Part 44

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You'll didn't completed the target but I have soft corner for you all, so here, enjoy the ep🙃🌺💗

He came inside Taehyung's cabin without knocking and saw something when made him shock.

He saw Hyunjin sitting on Taehyung's lap, he got shocked to see this.
"Jungkook---(before he could complete his sentence Jungkook run out of the room)
Hyunjin awkwardly got up from Taehyung's lap.
"I'm sorry Mr Kim, my foot slipped"Hyunjin said
"It's alright"Taehyung said

So basically Hyunjin came to Taehyung's cabin for something, accidentally hai foot slipped and he fell on Taehyung's lap.

That's when Jungkook entered the cabin and saw everything and misunderstood Taehyung.

"What is he to you?"Hyunjin said
"I don't have time for all this"Taehyung said
He run out of the room.
Hyunjin also wents from there.

He came to the cafeteria and saw Jungkook sitting on chair with Yeonjun and Jimin, his head was down and Yeonjun and Jimin and worried look on their faces.

Taehyung understood that Jungkook is crying.
He wents to them and said.
"Jungkookahhhh"Taehyung said
Jungkook raised his head and looked at Taehyung.
"Tell him to go from here Jimin"Jungkook said
"Jungkookahhh, you are misunderstanding me"Taehyung said
"Go from here sir, don't create any scene here"Jungkook said angrily
Taehyung made him stand by pulling his wrist.
Before Jungkook could say anything Taehyung kissed him.
Everyone in the cafteria got shocked to see that.
Some were happy, some were jealous.
Jungkook was already angry so he pushed Taehyung and slapped him.
"Don't you dare to touch me again"Jungkook said angrily

Taehyung was just looking at him with teary eyes and his one hand on his cheek where Jungkook slapped him.

Jungkook angrily wents from there.
"S-sir, you a-alright?"Jimin said
He stuttered because he was scared.
Taehyung didn't said anything and wents from there.
"What just happened"Yeonjun said
"I don't know why he did this"Jimin said

Meanwhile with Jungkook.
Jungkook was going somewhere with his bag in his hand.
"I h-hate him"Jungkook said while crying
Soon he reached hospital.
He wents to Yoongi as Yoongi is his comfort zone.

He came inside the hospital and wents to the reception.
"Sir, whom you wanna meet?"Receptionist said
"Doctor Min Yoongi"Jungkook said
"Do you have any appointment?"Receptionist said
"No, tell him his younger brother came"Jungkook said
"Okkk, wait sir"Receptionist said
"Hello sir, your younger brother come to meet you"Receptionist said
"My younger brother? Jungkook?"Yoongi said
Receptionist called Jungkook and said.
"Are you Jungkook?"Receptionist said
"Yes, Min Jungkook"Jungkook said
"Yes sir, he is Min Jungkook"Receptionist said
"Okkk send him to my cabin"Yoongi said
"Okkkk sir"Receptionist said
Receptionist cutted the call and said.
"You can go to his cabin sir"Receptionist said
"Thank you"Jungkook said
He wents to Yoongi's cabin.

Yoongi was sitting in his cabin when he heared a knock.
"Come inside"Yoongi said
Door opened and Jungkook came inside the cabin.
"Hyungieeeeee"Jungkook said and jumped on Yoongi
Yoongi caught him and said.
"Aish kiddo slow down"Yoongi said
Jungkook didn't respond.
"What are you doing here kiddo? It's time for university"Yoongi said
Jungkook again didn't respond.
"Baby, what's wrong (felt his coat getting wet) kiddo, are you crying?"Yoongi said
Jungkook again didn't respond.
Yoongi sat on his chair with Jungkook on his lap and broke the hug.
"Baby, my love, look at me, what's wrong?"Yoongi said
He held Jungkook's chin and made him look up.
"P-papa T-Taehyung"Jungkook said while crying
"Did Taehyung said something to my baby?"Yoongi said
Jungkook told him everything while crying.
Yoongi felt really angry on Taehyung but he calmed himself and said.
"Shhhh my kiddo stop crying Papa's baby, papa will talk with Taehyung"Yoongi said
"H-he is b-bad"Jungkook said while crying
"Shhh my baby no, stop crying"Yoongi said
Somehow he made Jungkook sleep.

