no"Jungkook said while crying
Yoongi starts to bounce him on his lap and said.
"Shhhh it's alright baby"Yoongi said
"Let's not discuss about it now Tae"Yoongi said
"Alright hyung"Taehyung said
"Let me make him calm then I'll make lunch"Yoongi said
"Okkkk hyung"Taehyung said
"Baby my kiddo, stop crying my love"Yoongi said
"I-it s-still hurts"Jungkook said
"I know but it'll be alright stop crying my love"Yoongi said
He hugged Jungkook and starts to pat his back.
After sometimes Jungkook calmed, he broke the hug and kissed Yoongi's cheek.
Yoongi smiled heartily and said.
"What was that for?"Yoongi said while smiling
"I miss you hyungie"Jungkook said as he kissed him again
"Aww, I miss my baby as well"Yoongi said
Jungkook giggled cutely and Yoongi said.
"Now sit here, I'll make lunch"Yoongi said
"Okk hyungie"Jungkook said
He got up from Yoongi's lap and sat on Taehyung's lap.
"Sit on couch brat"Taehyung said
"No, my butt still hurts"Jungkook said while pouting
"Fine my baby"Taehyung said
Jungkook giggled.
"Hey Jiminshii"Taehyung said
"Yes sir?"Jimin said
"Aish don't call me sir when we are at home"Taehyung said
"Okkk Taehyungie hyung"Jimin said
"Can you bring me a glass of water please"Taehyung said
"Sure hyungie"Jimin said
He got up and wents to take a glass of water.
Jungkook put his head on Taehyung's chest.
"Are you tired?"Taehyung said
"Yes, I'm sleepy"Jungkook said as he closed his eyes
"That's because you cried alot"Taehyung said
"Yes I know Taetae"Jungkook said
"Let's eat then you can sleep"Taehyung said
"Hm but I don't want shots at night"Jungkook said
"Shhhh, let's not talk about it"Taehyung said
"Mhm"Jungkook said
After sometimes Jimin came with a glass of water.
"Here hyungie"Jimin said
"Thank you Jimin"Taehyung said as he held the glass
"No need hyungie"Jimin said
"Jungkookahhh, baby drink water"Taehyung said
"Don't wanna"Jungkook said
"Drink a little you must be feeling thirsty after crying"Taehyung said
He made Jungkook drink a little water.
"Mhm enough"Jungkook said
"Alright"Taehyung said
He placed glass of water on table that's when Yoongi came.
"Guys let's have lunch"Yoongi said
"Yes let's go, I miss my hyungie's food"Jungkook said
He got up from Taehyung's lap and run to the dining room.
Everyone chuckled when Taehyung said.
"He was sleepy sometimes ago"Taehyung said while chuckling
"Aish, my silly baby kiddo"Yoongi said
They all also wents to the dining room.

They came to the dining room and saw Jungkook sitting there.
Yoongi sits beside Jungkook and caressed his head.
They all starts to eats.
"Hyung"Taehyung said
"Yes Tae?"Yoongi said
"Where's aunt?"Taehyung said
Yoongi was about to say something when Jungkook said.
"Yes, where's my mumma?"Jungkook said while pouting angrily
"Aish atleast let me speak"Yoongi said
"Yes tell me tell me"Jungkook said while glaring at him cutely
"She wents to aunt's house"Yoongi said
"Why?"Jungkook said
"She wanted to visit aunt nothing else"Yoongi said
"Oh okk"Jungkook said
"Btw Tae"Yoongi said
"Yes hyungie"Taehyung said
"You guys are staying here today right"Yoongi said
"Yes hyung because he have to take shots at night as well"Taehyung said
Jungkook pouted sadly while looking down and Yoongi said.
"Yes, it's good that you guys are staying here"Yoongi said
"Hyungie"Jungkook said
"Yes kiddo"Yoongi said
"I don't want shots again"Jungkook said while pouting
"But you've to take it"Yoongi said
"But my butt still hurts"Jungkook said
"You can take it on your thighs"Taehyung said
"He won't take on thighs"Yoongi said
"Huh? Why?"Taehyung said

"He don't like it, once I forced him to take on thighs and he cried for one hour after that"Yoongi said

"It means he have to take again on his butt"Taehyung said
"Yes"Yoongi said
"But it'll hurt him hyung, he'll cry alot"Taehyung said
"But it's important Tae"Yoongi said
"Can't we skip it please"Taehyung said
"No Tae, they are important"Yoongi said

Jungkook now had a little hope that Taehyung will make Yoongi agree but his hopes broke when Taehyung said.

"Alright, he'll take it"Taehyung said
"No Taetae please"Jungkook said
"It won't hurt, I'll be with you"Taehyung said
"No please, chim tell hyung not to inject me again"Jungkook said
"I can't say anything Kook, it's important baby"Jimin said
"No more discussions on this topic now, eat quietly"Yoongi said sternly
Jungkook sob and starts to eat.
"Stop crying Jungkook"Yoongi said sternly
"I don't want them"Jungkook said
"And I said leave this topic for now, stop crying"Yoongi said softly
He wiped Jungkook's tears and starts to feed him.
Time skips at night.

In Yoonmin's room.
Now everyone was in Yoonmin's room.
"Hyungie please"Jungkook said to Yoongi who was preparing shots
"It won't hurt"Taehyung said
"I don't want"Jungkook said while looking at him with teary eyes
Taehyung hugged him and said.
"It's alright"Taehyung said while patting his back
Yoongi came to them with prepared shots.
"Taehyung"Yoongi said
He made Jungkook lay on his lap at his stomach.
"N-no"Jungkook said scaredly
"Jimin hold his legs"Yoongi said
Jimin didn't wanted to but he had to hold his legs.
He held Jungkook's leg while Yoongi pulled his pants down along his boxers.
"Hyungie, can't you inject somewhere else?"Jungkook said
"I can inject on your thighs kiddo"Yoongi said
"No, I don't want it on thighs"Jungkook said
"Then you've to take it on your butt only"Yoongi said
"But it'll hurt, I got on butt before as well"Jungkook said in a crack voice
"I will inject a little down"Yoongi said
"F-fine"Jungkook said
Yoongi rubbed alcohol pad on his butt cheek and inserted the needle gently.
Soon he took out first one, that wasn't painful.
He then injected the next one Jungkook flinched and starts to cry.
After sometimes he was done injecting, he made Jungkook's clothes proper.
Taehyung was about to pick Jungkook when he pushed him and hugged Jimin.
"H-hurts c-chimmy"Jungkook said
Jimin looked at Taehyung and signalled him that he'll make Jungkook calm.
"Shhhh it's alright"Jimin said
Soon he made Jungkook calm.
"Kook"Taehyung said softly
"Don't talk to me"Jungkook said while pouting angrily
"Why baby?"Taehyung said
"Because you made me get shots forcefully"Jungkook said
"Aish I'm sorry baby but it was important"Taehyung said
"Fine, forgiving you for this last time but treat me with ice cream"Jungkook said
"Alright, I'll tomorrow"Taehyung said
"Baby, my kiddo"Yoongi said
"Yes Papa Yoonie"Jungkook said
"Is it hurting so much my love?"Yoongi said
"No hyungie it's alright"Jungkook said
"My brave baby"Yoongi said as he kissed his forehead
After that they all slept.

To be continue:)

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