Part 47

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"Kim Jungkook come here"Taehyung said
Jungkook scaredly wents to him.
"Zero marks, why?"Taehyung said
"S-sorry s-sir"Jungkook said
"My anger aside but Jungkook you really disappoint me today"Taehyung said
"I'm s-sorry"Jungkook said
"Palms out, 20 hits and 30 spanks"Taehyung said
Jungkook didn't argue and showed his palms.
After 20 hits.
Jungkook was crying really badly right now.
"On my lap now"Taehyung said
"P-please n-no m-more"Jungkook said
"On my lap now Jungkook, don't make me mad"Taehyung said
Jungkook scaredly lay on his lap and said.
"Eyes down Jimin"Taehyung said
Jimin looked down at the floor.
He don't want Jungkook to get uncomfortable.
He pulled Jungkook's pants and boxers down and starts to spank him.
After 30 hits.
He corrected Jungkook's clothes and said.
"Go back to your class"Taehyung said
"H-hurting"Jungkook said while crying
"I said go back to your class"Taehyung said
Jungkook didn't said anything he just keep on crying.
Jimin got up and wents to Jungkook.
He hugged Jungkook and said.
"It's alright kook baby, stop crying"Jimin said
"C-chimmy my b-bum and p-palms hurts"Jungkook said while crying
"Shhhh it's alright"Jimin said while rubbing his butt
"Let's go to the class"Jimin said
"T-Tae"Jungkook said
"Sir please talk with him"Jimin said
"Go from here Jimin"Taehyung said coldly
"Please sir"Jimin said
"I said go from here"Taehyung said
"Let's go baby"Jimin said
He somehow took Jungkook from there.
"I'm s-sorry Jungkook but i-it hurts r-remembering there words"Taehyung said
"I'll forgive you soon love just give me sometimes"Taehyung said
Time skips.

At Min's mansion.
Jimin came to the living room and saw Mrs Min sitting there.
He runned to her and hugged her.
"Aigoo my baby is back"Mrs Min said
Jimin didn't said anything, Mrs Min felt her shirt getting wet.
"Baby Minnie, what's wrong?"Mrs Min said
"M-mumma"Jungkook said
Whenever Jimin is extremely hurt he call Mrs Min as Mumma.
"Baby, what's wrong?"Mrs Min said
He didn't said anything and kept on crying.
Mrs Min worriedly took his phone and called Yoongi.
"Yoongi son, come home"Mrs Min said
"Why mom what happened?"Yoongi said
"From the time Jimin came home he is crying"Mrs Min said
"I'm coming mom"Yoongi said worriedly.
He cutted the call.
"Baby stop crying you'll catch fever"Mrs Min said
Jimin didn't said anything.
Soon Yoongi came.
"Jiminahhh baby"Yoongi said
He rushed to Jimin and hugged him.
He picked jimin like koala and made him sit on his lap.
"What's wrong baby?"Yoongi said
"H-hurts"Jimin said
"What hurts baby?"Yoongi said
"M-my palms a-and c-calves"Jimin said
"Huh? Why?"Yoongi said
"T-Taehyung sir b-beated"Jimin said
"Why baby?"Yoongi said
Jimin told him everything.
"Aigoo it's alright baby stop crying"Yoongi said
"H-hurts"Jimin said
"Let's go to the room, I'll apply ointment"Yoongi said
He picked Jimin and said to Mrs Min.
"He ate lunch mom?"Yoongi said
"No baby"Mrs Min said
"Alright I'll make him calm then we will have lunch"Yoongi said
"Okkk"Mrs Min said
He wents from there.

He came to the room and made Jimin lay on the bed.
He took out ointment and applied on his palms.
"Now lay on your stomach"Yoongi said
"W-why?"Jimin said
"Aish baby, I've to apply ointment on your calves"Yoongi said
He made Jimin lay on the bed and rolled his pants up.
He applied ointment on his calves and wents to wash his hands.
After sometimes he came back and both of them went downstairs.

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