Meanwhile with Taehyung.
Here Taehyung was sitting in his office.
He was also crying his heart out.
Suddenly he heared a knock on door.
He wipped his tears and said.
"Come in"Taehyung said
Door opened and Jimin came inside.
"What you want?"Taehyung said
"I wanna talk with you sir"Jimin said
"What you wanna talk about it?"Taehyung said
"What happened between you and Jungkook?"Jimin said
"Please Jimin, I don't wanna talk about it"Taehyung said

"Sir it's better to sort out things, please tell me, aunt(Mrs Min) is already sir, dont make her more worried"Jimin said

Taehyung took a deep breathe and told everything to Jimin.
"So this all was misunderstanding"Jimin said
"Yes, he slapped me in public"Taehyung said while smiling sadly
"You knew he was angry you shouldn't have kissed him"Jimin said
"I never thought he'll react like this"Taehyung said
"Well whatever happened is happened but now let's sort out everything"Jimin said
"Yes, where is he now?"Taehyung said
"I don't know, he took his bag and went somewhere"Jimin said
"Call Yoongi hyung and ask him"Taehyung said
"Okkk"Jimin said
He took out his phone and called Yoongi.
"Hello Yoon"Jimin said
"Hello Jimin, what happened?"Yoongi said
"Is Jungkook with you?"Jimin said
"Yes, he is with me"Yoongi said
"You are at hospital?"Jimin said
"Yes"Yoongi said
"I'm coming"Jimin said
"Don't come now, come after university"Yoongi said
"I don't care about anything, I'm coming"Jimin said
He cutted the call and said.
"Let's go"Jimin said
"Okkk"Taehyung said
They both wents to the hospital.

They came to the hospital and directly wents to Yoongi's cabin.
Yoongi was sitting all free when door opened and Vmin came said.

Seeing Taehyung Yoongi's blood starts to boil, he wents to Taehyung and slapped him harshly.

Poor Taehyung got slapped two times for nothing😭🤌

"What are you doing Yoongi?"Jimin said angrily
"Don't you know what he did with my brother"Yoongi said angrily
"Atleast listen to his side first before slapping him"Jimin said
"What should I listen? There's nothing to listen"Yoongi said angrily
Jimin sighed and said.
"Sir, please go out for sometimes, I'll make him calm"Jimin said
Taehyung didn't said anything and wents from there.
"Calm down and sit"Jimin said
Jimin made Yoongi sit on chair.
"Listen Yoongi, you've listened only Jungkook's side"Jimin said
"Jiminahhh, there's nothing to listen more"Yoongi said

"Atleast listen to me, you always says don't judge anyone before listening to their side, don't you say this?"Jimin said

"Yes, I said"Yoongi said
"Then listen to Taehyung sir also, it's all misunderstanding"Jimin said
Yoongi sighed and said.
"Alright, I'll listen to him, call him"Yoongi said
Jimin wents out and after sometimes came inside with Taehyung.
"Hyung"Taehyung said
"What?"Yoongi said coldly
"C-can I h-hug you for o-once?"Taehyung said
Yoongi heart softened after all Taehyung's is also like his brother.
He didn't said anything and pulled Taehyung in a hug.
Taehyung hugged Yoongi tightly and starts to cry.
"Shhhh, don't cry baby bear"Yoongi said
Taehyung didn't responded.
After sometimes Taehyung calmed down and Yoongi said.
"You want water?"Yoongi said while holding a glass of water
"N-no hyung"Taehyung said
"Drink a little bear"Yoongi said
He made Yoongi drink water and said.
"Now tell me everything what happened"Yoongi said
Taehyung took a deep breathe and starts to tell him everything.
After sometimes.
"You are saying truth?"Yoongi said
"I swear hyung, I ain't lying believe me"Taehyung said
"I believe you baby, I'll make Jungkook understand"Yoongi said
"I'm sorry Tae"Jungkook said
He woke up when Vmin came he was pretending to sleep.
He listened everything.
Taehyung rushed to him and hugged him.
"Baby, Jungkookahhh, I'm sorry"Taehyung said
"No, it's not your fault, it was my fault, I'm sorry Tae"Jungkook said
Taehyung broke the hug and said.
"It's alright baby, you believed the thing you saw"Taehyung said
"Still I'm sorry, I slapped you Infront of everyone"Jungkook said
"It's alright, I understand your side"Taehyung said
"You forgive me?"Jungkook said
"I did baby and never think that I can cheat you"Taehyung said
"I'm sorry but---(cut off)
"Shhh it's alright, let's forget everything now"Taehyung said
"Taehyungahhh, I'm sorry for slapping you bear"Yoongi said
"It's alright hyungie, I understand you were worried for your brother"Taehyung said
"Still I'm sorry"Yoongi said
"I'll forgive you but on one condition"Taehyung said
"What is it?"Yoongi said
"Give your bear a hug"Taehyung said while pouting
Yoongi chuckled at his cuteness and wents to him.
He hugged Taehyung and kissed his forehead.
"Always be happy my babies"Yoongi said
After that Taekook wents from there.

To be continue:)

I didn't added pictures because I don't have time, I'm not at home, sorry:)

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