Part 45

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Right now Taekook were sitting in car when Jungkook said.
"Tae"Jungkook said
"Yes love?"Taehyung said
"Can we go to your parents home?"Jungkook said
"My parents home? Yeah sure we can"Taehyung said
"Thank you Taetae"Jungkook said
"You're welcome baby"Taehyung said
"Let's go, I wanna meet my Junggukie baby"Jungkook said being all excited
Taehyung chuckled at his excited husband.
Soon they both reached at Kim's mansion.
They both got down from the car and wents inside the mansion.
Taehyung have spare keys.

Everyone was sitting in living room when Taekook came inside.
As soon as Jungguk noticed Jungkook he runned to him and jumped on him.
Jungkook caught him on the right time.
"Babies, you here?"Jin said
"Yah hyung, I'm not baby"Taehyung said
"Yeah yeah whatever"Jin said
"How are you eomma Appa?"Taehyung said
"We are good son"Mr & Mrs Kim said
They all greeted each other.
"I missed you so much Kookie hyung"Jungguk said
"Aww I also missed my baby"Jungkook said
"Don't you missed me brat?"Taehyung said as he spanked him
"Ahhhh hyungieeeeee"Jungguk said while whining
"Hey don't spank my baby"Jungkook said
"Yeah yeah your baby"Taehyung said
"Taetae hyungie"Jungguk said while making grabby hands
Taehyung smiled and picked him up.
"I missed my hyungie also"Jungguk said while hugging him tightly
"I also missed my brat"Taehyung said
"I'm not a brat"Jungguk said while pouting
Taehyung laughed seeing his pouty face.
Time skips.
Taekook had alot of fun at Kim's mansion.
In evening they went back to their home.

Right now they were going home when Jungkook said.
"Tae"Jungkook said
"Yes baby?"Taehyung said
"Can we have ice cream?"Jungkook said
"Sure but only one scoop"Taehyung said
"Okkk, I want chocolate ice cream"Jungkook said
"Alright"Taehyung said
Soon they ate their ice cream and wents back to their mansion.

Time skips.
Jungkook was sleeping peacefully in his room when Taehyung starts to wake him.
"Jungkookahhhh, get up"Taehyung said
"Let me sleep"Jungkook said in sleepy voice
"You've to go to university baby, get up"Taehyung said
Jungkook sit on the bed being all grumpy.
Taehyung kissed his forehead and said.
"Come on, get fresh"Taehyung said
Jungkook pouted and said.
"Can I take off pwease"Jungkook said
"And why Mister?"Taehyung said
"I'm tired"Jungkook said
"We didn't did anything then why?"Taehyung said
"Aish dirty man, I'm tired because of yesterday's incident"Jungkook said
"You are not taking any leave"Taehyung said
"Whyyyyyyyy?"Jungkook said while whining
"Because your finals are so near and I want atleast 90%"Taehyung said
"In this much percentage three boys pass easily"Jungkook said
"You brat"Taehyung said as he starts to tickle him
"Hahahhwhaha s-stop"Jungkook said
Taehyung stopped his kissed his cheek.
"Now go and get fresh"Taehyung said
"Goingggggggg"Jungkook said
He wents to get fresh while Taehyung wents to make breakfast.

Soon he got freshed and came to dining room.
"What you made?"Jungkook said
"Bread and jam because you don't eat much in the morning"Taehyung said
"Oh yeah, let's have our breakfast"Jungkook said
Jungkook sat on the chair and they both starts to eat their breakfast.
After sometimes they were done with the breakfast when Taehyung said.
"Stay here, I'm coming in a while"Taehyung said
"Okkk"Jungkook said
Taehyung wents from there and after sometimes he came back with a glass of milk.
"Here drink this"Taehyung said
"No, I don't wanna"Jungkook said
"No tantrums bunny, drink this"Taehyung said
"But I don't like it"Jungkook said while pouting
"But it's important for your health, drink this baby"Taehyung said
"Fine but you'll also drink"Jungkook said
"Alright, I'm bringing for myself as well"Taehyung said
He bought a glass of milk for himself and they both drink it.
Soon they both wents to the university.

Right now they were walking in the corridor when Taehyung heared some students whispering.

"You saw how Jungkook slapped Mr Kim yesterday"Random boy said
"Yes, Mr Kim forced him how bad he is"Other boy said
"He deserves the slap Jungkook gave him"One more boy said
Listening to all this Taehyung felt so bad.
Jungkook also listened everything.
"Tae"Jungkook said
"Go from here Jungkook"Taehyung said
"But"Jungkook said
"I don't wanna talk, I said go from here"Taehyung said coldly
Not wanting to have a serious argument Jungkook wents from there.
Taehyung also wents to his office.

