Part 56

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He said something which made everyone shocked as hell.
"Hyung, who is this guy?"Jungkook asked while pointing at Taehyung
"Wha-what are you saying Kook?"Yoongi questioned
"I'm asking, who is this guy?"Jungkook asked again
"He is your--(cut off by Taehyung)
"Jungkook, you don't remember me?"Taehyung asked
"No, I don't know, who you are"Jungkook replied
"Are you pranking me? It's not a good prank Kook"Taehyung said
His heart was sinking with the pain thinking Jungkook forgot him.
"Why would I prank you mister?"Jungkook spoke angrily

"Who are you even to me? Huh? I don't talk to strangers and you're saying I'm pranking you"Jungkook again spoke angrily

Taehyung didn't know what to do reply now, after alot of time his Jungkook came back but he forgot him.

How is this even possible? He remember Yoongi, Jimin and his family but don't remember Taehyung? Taehyung's heart thought this.

Taehyung suddenly spoke.
"You remember them?"Taehyung asked while pointing at Yoongi and Jimin

"What type of question is this? Obviously I remember them, he is my bestfriend Jimin and he is my hyung"Jungkook replied

"What's their relation with each other?"Taehyung asked
"Their relation?"Jungkook questioned
"Yes, your hyung's and bestfriend's relation?"Taehyung asked
"Nothing, he is just my Bestfriend, he don't know my hyung"Jungkook replied
Jimin got shocked listening to this.
"Wha-what are you saying Kook?"Jimin said
"What Jiminshii? You don't know my hyung right?"Jungkook asked
Jimin was about to say something when Yoongi spoke.
"Kiddo, can I ask you something?"Yoongi said
"Yes hyung, you don't need permission"Jungkook said
"What's the last thing you remember?"Yoongi asked
"Last thing"Jungkook said
He thought a little and said.

"In the morning you came to woke me up and I said I studied whole night I'm sleepy, I won't go to the university"Jungkook replied

"And after that?"Yoongi asked

"And after that you went and told me to take rest, after that I woke up and found myself here"Jungkook replied

"You don't remember anything else?"Yoongi questioned
"No hyung, it's all I remember"Jungkook said
"N-no, this can't be truth"Taehyung said

His heart won't be able to accept the fact that his happiness, his husband, his everything forgot him.

"Taehyung, please brace yourself"Yoongi said
"Are you kidding me hyung? He literally forgot me"Taehyung spoke while crying
Yoongi wents to him and hugged him.
"Shhhh, don't cry bear"Yoongi said
"Hyung, why are you hugging this stranger?"Jungkook spoke being jealous
Yoongi signalled Jimin to manage Jungkook.
"Leave it Jungkook"Jimin spoke
"No, why is he hugging my hyung"Jungkook replied angrily
"He is not stranger"Jimin said
"Then who the fuck is he?"Jungkook spoke angrily
"Kiddo if you curse again I'll break your legs"Yoongi spoke
"Sorry hyung"Jungkook said in a tiny voice
"Let's go to my cabin"Yoongi said
He took Taehyung to his cabin.
"Jungkook"Jimin called him
"Yeah?"Jungkook replied
"You are pranking Taehyungie hyung right?"Jimin asked
"Who is Taehyungie hyung?"Jungkook asked being all confused
"That guy whom you were calling stranger"Jimin replied
"That guy? Why would I prank him Jiminshii"Jungkook said
"You aren't pranking?"Jimin asked
"No Jimin, I swear I don't remember anything"Jungkook said
"Alright, sleep for sometimes"Jimin said
"I don't wanna"Jungkook said
"You aren't well, sleep for sometimes"Jimin said

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