Part 54

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"J-Jimin, m-my kiddo"Yoongi said while crying
"Shhhh, he'll be alright Yoongi"Jimin said
"H-he was b-bleeding"Yoongi said while crying
"I know I know, he'll be ok"Jimin said as he tried to console Yoongi
"You told mom?"Jimin asked
"N-no"Yoongi said
Jimin took out his phone and called Mrs Min.
Obviously, he can't hide it, Jungkook is his son.
"Hello mom"Jimin said
"Hello baby, what happened?"Mrs Min said
"I'm coming home to pick you up"Jimin said
"To pick me up?"Mrs Min asked confusingly
"Just wait, I'm coming"Jimin said
He cutted the call and said.
"Taehyungie hyung"Jimin said
"Yes Jimin?"Taehyung said
He was looking like a lifeless body right now.
"Can you please look after Yoongi?"Jimin said
"Sure, I won't let him cry, don't worry"Taehyung said
"Thank you hyung"Jimin said
He wents from there while Taehyung also informed his family.

Jimin after picking Mrs Min was now driving.
"Minnie, where are you taking me baby?"Mrs Min asked
"Don't panick mom, I'm taking you to the hospital"Jimin replied
"Hospital? Why Minnie?"Mrs Min asked being tensed
"Um well, it's about Jungkook"Jimin said
"Jungkook? What happened to my Kookie?"Mrs Min asked
"Don't panick mom but he fell from University's first floor"Jimin replied
"Wha-what? How did this happen?"Mrs Min asked

Tears starts to flow from her eyes, obviously no mother can see her children in pain.

"Mom don't cry, Kookie will be alright"Jimin said
"Minnie, take me to him fastly"Mrs Min said
"I'm driving eomma, we're about to reach"Jimin said
Soon they reach and wents inside.

Yoongi was standing here and Jin was trying to calm him.
"Yoongiahh, calm down, he'll be fine"Jin said
"M-my kiddo"Yoongi said while crying
He wasn't able to control himself while Taehyung was also crying his heart out.
Namjoon was trying to console him.
Mrs Min came inside and rushed to Yoongi.
"Yoonie baby"Mrs Min said
As soon as Yoongi listened Mrs Min's voice she looked at her and hugged her.
"E-eomma, my kiddo"Yoongi said while crying
"Yoongi my baby, your kiddo will be alright"Mrs Min said
She was trying her best to be strong.
"M-my baby"Yoongi said while crying
"Don't cry Yoongi, your kiddo is strong enough to fight"Mrs Min said
"My kiddo will be alright?"Yoongi asked
"Yes baby, he'll be alright, don't worry"Mrs Min said
"Promise?"Yoongi asked
"Yes baby but you've to be strong"Mrs Min said
"I'll be, I'll be strong for my kiddo"Yoongi said
"Good boy and now try to console Tae"Mrs Min said
Yoongi looked at Taehyung, he was crying badly and trembling.
Yoongi wents to him and cupped his face.
"Tae bear, don't cry"Yoongi said
"Hyungie m-my K-Kookie"Taehyung said while crying
"He'll be alright bear, don't cry, be strong for Kookie"Yoongi said
"He'll be alright?"Taehyung asked with a hope in his eyes
"He'll be bear, he'll be alright"Yoongi replied
"Really?"Taehyung asked
"Yes but be strong for him ok"Yoongi said
"I'll be hyung, I'll be strong for Kookie"Taehyung said
"That's like my bear, now go home and eat something"Yoongi said
"No, I won't go home"Taehyung said
"You'll fell sick like this bear"Yoongi said
"I don't care but I won't leave Kookie"Taehyung said
"Bear please understand"Yoongi said
He signalled Namjoon to make him understand.
"Tae, you can come back after eating"Namjoon said
"No hyung, I won't eat without Kookie"Taehyung said
"You've to be strong for your Kookie right?"Namjoon said
"Yes hyung"Taehyung said
"Then you've to eat, let's go and eat then you can come back"Namjoon said
"Hyung please don't force me"Taehyung said
"But"Namjoon said
"Namjoon, leave him for sometimes"Jin said
"Alright"Namjoon said
Time skips after 1 hour.
Hoseok came out of the room and everyone rushed to him.
"How's my kiddo Hobi?"Yoongi asked
"He is out of danger now hyung"Hoseok said
"Thank God"Jin said
"But"Hoseok said
"But what hyung?"Taehyung asked

