Part 72

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"Really? Where we will go?"Jungkook asked
"We will decide that later, let's study now"Taehyung said
"Fine, let's study"Jungkook said
They both starts to study again but Jungkook wasn't concentrating.
"You sucks bad in anatomy you know"Taehyung said
"Yeah I know, I hate anatomy"Jungkook said
"That's alright, we can still try to learn it"Taehyung said
"I badly wanna say no but you'll beat me"Jungkook said
Taehyung chuckled and replied.
"Obviously I'll because you've test"Taehyung said
"Yeah, let's try to study"Jungkook said
"I'll make you understand by concepts"Taehyung said
"Ok boss"Jungkook said
Taehyung laughed and start to make him understand.
After sometimes.
"Understood?"Taehyung asked
"Yes"Jungkook said
"Then take five minutes and revise, I'll take test"Taehyung said
"Give me ten minutes atleast cruel human"Jungkook said
"Fine take ten minutes"Taehyung said
"Thanks boss"Jungkook said
Taehyung laughed and said.
"What's with the boss word?"Taehyung said
"I just felt like saying this"Jungkook said
"Alright revise now"Taehyung said
"Ok boss"Jungkook said
He starts to revise while Taehyung starts to use his phone.
After ten minutes.
"Here take it boss"Jungkook said
Taehyung took the book and said.
"Give me copy, I'll write some questions"Taehyung said
Jungkook gave him copy and Taehyung starts to write.
After sometimes.
"Here take it back"Taehyung said
Jungkook took the copy and Taehyung said.
"Complete it, you've fifteen minutes"Taehyung said
"Ok boss"Jungkook said
"You look confident, I guess you've learnt well"Taehyung said
"Yeah, I've Mr Kim"Jungkook said
Taehyung chuckled and said.
"Now start the test"Taehyung said
Jungkook starts to write the test.
After twenty minutes.
"You took five minutes extra Kook, why didn't you told me?"Taehyung asked
"I was busy in writing I didn't realised"Jungkook said
"Alright, now give me your test"Taehyung said
Jungkook handed his test to Taehyung and he starts to check it.
After sometimes.
"Well done, just one question is wrong"Taehyung said
"I expected it to be more good"Jungkook said while pouting
"Come on Kook, you did great, don't be sad"Taehyung said
"Mhm right, can I take a nap?"Jungkook asked
"Why suddenly? I mean are you feeling well?"Taehyung asked
"Just having a little headache so wanna sleep"Jungkook said
Taehyung placed his palm on Jungkook's forehead and said.
"You don't have fever, alright you can sleep"Taehyung said
Jungkook laid on the bed and Taehyung got up.
"Where are you going?"Jungkook asked
"I'm going to cook dinner, you can sleep alone or should I make you sleep?"Taehyung asked
"I'll sleep, you can go"Jungkook said
"Alright"Taehyung said
He was about to go when Jungkook said.
"Tae"Jungkook said
"Yeah?"Taehyung asked
"Can you cook chicken soup, I don't feels like eating something heavy"Jungkook said
"Ok I'll cook it"Taehyung said
"Mhm thanks"Jungkook said
Taehyung kissed his forehead and wents out of the room after closing the light.

He came to the kitchen and starts to cook.
"I guess he is sick but what suddenly happened"Taehyung said
"I hope he won't fell sick or else he'll throw million of tantrums"Taehyung said
He starts to cook while thinking what's wrong with Jungkook.
Time skips to the next day.

"Hey Jimin"Jungkook said
"Hey, prepared for the test?"Jimin asked
"Yes, what about Yeonjun? When will he come?"Jungkook asked
"I talked to him today, he said he'll come from Monday"Jimin said
"He isn't well till now"Jungkook said
"Yeah he isn't, his brother isn't letting him attend the university"Jimin said
"Oh ok"Jungkook said
"Let's revise the test now"Jimin said
"Yeah, first period is anatomy"Jungkook said
"Yeah, let's revise now"Jimin said
They both sat and starts to revise their test.
After sometimes Taehyung came to the class.
"Have everyone revised?"Taehyung asked
"Yes Mr Kim"Class President replied
"Alright close your bags and take out your papers"Taehyung said
Everyone did as Taehyung said and Taehyung distributed the question papers.
"It's the test of 30 marks, I want atleast 20 marks or else you'll get punished"Taehyung said
No one said anything.
"Shit, why the hell this test looks so difficult"Jungkook thought
"Ahhh, let's just do it, I hope I'll get 20+ marks"Jungkook thought
He starts to write.
"It's easy, I can get 30/30 marks"Jimin thought
After 30 minutes.
"Time over, Mingyu get up and collect everyone's test"Taehyung said
Mingyu got and starts to collect everyone's test.
"I'll give the result tomorrow, class dismiss"Taehyung said
He wents out of the class.
"How did it went?"Jimin asked
"It went well, I guess I can get 25 marks"Jungkook said
"Great"Jimin said
"What about yours?"Jungkook asked
"It went well, I guess I can get 30 marks, it was pretty easy"Jimin replied
"You know I hate anatomy so it was tough for me"Jungkook said
"It's alright, let's go to the garden"Jimin said
"Yeah let's go"Jungkook said
They both got up and wents to the garden.

"Well, I wanna tell you something"Jimin said
"Yeah tell me"Jungkook said
"Yesterday I told Yoongi, I wanna adopt a baby"Jimin said
"Really? What did he said?"Jungkook asked
"He said you can adopt but let's ask eomma first"Jimin said
"That's great, you guys are going to be a complete family"Jungkook said
"What about you guys? Don't you wanna adopt a baby?"Jimin asked
"I never talked about it to Taehyung"Jungkook said
"You should ask him"Jimin said
"I'll ask him, I guess he'll agree but it's a big responsibility you know"Jungkook said
"Right it is but it feels great to have a great family"Jimin said
"You're right, I'll ask him, I know he can't say no to me"Jungkook said
"Yeah right"Jimin said
"How much time is left for the next lecture?"Jungkook asked
"We still have twenty minutes"Jimin said
"Then let's go and eat something, I'm hungry"Jungkook said
"Alright let's go"Jimin said
They both got up and wents to the cafeteria.

To be continue:)
Want Taekook to adopt a baby as well?

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