Part 52

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"What are you doing Mr Jimin and Mr Yeonjun?"Taehyung said coldly
"S-sorry sir"Both of them said together
"Sir quietly or else get out of my class"Taehyung said coldly
"Sorry sir"Both of them said together
Taehyung didn't replied and starts to teach.
"What's wrong with his behaviour"Jungkook said
"MR JUNGKOOK"Taehyung yelled
Jungkook flinched and said.
"Y-Yes sir"Jungkook said
"Done talking? Can I teach?"Taehyung said coldly
"Sorry sir"Jungkook said while looking down
"YES SIR"Everyone said together
"Better for you all, sit Mr Kim Jungkook"Taehyung said
Jungkook sit back quietly.
"Don't know why he is behaving like this"Jungkook thought
He then looked at Yeji who was admiring Taehyung.
"Who is she? And she is staring at Tae?"Jungkook thought
"MR JUNGKOOK?"Taehyung yelled once again
He was calling Jungkook from a long time but Jungkook was busy in thinking.
"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?"Jungkook yelled frustratingly
"Lower your voice"Taehyung said coldly
"Stop yelling then"Jungkook said frustratingly
"Mr Jungkook we are in class you can't order me"Taehyung said coldly
"I don't care but you can't yell at me without my mistake"Jungkook said
Taehyung walked towards him and said.
"What's wrong with you?"Taehyung said coldly
"I'm tired, tired by your this behaviour"Jungkook said
"I'm your professor behave"Taehyung said
"Before that you're my husband and you're yelling at me for nothing"Jungkook said
"H-husband?"Yeji uttered confusingly
Taekook ignored her and Jungkook said.
"If you again yelled at me I'm going to complain to Jin hyung"Jungkook said
"Shut up, I'm your professor you can't misbehave with me"Taehyung said
Jungkook got up and said.
"Alright Professor"Jungkook said
He furiously walked out of the class without listening to Taehyung.
"Jungkook"Taehyung said
But Jungkook was already left.
Taehyung walked back and said.
"CLASS DISMISSED"Taehyung yelled
He walked out of the class and wents to his office.
"What's wrong with both of them"Yeonjun said
"Don't know, they argued for nothing"Jimin said

"Did you noticed this girl, after sir saw her he starts to behave weird"Yeonjun whispered to Jimin

"I also noticed this, let's try to talk to this girl"Jimin whispered
"Yeah right"Yeonjun said
"Hey Yeji, can we ask you something?"Jimin said
"Yeah sure"Yeji said
"You know Professor Kim?"Jimin said
"Yeah, I know him from a very long time"Yeji said
"Really? Who is he to you?"Yeonjun said
"He was my boyfriend once"Yeji said
"What?"Jimin uttered shockingly
"I'm not lying, he was my ex boyfriend, I came here to patch up with him"Yeji said
"But it's not possible now, he is married"Yeonjun said
"He loved me more than anything, he will patch up with me"Yeji said
"Why are you so sure?"Jimin asked
"I told you he loves me so much"Yehi said
"Then why he left you?"Yeonjun asked
"Because of misunderstanding"Yeji replied
"What misunderstanding?"Jimin asked
"He saw me with a boy but that boy was my brother"Yeji said
"You're lying? Aren't you?"Jimin said
"I ain't, he saw me in a car with my brother he misunderstood"Yeji said
"After that he left America and came back to Korea, he didn't even let me explain"Yeji said
"What you gonna do now?"Jimin said
"I'll make him fell in love with me again"Yeji said
"But now he don't like girls, he is into boys"Yeonjun said
"I know and even I know he is married but I won't give up"Yeji said
"You've to, you can't ruin his and Jungkook's life"Jimin said
"I don't care he is married or what, I'll get him again"Yeji said
She got up and wents from there.
"What gonna happen now?"Jimin said
"Don't know but let's hope for the best"Yeonjun said
"Yeah, let's go and see Jungkook first"Jimin said
"Yeah let's go"Yeonjun said
They both got up and wents to search for Jungkook.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐭 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now