Part 71

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Jungkook was already angry so he pushed Jimin and yelled.
"Ahh"Jimin yelled out from the pain he got from felling
"What's happening here?"Taehyung said from behind
"Nothing"Jungkook said he was about to go when Taehyung held his wrist
"Leave me"Jungkook said
"Shut up"Taehyung said

From one hand he held Jungkook's wrist and from other hand he made Jimin stand.

"Let's go"Taehyung said
He dragged both of them to his office.

In his office.
"What's wrong with you guys?"Taehyung asked
No one replied.
"Why were you fighting? Atleast tell me"Taehyung asked

"It's because of him, he was the one who told me to bunk yesterday and he himself came to the dance room"Jungkook said

"Wait, when did I told you that?"Jimin said
"You told Yujin to tell me"Jungkook said
"Who the hell is Yujin now?"Jimin asked
"Stop pretending Jimin"Jungkook said
"I swear I didn't told any Yujin to told you"Jimin said
"Really?"Jungkook asked
"Yes, do you believe that Yujin more than me?"Jimin asked
"No Jimin but"Jungkook said
"What but? Because of him we fought"Jimin said
"Jungkook, I told you to stay away from him"Taehyung said
"I didn't knew he would do that"Jungkook said
"Let me call him to my cabin"Taehyung said
He told peon to call Yujin.
After sometimes Yujin came.
"Yujin, you told Jungkook that Jimin is telling him to bunk?"Taehyung asked
"I was just kidding sir, you know it's fun"Yujin said
"Because of your fun he got scoldings"Taehyung said
"Oh come on, why are you overreacting Tae?"Yujin said
"Tae? Shut up, I'm your professor"Taehyung spoke angrily
"But soon to be husband"Yujin said
Jungkook wents to him and held his hairs.
"Stop daydreaming bitch, he is my husband"Jungkook said
"Leave me you piece of shit"Yujin said
"Tae, take him to principal, I don't wanna see him in university"Jungkook said
He left Yujin and held Jimin's wrist.
"We are going"Jungkook said
He dragged Jimin out.
"To Principal's cabin"Taehyung said coldly
"S-sorry sir"Yujin said while looking down
Yujin flinched and wents to Principal's cabin with Taehyung following him.

Meanwhile with Jimin and Jungkook.
"Are you alright? Did I pushed you too harshly?"Jungkook asked
"I'm fine Kook"Jimin said
"Then why you yelled when I pushed you?"Jungkook said
"I was sick yesterday and I was having body pain maybe that's why"Jimin said
"I'm sorry Jimin"Jungkook said while being all guilty
"Hey, don't be guilty, I'm not angry on you"Jimin said
"I didn't knew you were sick"Jungkook said
"It's alright and I'm all fine now so dont be guilty"Jimin said
"I'm bad, I should've listened to you instead of him"Jungkook said
"Stop it already Kook, I'm not angry"Jimin said
"But I'm guilty, so much guilty"Jungkook said
"If you're guilty then you can treat me"Jimin said
"Really? You won't be mad then?"Jungkook asked
"When did I said I'm mad at you?"Jimin said
"Alright I'll treat you like this I won't feel guilty"Jungkook said
"Yeah nice, let's go"Jimin said
They both wents to the class.
Time skips after university.

With Yoonmin.
Yoongi was sitting in the living room when Jimin came to him.
Note: Mrs Min isn't at home, she wents to her sister's house.
"Yoongi"Jimin said
"Yeah? Are you feeling alright now?"Yoongi asked
"Yes, I'm all fine now but"Jimin said
"But?"Yoongi asked while raising his one eyebrow
"I wanna ask for something"Jimin said
"What's that?"Yoongi asked
"Um can we, can we, can we"Jimin said
"Can we what Minnie?"Yoongi asked
"Can we adopt a baby?"Jimin asked
"Huh what? You want what?"Yoongi asked
"I wanna adopt a baby Yoongi"Jimin said
"Jimin, you're still studying, I don't think you can handle a baby"Yoongi said
"Yoongi I can, please let's adopt a baby"Jimin said
"Think a little Jimin, it's not easy to raise a baby"Yoongi said
"I know but I really want a baby, I want a complete family"Jimin said
"Did you asked your eomma Appa?"Yoongi asked
"Yes, they said do whatever makes you happy"Jimin replied
"Let's ask eomma then we will adopt a baby ok?"Yoongi said
"Really?"Jimin said
"Yes, anything for my love"Yoongi said
"I love you Yoongi"Jimin said as he hugged Yoongi
"I love you more"Yoongi said as he kissed Jimin's forehead

Meanwhile with Taekook.
"See this"Jungkook said
"Jungkook, I'm teaching you, study properly"Taehyung said
"First see this"Jungkook said while showing something
Taehyung looked at the copy.
" d^=b 7' " was written on copy.
"What's this?"Taehyung asked
"It's a secret code, it means I like you"Jungkook said
Taehyung laughed and said.
"Silly, let's study now"Taehyung said
"I don't wanna"Jungkook said as he laid on the bed
Taehyung spanked him and said.
"You want spanks then?"Taehyung said
"No"Jungkook said
Taehyung spanked him again and said.
"Then why are you laying infront of me?"Taehyung asked
"Aish, control yourself Mr Kim"Jungkook said
"Then get up and let's study"Taehyung said
"Fine, what we have to study?"Jungkook asked
"Anatomy"Taehyung said
"I don't wanna study anatomy, it's Hella boring"Jungkook said
"You have test of anatomy tomorrow"Taehyung said
"Agh, I hate it"Jungkook said
"Well, when is your studying completing?"Taehyung asked
"I guess it's the last month they said"Jungkook said
"So you're becoming Doctor Kim soon"Taehyung said

"Yeah, I know everything you know, I can check a person, I can give medicines and I can proceed with injections and IVs"Taehyung said

"That's great, when you'll finish your studies then we will go to vacations for a week or more"Taehyung said

"Really? Where we will go?"Jungkook asked
"We will decide that later, let's study now"Taehyung said
"Fine, let's study"Jungkook said

To be continue:)
Well before doing hate comments remember I said I won't make MPreg FF and something big was Yoonmin adopting baby.

Kindly be careful with your words, what's this behaviour, ' I regret reading this story, I hate this story, I hate this author ' Peeps, author also have feelings so be careful with your words.

Thank you and sorry if I sound rude and delete some hateful comment which said they hate me and reading this story, I didn't wanted to mess I'm already tensed these days, thank you.

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