Part 48

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"Taehyung, I'm really sorry, I'm really sorry love, please forgive me, I can't bear your ignorance, please forgive me, give me a chance please"Jungkook said while crying

Taehyung looked at him with eyes full of tears and immediately took cake from him, placed it on table and pulled Jungkook in a kiss.

He kissed Jungkook softly while both of their tears are flowing.
Lights again turned on and everyone smiled seeing Taekook kissing.
They both broke the kiss and hugged each other.
"I-I'm s-sorry Tae, please f-forgive me"Jungkook said
"Shhhhh it's alright stop crying, I forgive you baby"Taehyung said
"I'm s-sorry"Jungkook said
"Shhhhh"Taehyung shushed him
After sometimes they broke the hug.
Then Yoongi came to Taehyung and said.
"I'm sorry bear, please forgive me"Yoongi said
Taehyung smiled softly cause he saw guilt in Yoongi's eyes.
"It's alright hyungie, I forgave you"Taehyung said
He hugged Yoongi.
After sometimes Yoongi broke the hugged and kissed his forehead.
He treats Taehyung like his own brother.
"Let's cut cake now, me hungry"Jungguk said while pouting
Everyone chuckled and then Taehyung picked him up.
He kissed Jungguk's cheek and said.
"Let's cut now"Taehyung said
He held Jungkook's hand and Jungguk's hand.
Three of them cutted the cake together.
Time skips.
Everyone wents to their home after having dinner.

Right now Taekook were in room when Jungkook said.
"Taetae"Jungkook said
"Yes baby?"Taehyung said
"Did you really forgived me?"Jungkook said
"Yes baby"Taehyung said
"But I slapped you Infront of everyone"Jungkook said while pouting
"You can make it up to me"Taehyung said
"But how?"Jungkook said
"You've to think about it"Taehyung said as he wents to the balcony
Jungkook wents behind Taehyung while sulking.

He came to the balcony and back hugged Taehyung.
"I love you"Jungkook said while closing his eyes
Taehyung chuckled and said.
"I know that and I love you more"Taehyung said
"Can we take off for tomorrow?"Jungkook said
"No"Taehyung said
"Why?"Jungkook said while pouting
"Because your finals are near"Taehyung said
"Please just for tomorrow"Jungkook said
"You want spanks?"Taehyung said
Jungkook pouted and said.
"No but I want leave for tomorrow"Jungkook said
"You really want spanks"Taehyung said
He picked Jungkook on his shoulder and spanked him.
"Ahhhhhhh leave me"Jungkook said
He took Jungkook inside who was wiggling.

He throwed Jungkook on bed and said.
"Wanna do something?"Taehyung said while smirking
Jungkook blushed and said.
"Shut up"Jungkook said while blushing hardly
"Why are you blushing? I'm talking about sleeping"Taehyung said
"Fuck you"Jungkook said with so done face
"Ahn no cursing kid"Taehyung said sternly
"Sorry"Jungkook said while pouting
Taehyung chuckled and kissed his pout.
"Let's sleep, shall we?"Taehyung said
"Yes, let's sleep"Jungkook said
He laid on the bed but then he remembered something.
He got up when Jungkook said.
"What's wrong Tae?"Jungkook said
"I punished you day before yesterday"Taehyung said
"Yes, you did"Jungkook said
"You haven't applied ointment, right?"Taehyung said
"No, I slept after coming back"Jungkook said
"Wait, I'll grab ointment"Taehyung said
"Leave it Tae"Jungkook said
"No"Taehyung said
He checked table's drawer and found ointment.
He then wents to Jungkook and said.
"Show me your palms"Taehyung said
"Leave it na"Jungkook said
"No Kook"Taehyung said
Jungkook sighed and showed his palms.
Taehyung opened ointment and applied it on Jungkook's palms.
"Now lay on your stomach"Taehyung said
"Leave it, it's embarrassing"Jungkook said
"Aish baby, don't be embarrass"Taehyung said
"Then leave it"Jungkook said
"No, let me apply, I'm guilt for beating you"Taehyung said
"Fine"Jungkook said
He laid on his stomach.
Taehyung pulled his pants and boxers down and playfully spanked him.
"Yahh Tae"Jungkook said while whining
"Hehe, sorry"Taehyung said while giggling
He then applied ointment on Jungkook's butt.
"Pull it up now"Jungkook said
"Let it dry, wait for 10 minutes"Taehyung said
Jungkook sighed annoyingly.
After 10 minutes he pulled his pants up and hugged Taehyung.
They both slept while hugging each other.
Time skips to the next morning.
Jungkook was sleeping peacefully when his eyes opened.
He run to the washroom to throw up.
After throwing up, he came out but Taehyung didn't woke up.
He was in a deep sleep.
Jungkook sighed and said to himself while holding his stomach.
"Why my stomach is hurting this much"Jungkook said
He sighed and starts to wake Taehyung.
"Tae wake up"Jungkook said
After sometimes Taehyung woke up.
"You woke up before me?"Taehyung said
"Yes, I needed to use washroom that's why"Jungkook said
"Alright let me get fresh first then I'll make breakfast"Taehyung said
"Okkk"Jungkook said
He got up, pecked Jungkook's lips and wents from there.
Meanwhile Jungkook just sit on bed while holding his stomach.

