Part 49

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Once again requested ep.

Time skips.
Right now Jungkook was sitting in his class holding his stomach tightly.
"What's wrong Kook?"Jimin questioned
"Nuh-Nothing"Jungkook uttered while still holding his stomach
"Then why are you holding your stomach?"Jimin inquired
"It's nothing chim"Jungkook said while showing a fake smile
Jimin was about to spoke when Taehyung came inside the class.
Everyone greeted him and sit back.
"Today I'll take your board test"Taehyung said
"No please sir don't"A boy said
"Don't worry I won't beat any of you, it's for your own good"Taehyung said
"Okkkk sir"Class's cr said
Taehyung smiled and starts to write on board.
"Okk Choi Yeonjun, come and solve this question"Taehyung said
Yeonjun got up and wents to the board.
He looked at the question and starts to solve it.
After sometimes Taehyung smacked his back of head.
"What sir?"Yeonjun said while rubbing his head
"You wrote wrong formula kid"Taehyung said
"Sorry but you said you won't beat us"Yeonjun said while pouting
"Alright I'm sorry now write"Taehyung said
Yeonjun again starts to write on board again.
After sometimes he was done, he wents back to his seat after being praised.
Then he call other students.
After sometimes.
"Kim Jungkook, come and solve this sum"Taehyung said
Jungkook got up while holding his stomach and wents to the board.
He wents to Taehyung and held marker from him.
He was about to go near board when said.
"Jungkook"Taehyung said
"Yes sir?"Jungkook said
"Are you alright?"Taehyung inquired seriously
"Yes sir, I'm alright"Jungkook spoke
"Are you sure?"Taehyung said
"Ye--(before he could even complete his sentence his sight blanked out)
Last thing he heared was Taehyung shouting his name.
"Kook? Baby?"Taehyung said
Luckily Jungkook landed safely in Taehyung's arm.
He picked Jungkook and run to the infirmary.

In infirmary.
"Doctor check him, he fainted"Taehyung uttered while panicking
"Don't panick Mr Kim"Doctor said
He starts to check Jungkook.
After sometimes.
"He is alright, he fainted cause of skipping meals"Doctor said
"Any other problem?"Taehyung said
"We've to ask him when he'll wake up"Doctor said
"Alright"Taehyung said
After sometime Jungkook woke up.
"T-Tae"Jungkook uttered while opening his eyes
"Baby? Kook, are you alright love?"Taehyung said
"Y-yes Tae"Jungkook spoke while trying to sit
Taehyung made him sit and said.
"Why you skipped meals baby?"Taehyung said
"You were angry on me that's why, I'm sorry"Jungkook said
"It's alright love, I'm not angry but don't do it again"Taehyung said
"I promise I won't"Jungkook said
"That's like my good boy"Taehyung spoke while patting his head
Doctor came and said.
"Are you feeling any pain Jungkook?"Doctor said
"Yes doctor my stomach aches badly and I throw up in the morning"Jungkook said
"You throw up and didn't told me"Taehyung said
"Just didn't wanted to make you worried, sorry"Jungkook said
Taehyung just sighed and doctor said.
"Take him to the hospital and do blood test"Doctor suggested
"Okkk doctor"Taehyung said
While Jungkook pouted on the thought of going hospital.
"I'm going to class, you stay here okkk"Taehyung said
"No, I also wanna go"Jungkook said
"Baby university is about to end"Taehyung said
"I know but I'll get bored here take me please"Jungkook said
"Fine, let's go"Taehyung said
They both got up and wents to the class.

They entered the class and Jimin got up and yelled.
"KOOK? ARE YOU OK?"Jimin yelled worriedly
Everyone chuckled at him seeing how concerned he is.
"Aish chim, I'm alright"Jungkook said
He walked to his seat and sit in-between Yeonjun and Jimin.
Time skips after university.

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