Part 16

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"I'm alright, just sometimes is left then we will go to Yoongi hyung"Taehyung said

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"I'm alright, just sometimes is left then we will go to Yoongi hyung"Taehyung said

"But sir"Jungkook said
"I'm alright kook, next lecture is mine in your class right?"Taehyung said
"Yes sir"Jungkook said
"Alright you can go"Taehyung said
"I don't wanna go"Jungkook said while playing with his fingers
"Why?"Taehyung said
"Professor Kang won't let me enter"Jungkook said
"Fine, you can go in next lecture"Taehyung said
Time skips to the next lecture.
Taehyung wents to Jungkook's class along with Jungguk.
He knows if Jungguk woke up and he didn't saw Taehyung beside him, he will cry.

They reached the class.

"Class, today no one will make noises, my head is already hurting, don't make me punish you"Taehyung said

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"Class, today no one will make noises, my head is already hurting, don't make me punish you"Taehyung said

"Okkk sir"Whole class said
"Jungkook take him"Taehyung said
Jungkook came to Taehyung took Jungguk from him and wents to his seat.
Taehyung starts to teach the class.
After sometimes.
"I don't think I can teach more, class dismiss"Taehyung said
He was feeling so weak that's why he dismiss the class.
Students was about to go from the class is Taehyung said.
"No one will go out, wait till the class end and please don't make noise"Taehyung said
Jungkook and Jimin was talking with each other when Jungguk woke up.
"T-taetae hyung"Jungguk said
"Shhh, I am taking you to him, don't cry baby"Jungkook said
He stood from his place and took Jungguk to Jungkook.
"Sir"Jungkook said
Taehyung was resting his head on desk, he looked up.
"Yes?"Taehyung said
"Jungguk"Jungkook said
Taehyung picked Jungguk in his arms.
"What happened baby?"Taehyung said as he kissed Jungguk's cheek
"H-hurts hyungie"Jungguk said
"What hurts baby?"Taehyung said
"M-my b-body, wanna g-go home"Jungguk said
"Yeah, just wait for sometimes"Taehyung said
Time skips to the off time.

"What happened baby?"Taehyung said as he kissed Jungguk's cheek"H-hurts hyungie"Jungguk said "What hurts baby?"Taehyung said"M-my b-body, wanna g-go home"Jungguk said"Yeah, just wait for sometimes"Taehyung saidTime skips to the off time

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