Part 53 🔞

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Meanwhile Jungkook came back to the library.
He came to Yeonjun and Jimin and sits between them.
"Sorted out?"Jimin said
"Yeah but"Jungkook said
"But what?"Yeonjun said
"I'm going to call Jin hyung"Jungkook said
"Why?"Jimin said
"Just for fun, I want him to beat Taetae"Jungkook said
"You wanna see your husband getting beaten"Yeonjun said
"Yeah, it'll be fun"Jungkook said while giggling
"You're such a devil, I feel pity on Taehyungie hyung"Jimin said
"Not a lie though"Jungkook said
He took out his phone and called Jin.
"Hi Kookie bun"Jin said
"H-hyung"Jungkook said
"Kookie, what's wrong baby?"Jin said worriedly
"Come t-to m-my university p-please"Jungkook said
"I'm coming baby, please calm down"Jin said
"C-come f-fast, directly c-come to l-library"Jungkook said
"Okkk baby"Jin said
He cutted the call and looked at Yeonjun and Jimin.
"You're so dramatic"Jimin said
"Yeah right"Yeonjun said
"Just wait a little, fun is about to begin"Jungkook said
After sometimes Jin came to the library.
"Baby Kook, what's wrong?"Jin said worriedly
"H-hyungie, Tae yelled a-at me f-for n-nothing Infront of everyone"Jungkook said
"This brat, where is he?"Jin said
"In his office hyung"Jungkook said
"Take me there"Jin said
Jungkook got up and wents with Jin to Taehyung's office.

Here Taehyung was sitting peacefully doing his work when someone barged inside.
"Aish Kookie, how many times do I've to tell you to knock"Taehyung said
He didn't looked up.
Jin silently wents to him and held his ear.
"Ahhhh Kookie"Taehyung said
He suddenly looked up and saw Jin.
"Hyung ahhhhhh, leave my ear ahhhhhhh"Taehyung said
"How dare you? How dare you yell at my baby"Jin said while pulling his ear
Jungkook was standing at the corner laughing his lungs out.
"Ahhh hyung sorry"Taehyung said while hissing
Jin felt his hold on Taehyung's ear and Taehyung immediately starts to rub it.
"That hurts"Taehyung said while pouting
"It should, you yelled at my baby for nothing"Jin said
"Your baby haven't told you the whole matter"Taehyung said
"I don't need to listen my baby is right I know"Jin said
"Fine, your baby is right, I'm always wrong"Taehyung said
"Yeah, I'm going now, don't tease my baby"Jin said
"Fine fine go"Taehyung said
Jin wents to Jungkook and kissed his forehead.
"If he bother you again, tell me"Jin said
"I'll hyung"Jungkook said while giggling
Jin wents from there after giving hug to Jungkook.
Taehyung got up and wents to Jungkook.
"What?"Jungkook said
"I'll see you at home today"Taehyung said while smirking
"What are you thinking Mr Kim?"Jungkook said
"You'll it at home"Taehyung said
"Ok daddy"Jungkook said as he rushed out of the room
"Yahhhh Jungkookahhhh"Taehyung said
"Aish, he made my junior Kim hard"Taehyung said
Time skips.

At home.
They came to home and Taehyung picked Jungkook.
Without saying anything he took him to the room.
"What are you doing Tae?"Jungkook said
"Don't act innocent"Taehyung said
"What I did daddy?"Jungkook said
"You naughty kitten"Taehyung said
"What I even did?"Jungkook said innocently
"Let's start"Taehyung said
Even giving chance to Jungkook to talk he crashed his lips on Jungkook's ones.
He held Jungkook's waist and deepen the kiss.

Jungkook kissed him back gladly, Taehyung bite his lower lip and Jungkook opened his mouth, Taehyung took a chance and slides his tongue inside Jungkook's mouth.

After sometimes he broke the kiss.
"Should we do it?"Taehyung said
He didn't wanted to make Jungkook uncomfortable.
"I'm all yours Tae"Jungkook said
"Are you sure? You wanna do that?"Taehyung said
"I'm sure and moreover your junior Kim is already hard"Jungkook said
Taehyung looked down and scratch his head in embarrassed.
"Make me feel good Tae"Jungkook said
"Think one more time"Taehyung said
"I'm sure, please Tae, I'm also hard"Jungkook said

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