Part 70

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In their room.

"Why are you ignoring me Tae?"Jungkook asked

He was asking this from past half hour.

Taehyung sighed frustratingly and said.

"Don't you know what you did today? You literally tried to bunk, don't you know how much shame I felt when professor said your husband was bunking"Taehyung said

"I'm s-sorry Tae"Jungkook said while looking down

"I'm not punishing you because it's useless"Taehyung said

"You never listen to me, then what should I do with you? What should I do that you'll start listening to me? Answer me today Jungkook"Taehyung asked

"T-Tae"Jungkook said

"What Tae? Answer me"Taehyung spoke angrily

"I'm s-sorry"Jungkook said

"You're always sorry but then again you behave the same"Taehyung said

"I promise I won't"Jungkook said

"I don't need your fake promises Jungkook"Taehyung said

"No Tae, this time I swear I won't do it again"Jungkook said

"Jungkook, I'm not beating you so be thankful and let me sleep"Taehyung said

"You can beat me but don't ignore me"Jungkook said

"Shut up and let me sleep"Taehyung said

He laid on the bed and took blanket upon himself.

Jungkook didn't knew what to do so he also laid on the bed with his back facing Taehyung and he hugged the pillow.

Tears starts to flow from his beautiful eyes, indeed it was his fault and he isn't angry on Tae but he's sad because of Jimin's behaviour.

He is still thinking that it's Jimin's fault but it isn't, it's all that boy's fault but he don't know about it.

"I hate Jimin, I freaking hate you Jimin"Jungkook thought

"I didn't wanted to behave like this but it's important now"Taehyung thought

"It hurts to see you sad but I've to make you understand"Taehyung thought

"Taehyung isn't talking with me, what should I do"Jungkook thought

"I wish I had someone by my side"Jungkook thought

"I wish you could hug you right now"Taehyung thought

While thinking they both slept.

It was hard for Jungkook to sleep due to his uneven breath because of crying but somehow he slept.

Meanwhile with Yoonmin.

"Yoongi"Jimin said

"Yes love"Yoongi answered

"I still don't feel well Yoongi"Jimin said

"What's wrong? What are you feeling?"Yoongi asked

"I'm getting dizzy again and I feels like vomiting"Jimin said

"You need rest chim, let's sleep"Yoongi said

"I guess you're right, let's sleep"Jimin said

"Yes, let's sleep"Yoongi said

Yoongi laid on the bed and Jimin laid beside him placing his head on Yoongi's chest and hugging him tightly.

Yoongi tugged themselves in the blanket and hugged back Jimin, he starts to pat Jimin's head in order to make him sleep.

Within few minutes Jimin slept while hugging Yoongi.

Time skips to the next morning.

With Taekook.

They both were sleeping when alarm starts to ring.

Taehyung woke up and turned off the alarm.

He looked at the clock just to see it's 8:00 Am.

They have university at 9:00 Am so he got up and wents to get fresh.

After sometimes Jungkook also woke up.

He sat on the bed and saw Taehyung wasn't present.

"Where is he?"Jungkook said

"Now he is that angry that he won't even wake me up"Jungkook said with angry pout

"When you'll apologize, I won't forgive you easily you Taetae"Jungkook said

He got up from the bed and wents to the washroom.

He opened the door, Taehyung forgot to lock the door.

Jungkook opened the door and his eyes got widen.

Taehyung was taking shower and he was naked, obviously he would take shower naked.

"WHAT THE FU*K"Jungkook yelled and closed the door

Taehyung looked at him with so done face.

"He behaved like he never saw me naked before"Taehyung said

He made a so done face and starts to take shower again.

Meanwhile with Jungkook.

"What the hell I just saw"Jungkook said

He sat on the bed and face palm himself.

"Wait, why am I behaving like this?"Jungkook said

"It's not like that I haven't seen him like this before"Jungkook said

"But I feel shy seeing his"Jungkook said

"Agh, stop thinking about that Jungkook"Jungkook said

"Well that was beautiful"Jungkook said

He again got busy in thought of Taehyung's ahm ahm.

"What the hell, Jungkook, what's wrong with you"Jungkook said

He slapped his face and said.

"I won't think about it again"Jungkook said

"Let's take shower in guestroom's washroom"Jungkook said

He got up and wents to the guestroom's washroom.

Time skips at university.

Here Jungkook was going to his class when Jimin came Infront of him.

"Step aside"Jungkook spoke coldly

Jimin got confused by his behaviour and said.

"What's wrong Kook?"Jimin asked

"Nothing"Jungkook spoke coldly

"Kook, tell me"Jimin said

Jungkook was already angry so he pushed Jimin and yelled.


"Ahh"Jimin yelled out from the pain he got from felling

To be continue:)
Sorry for the short ep, I'll update next soon and something's big gonna happen so stay tuned🤫😉

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