Part 6

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Hi, I have a simple question, where are you all from? If you are comfortable then please answer otherwise leave it.

Let's start the story


W-want hyungie"Jungkook said "He will come soon baby, stop crying"Mrs Kim said Somehow they made Jungkook calm

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W-want hyungie"Jungkook said
"He will come soon baby, stop crying"Mrs Kim said
Somehow they made Jungkook calm.

After sometimes they heared door bell so Taehyung wents to open the door.
After sometimes he came back with Yoongi.

"Kook"Yoongi said worriedly
Jungkook saw his hyung and wents to him and hugged him
"Are you alright my kiddo?"Yoongi said
"H-hyungie h-hurts"Jungkook said as he starts to cry again
"What's hurting hyungie's kiddo?"Yoongi said
"M-my h-head"Jungkook said
"Shhhh, stop crying, it'll be okk"Yoongi said
"Want m-mumma"Jungkook said
"Let's go to mumma"Yoongi said
"Why suddenly his head starts to hurts? Did something happened tae?"Yoongi said

"Actually hyung, I didn't gave him any break and made him study continously so that's why this happened"Taehyung said

"Ohhh, actually he is extra sensitive that's why this happened, whenever I teach him I always gives him break"Yoongi said

"I will also give from tomorrow, I'm sorry"Taehyung said
"It's alright tae, don't say sorry"Yoongi said
"I'm s-sorry s-sir"Jungkook said
"Why kook?"Taehyung said
"I disturbed you'll because of me"Jungkook said
"No kook, it's alright"Taehyung said
"Still I'm sorry"Jungkook said
"It's alright but learn your history lesson at night okk?"Taehyung said
"Okkk sir, I'll learn it"Jungkook said
"Shall we go now?"Yoongi said
"Yes"Jungkook said
"First let's go to hospital"Yoongi said
"W-why?"Jungkook said
"Nothing kiddo, I have to take your blood for blood test"Yoongi said
"N-no, I w-won't go"Jungkook said as he run to Taehyung and hid behind him
"Kiddo come here"Yoongi said
"N-no"Jungkook said
"What's the need of blood test hyung?"Taehyung said

"He is getting severely sick from past days, I'm worried that's why I wanna do his blood test"Yoongi said

"Ohh, kook it's alright it's just a blood test, it won't hurt"Taehyung said
"No, I am alright, there's no need for blood test"Jungkook said
"Baby, there's need for it"Yoongi said
"No"Jungkook said as he starts to cry again
"Jungkook, don't make me force you"Yoongi said sternly this time
"S-sir please I d-don't wanna g-go"Jungkook said to Taehyung
"You are making him angry kook, it'll be okk don't be scared"Taehyung said
"Kook, come here"Yoongi said sternly
Jungkook left with no option wents to Yoongi while being scared.
"Let's go"Yoongi said
Yoongi starts to walk but Jungkook stood on his place itself.
Yoongi stopped walking and saw Jungkook was still on his place.
He sighed and picked Jungkook like a koala and wents out of the house.

He sighed and picked Jungkook like a koala and wents out of the house

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