"Don't panick but if he won't woke up within these 24 hours then he'll went in coma"Hoseok said

Everyone got shocked listening to this.
"N-no, you're lying"Taehyung said
"I'm sorry Tae but I'm not lying, be strong and pray for him"Hoseok said
Taehyung fell on the floor and starts to cry again.
"Baby, he'll be alright"Mrs Kim said
"M-mom, my K-Kookie"Taehyung said
Yoongi forcefully made him stand and said.
"Taehyung, be strong, you can't be weak"Yoongi said
"I can't be strong"Taehyung said while crying
"You've to be, you've to be for my kiddo and your husband"Yoongi said
"Kookie"Taehyung uttered while crying
"He'll be ok, he'll wake him, he have to, don't cry baby"Yoongi said
"Hyungie, he'll wake him up right? He won't go in coma"Taehyung said
"He won't bear, I know my Kookie is strong"Yoongi said
The whole night they spend crying their hearts out for Kook.
Yoongi wents to rooftop and cried his heart out because he wasn't able to hold.
Meanwhile Taehyung kept on crying as well, he can't imagine his life without Jungkook.

He keep on blaming himself for Jungkook's condition, he keeps on thinking this all happened because of him.

He didn't realised when he slept while crying while sitting on that chair, he haven't ate anything from morning nor Yoongi did.

Yoongi made Mrs Min and Jimin went home because they need rest and Taehyung's homies also wents back to the home.

Just Taehyung and Yoongi was left on hospital, Taehyung slept on the chair outside the operation theatre and Yoongi kept on crying whole night.

Time skips to the next morning.
Taehyung's eyes open just to see Yoongi sitting beside him.
He was leaning on Yoongi's shoulder, he woke up and rubbed his eyes.
The first thing he remember was Jungkook.
"Hyungie"Taehyung called out Yoongi
Yoongi looked at him.

His eyes were red and puffy, it feels like he didn't slept even for a while, he cried for whole night.

"You cried hyung?"Taehyung said
"I can't lie, I did, you know I love my kiddo so much"Yoongi said
"I know you love him so much and he'll be alright"Taehyung said
"Yeah, he'll be"Yoongi said
"He is still sleeping?"Taehyung asked
"I don't know, Hoseok didn't let me in"Yoongi said
"Why?"Taehyung asked
"Because he knows I'll end up crying seeing my kiddo's state"Yoongi replied
"I can understand you hyung"Taehyung said
He hugged Yoongi.
"You ate something?"Taehyung asked
"Yes"Yoongi lied but his stomach growled
"You can't lie to me, let's go to the canteen to eat"Taehyung said
"I don't feels like eating"Yoongi said
"I know and I also don't but we have to be strong for our baby"Taehyung said
"You are right, let's go"Yoongi said
They both got up and wents to canteen.
After eating.
Now everyone was present outside the room.
Everyone was waiting for Hoseok to come put because he'll tell everything.
He'll tell Jungkook is out of coma or is he awoken.
But If he didn't woke up yet he probably wents to the coma.

"Hyung, I'm tensed now"Taehyung said
"Don't be baby"Jin said
"Is kook alright Yoongi?"Jimin asked being all worried
"My kiddo will be alright"Yoongi replied
Soon Hoseok came out with a disappointed an sad look on his face.
Everyone approached him and Yoongi spoke.
"Hoseok, my kiddo?"Yoongi asked
Hoseok didn't know what to reply, he didn't wanted to make them all sad
But he have to tell them everything so he said.
"Sorry hyung but Jungkook wents in coma"Hoseok said

Listening to this it felt like their world shattered, the baby kook, the reason of Yoongi's softness and Taehyung's life is now in coma.

Will he able to make it up? Will he able to came out of the coma? How much type he'll take to come out? To know this all keep on following me.

To be continue:)

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