Part 66

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"Where am I?"Jungkook said

He sit on the floor and put his hand on his forehead.

"It's bleeding"Jungkook said while looking at the blood

"Agh, I hate this"Jungkook said

"But where am I? Agh, where is this Tae"Jungkook said

"He again left me alone somewhere"Jungkook said

"I sometimes wanna beat him badly"Jungkook said

"But I've to respect him because he is my dear husband"Jungkook said

"Agh well, let's go out and see where am I"Jungkook said

"It feels like an wedding venue"Jungkook said

"We will get to know everything after going outside"Jungkook said

He got up from the floor.

"Agh, my head is Hella aching, Yoonie Papa"Jungkook said

He gained his whole courage and wents outside.

Fortunately, he came at the place where Taehyung was standing with Jimin.

Seeing this Jungkook got shocked.

"W-what's happening here"Jungkook said

He rushed to Taehyung and hugged him.

"T-Tae, what are you doing?"Jungkook said

"K-kook"Taehyung said

Before Taehyung could speak more Jungkook broke the hug and said.

"Why are you doing this? Am I not good enough?"Jungkook said

"You should've told me earlier that you don't like me"Jungkook said

"I swear, I had left you but Tae, what are you doing"Jungkook said

"You can't do this with me Tae"Jungkook said

"I can't let you marry someone else, you've to stay with me"Jungkook said

"You promised that we will stay together forever"Jungkook said

"What happened to you know? Why are you doing this"Jungkook said

Jungkook turned around and said.

"Why aren't you saying anything to him hyung"Jungkook said

"What about you Jin hyung?"Jungkook said

"You said I'm like your brother"Jungkook said

"You're seeing your brother's life getting ruined"Jungkook said

"Why isn't anyone saying anything"Jungkook said

"Don't you guys love me anymore"Jungkook said

"SPEAK UP, I SAID"Jungkook yelled

"Stupid kiddo atleast let anyone speak"Yoongi said

"There's nothing left to listen hyung"Jungkook said

Everyone made a so done face on his drama.

"No one loves me here, my husband is getting married with your husband, you don't dare but I do care, I love my husband"Jungkook said

"I also love my husband"Yoongi said

"Then why are you still silent?"Jungkook said

"You aren't letting anyone speak stupid"Yoongi said

"There's nothing left to listen hyung"Jungkook said

"I'll beat you right here if you repeat again"Yoongi said

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