Part 51

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Time skips after a month.
Sorry for long time skip.
Here a bunny hybrid was whinny continuously.
"TAEEEEEEEEEEE"Jungkook yelled while whining
"Aish, what's wrong?"Taehyung said while covering his hairs
"I wanna go out"Jungkook said
"It's freezing cold outside today"Taehyung said
"I don't know anything"Jungkook said stubbornly
"We aren't going anywhere"Taehyung said
"Pleaseeeeeeeeee"Jungkook said
"Where you wanna go in this cold?"Taehyung asked
"Ice cream parlour"Jungkook said
"Are you mad kook?"Taehyung said
"But I'll be soon on you if you won't take me out"Jungkook said
"Alright, get mad at me but I can't risk your health"Taehyung said
"You can't do this with me"Jungkook said while whining
"If it's the case of your health then I can"Taehyung said
"I don't know take me out"Jungkook said stubbornly
"Should I call Yoongi hyung?"Taehyung said
"No, you can't"Jungkook said
"I'll if you keep on whining"Taehyung said
"You don't love me anymore right?"Jungkook said
"I love you but I care about your health"Taehyung said
"I promise I won't fell sick"Jungkook said
"No, I can't risk your health"Taehyung said
"Please Tae, just for today"Jungkook said
"No way, you had pizza last week ago"Taehyung said
"It was last week"Jungkook said
"Don't forget how you fell sick and got IV"Taehyung said
"But I won't fell sick this time"Jungkook said

"You'll because pizza was hot still you fell sick, ice cream cold your 100% fell sick"Taehyung said

"You know, you're such a meanie"Jungkook said
"I know, come here now"Taehyung said
He pulled Jungkook on his lap and said.
"Let's cuddle here"Taehyung said
He was sitting in living room with a blanket upon himself cause it's cold.
He cover himself and Jungkook with blanket when Jungkook said.
"No, I don't wanna cuddle with a meanie human"Jungkook said
He struggled to get out of Taehyung's grip but couldn't.
"You can't escape"Taehyung said
"Leave me"Jungkook said while struggling
Taehyung starts to pat his head knowing he'll get tired and sleep.
"Shhhhh"Taehyung said while patting his head
Not so later Jungkook fell asleep in his arms.
"Aish, my baby is so whinny"Taehyung said while looking at sleepy Jungkook
"Should I make him lay in room?"Taehyung said
"It'll disturb his sleep, let's drop the plan"Taehyung said
He starts to do his work while Jungkook slept peacefully on his lap.
After an hour.
Taehyung was sitting when his phone starts to ring.
He took out his phone and received the call.
"Hello Tae"Jin said
"Hi hyung, how are you?"Taehyung said
"I'm fine, what about you and my baby?"Jin said
"We both are fine, why you called?"Taehyung said
"Can't I call my baby brother?"Jin said
"You can hyung"Taehyung said
"Well, what are you doing?"Jin said
"I was working on my laptop"Taehyung said
"And what about my baby?"Jin said
"Your baby is sleeping peacefully on my lap after whining"Taehyung said
"Why was he whining?"Jin said
"He wanted to go out in this cold"Taehyung said
"So bring him out simple"Jin said
"Your baby demanded ice cream in this cold"Taehyung said
"Don't bring that bratty baby of mine out"Jin said
Taehyung laughed and said.
"Obviously, I won't"Taehyung said
"Are you attending university tomorrow?"Jin said
"Yeah why?"Taehyung said
"Nothing, I was just asking"Jin said
"What Junggukie is doing?"Taehyung said
"He is out with Joonie for grocery shopping"Jin said
"Great, what eomma and appa is doing?"Taehyung said
"Busy in their works, well I wanna meet you tomorrow"Jin said
"Why?"Taehyung said
"Just wanna discuss about something"Jin said
"First tell me, then I'll meet you"Taehyung said
"Yoongi's birthday is coming stupid"Jin said
"Ahhhh yes, how can I forget that"Taehyung said
"We will plan a surprise and include Jimin as well but not Jungkook"Jin said
"Why not him?"Taehyung said
"Just don't include him, we will surprise him as well"Jin said
"Alright, we won't include him"Taehyung said
"So meet me at 3 pm tomorrow with Jimin"Jin said
"How am I suppose to bring Jimin with me?"Taehyung said
"Tell him to come, don't bring him with you"Jin said
"Alright"Taehyung said
"I'm hanging up now, bye"Jin said
"Alright bye"Taehyung said
He cutted the call and looked at Jungkook.
He kissed Jungkook's forehead, pick him up and took him to the room.

He came to the room and made Jungkook lay on bed.
He kissed Jungkook's forehead and wents to the washroom.
After sometimes he came back and saw Jungkook sitting on the bed.
"You woke up"Taehyung said
"Yeah, um Tae"Jungkook said
"Yes baby?"Taehyung said
"Can we meet Yoongi hyung please"Jungkook said
"Why suddenly?"Taehyung said
"Just missing him"Jungkook said
"But he is out of the town"Taehyung said
"What? When did he went?"Jungkook said
"Today at morning, I talked to him in the morning"Taehyung said
"Why he didn't told me"Jungkook said making a sad face
"Baby, he must've forgotten"Taehyung said
"He forgotten his baby kiddo"Jungkook said
"Aish, he didn't forgotten you, he must be busy"Taehyung said
"But he should've told me"Jungkook said
"Aish, now leave this topic my love"Taehyung said
"Fine"Jungkook said
"Go and fresh up, I'll make our lunch"Taehyung said
"Okkkk"Jungkook said
He wents to fresh up while Taehyung went downstairs to make lunch.

Time skips to the next morning.
Right now Jimin, Jungkook and Yeonjun were sitting in class when a girl came to Jungkook.
"Hey"That girl who's name is Yeji said
"How can I help you?"Jungkook said in a polite way
"Can I sit beside you, I'm your new classmate"Yeji said
"A transferred student?"Yeonjun said
"Yes, I'm transfer student"Yeji said
"Okkk, you can sit beside me"Jungkook said
"Thank you"Yeji said as she sit beside Jungkook
"What's your name?"Yeji said
"I'm Jungkook, Kim Jungkook"Jungkook said
"Oh, I'm Yeji, Park Yeji"Yeji said
"Nice, they are my friends, Min Jimin and Choi Yeonjun"Jungkook said
"Nice to meet you guys"Yeji said
"Likewise"Yeonjun and Jimin said

That's when Taehyung entered, he frowned his eyes seeing Jungkook talking to a girl.

Because Jungkook is an introvert, he is not talkative that's why it's rare to see him talking to anyone except Yeonjun and Jimin.

"Attention class"Taehyung said
Everyone greeted him and Taehyung said.
"We have a new transfer student, who's she?"Taehyung said
Yeji raise his hand and Taehyung widened his eyes seeing Yeji.
"Kim Taehyung"Yeji said
Jungkook listened to her and said.
"You know him?"Jungkook said
"Hm yes"Yeji said
She got up and wents from there.
He came Infront and said.

"Hello everyone, I'm Park Yeji, I'm new transfer student, hope y'all will take care of me"Yeji said

"You can go back to your seat"Taehyung said coldly
"I'll see you Taehyung"Yeji said
She wents from there and sit beside Jungkook.
"I'm suspicious about her"Yeonjun whispered to Jimin
"Count me in bro, let's find it out"Jimin said
They both Hi5.
"What are you doing Mr Jimin and Mr Yeonjun?"Taehyung said coldly
"S-sorry sir"Both of them said together

To be continue:)
Who is Yeji to Taehyung?

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