Taehyung came inside his office and sat on his chair.
He starts to think about those boy's talks.
His eyes got teary remembering all of this.
"I d-don't deserve t-this"Taehyung said while sniffing
"What s-should I d-do"Taehyung said

He starts to cry but soon he calmed down and made his mind that he'll not talk with Jungkook and Yoongi.

Meanwhile with Jungkook.
Jungkook came inside the class and almost whole class stopped his way.
"Hey Jungkook"One of the boy said
"What?"Jungkook said
"What happened yesterday in cafeteria"One of the girl said
"I don't wanna talk about it"Jungkook said coldly
"But you know what Mr Kim deserves that slap, he ahve such a bad character"Boy said
"Shut up, don't you dare to say anything about my husband"Jungkook said angrily
Whole class got shocked listening to him.


Whole class got scared and everyone back off.
Jungkook angrily wents to his seat.
He came and sit in-between Yeonjun and Jimin.
"Hey kook, why you told everyone?"Jimin said
"I can't bear their bullshit"Jungkook said
"What if Taehyung sir got angry on you?"Yeonjun said
"He won't"Jungkook said
"Alright as you says but make your mood good"Yeonjun said
"Let's not talk for sometimes my mood will be alright"Jungkook said
"Okkkk"Yeonjun & Jimin said together
Time skips to the break time.
"Guys go to the cafeteria, I'm coming in a while"Jungkook said
"Alright"Jimin said
They both wents from there.
Jungkook packed his bag and wents to Taehyung's office.

He entered Taehyung's office without knocking it.
"Don't you have manners?"Taehyung said coldly
"Huh?"Jungkook said
"Why are you here?"Taehyung said coldly
"What do you mean? I always come here in break"Jungkook said
"Go from here"Taehyung said coldly
"What are you saying Tae? What's wrong with you?"Jungkook said


"I was just angry at that time Tae"Jungkook said
"Go from here, I don't wanna talk with you"Taehyung said coldly
"But you forgave me yesterday?"Jungkook said
"Yesterday no one talked shit about me"Taehyung said
"You love me more or your self respect?"Jungkook said
"I won't give you answer, go from here"Taehyung said coldly
"I hate you"Jungkook said
Saying this he run out of the office.

He came to the cafeteria and run to Jimin and hugged him.
"Hey kook, what's wrong?"Jimin said
"M-minnie"Jungkook said while crying
"Hey baby?"Jimin said as he worriedly broke the hug and made Jungkook sit
Jimin cupped Jungkook's face and said.
"What's wrong baby?"Jimin said
"T-tae, I h-hate him"Jungkook said while crying
"Hey why are you saying this?"Yeonjun said

"H-he said he w-won't talk to m-me, he care a-about his s-self respect n-not about me"Jungkook said

"Shhh Jungkookahhh, calm down"Jimin said
He somehow made Jungkook calmed and said.
"Now listen to me calmly"Jimin said
"Speak"Jungkook said
"Listen baby, he is a professor he gave reputation in university"Jimin said
"I know that"Jungkook said
"You slapped him Infront of everyone won't he feel embarrassed?"Jimin said
Jungkook looked down but didn't said anything.

"Imagine yourself at his place, your student will slap you, how you'll feel? Then other students will whisper bad about you, how you'll feel?"Jimin said

"It's so humiliating"Jungkook said
"Right, won't he feel the same?"Jimin said
"He will"Jungkook said in low voice
"That's the point, you're at fault"Jimin said
"But I'm sorry for that"Jungkook said
"I know you're but he felt so bad today, you've to make it up to him"Jimin said
"I'll, I'll make it up to him"Jungkook said
"Yes, that's like my look"Jimin said
Jungkook hugged Jimin and said.
"Thanks Jiminahhh for making me understand"Jungkook said
He broke the hug and kissed Jimin's cheek.
"Ewww, don't do it"Jimin said
"You're so bad"Jungkook said
Yeonjun just laughed seeing both of them.
"Now let's eat our lunch, after going back home, make it up to him"Jimin said
"I'll"Jungkook said
"I guess he is angry from Yoongi as well, I'll meet him after lunch"Jimin said
"I don't know about Yoongi hyung"Jungkook said
"I'll ask him don't worry"Jimin said
"Alright"Jungkook said
Soon they all starts to eat their lunch.

To be continue:)

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