Time skips at university.
Here Jungkook was walking with Jimin and Yeonjun when he said.
"Guys, Taehyung said I've to make it up to him"Jungkook said
"But how?"Yeonjun said
"That's what I wanna ask you, how am I suppose to make it up to him?"Jungkook said
"Umm you slapped him Infront of everyone right"Jimin said
"Yes"Jungkook said
"Then apologies to him Infront of everyone in lunch break"Jimin said
"Wow, nice idea"Jungkook said
"But first buy some flowers for him"Yeonjun said
"Yeah right, Mr Kang is absent today so let's go to buy"Jungkook said
"What if Taehyung sir saw us?"Jimin said
"One of us will go, other two will manage here"Jungkook said
"I'll go"Yeonjun said
"Alright buy red roses"Jungkook said
"Okkkk"Yeonjun said
Yeonjun was about to go when Jungkook held his wrist.
"What's wrong?"Yeonjun said
"Is it safe to go?"Jungkook said
"Obviously it is"Yeonjun said
Yeonjun was about to go when Jungkook yelled.
He felt pain in his stomach.
"Ahhhhhh"Jungkook said
"Kook, what's wrong?"Jimin said worriedly
"Ahhhh nothing, it's just an ant bite me"Jungkook said
Yeonjun looked at him with narrowed eyebrows.
"Don't look at me like this and go"Jungkook said
"Fine, I'm going"Yeonjun said
"Be careful Kook, you careless brat"Jimin said
Jungkook just pouted.

Then Yeonjun somehow wents to take roses and after sometimes he came back and gave them to Jungkook.

Time skips to the lunch break.
Here Jungkook, Jimin and Yeonjun were sitting when Jungkook said.
"I'll bring him don't worry"Jimin said
"But how?"Jungkook said
"I'll tell that some students are fighting in cafeteria"Jimin said
"Nice idea"Yeonjun said
"Alright, go now"Jungkook said
Jimin got up and wents from there.

He came to Taehyung's office and entered after knocking.
"Sir"Jimin said
"Yes Jimin?"Taehyung said
He was about to say something when Taehyung said.
"Actually Jimin I wanna apologise to you for beating you harshly"Taehyung said
"It's alright sir but now listen to me"Jimin said
"I'm sorry and yeah tell me what happened?"Taehyung said
"It's alright sir and some students are fighting in cafeteria"Jimin said
"What? Let's go"Taehyung said
They both wents out of the office and wents to the cafeteria.

As soon as Taehyung entered cafeteria he saw no one fighting but Jungkook kneeling down with a roses bouquet.

"Jungkook?"Taehyung said

"Tae, I'm sorry for slapping you Infront of everyone and insulting you, please forgive me for whatever I did, I'm guilty"Jungkook said

Taehyung could clearly see guilt in his eyes.
"You don't need to do this, I already forgive you love"Taehyung said
"Then take this"Jungkook said
He took flower bouquet from Jungkook and Jungkook got up.
For the first time Jungkook held Taehyung's waist and pull him in a kiss.
Everyone was seeing them.
Some were happy, some were jealous, some were screaming.
Soon they broke the kiss and Jungkook said.
"I love you"Jungkook said
"I love you more"Taehyung said

The end!

Hehe, Just kidding😂♥️
To be continue:)

Guys please give ideas, I'm out of ideas now😭🤌

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