Part 69

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But when he was climbing Professor came and caught him.
He took him to Taehyung's office as everyone knows he is Taehyung's husband.

Jungkook's pov.

I came to the back gate of university.

"Jimin must be there, let's go"Jungkook said

"I knew he can never say no to me, he loves me so much"Jungkook said

He was happy that Jimin agreed on bunking.

"Let's go to the other side, let's not make him wait more"Jungkook said

He was about to climb the wall when.

"Jungkook, what are you going here?"Professor said from the behind

Jungkook turned about and said.

"N-nothing sir"Jungkook said

"Oh so you were bunking the class"Professor said

"No Sir"Jungkook said

"And know you've guts to lie to me"Professor said

"Sorry sir"Jungkook said

"Let me take you to Professor Kim"Professor said

"N-no sir, I'm s-sorry"Jungkook said

But Professor held his wrist and starts to drag him.

"I'm gone, Tae will not spare me this time"Jungkook thought

Professor bring him inside when he saw Jimin.

"He is here after telling me to come to the back gate"Jungkook thought

"I hate you Jimin because of you Tae will beat me now"Jungkook thought

While thinking professor dragged him inside Taehyung's office.

Meanwhile with Jimin.

Jimin came outside and saw Jungkook being dragged by the professor.

"Aish, what he did now"Jimin thought

And while thinking he fainted.

"Jimin, hey are you alright?"Mingyu(class president) said

He picked up Jimin and took him to infirmary.

Meanwhile with Jungkook.

Professor bring him inside Taehyung's cabin.

Taehyung's pov.

I was sitting in my cabin checking some test papers.

"Aish, kids nowadays doesn't study at all"Taehyung said

He was sitting when a professor came inside with Jungkook.

"I was checking papers when a professor came with Jungkook"

"What he did now"Taehyung thought

End of pov.

"Um, What's wrong?"Taehyung asked

"Mr Kim your husband was bunking the class"Professor said

Taehyung sighed and said.

"Why Jungkook?"Taehyung asked

Jungkook didn't said anything.

"You can go, I'll take care of him"Taehyung said to Professor

"Ok"Professor said

He wents from there leaving Taehyung and Jungkook alone.

"Jungkook come here"Taehyung spoke calmly

Jungkook wents and stood Infront of him.

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