Part 55

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"Sorry hyung but Jungkook wents in coma"Hoseok said

Listening to this it felt like their world shattered, the baby kook, the reason of Yoongi's softness and Taehyung's life is now in coma.

"Wha-what?"Taehyung asked in shock
He zwasn't ready to accept this because Jungkook is his everything.
"Y-you're lying"Taehyung said
Taehyung was looking angry now, whereas Yoongi was in shock.
He was looking like a body without a soul, he loves his brother more than anything.
Suddenly dark starts to came infront of Yoongi's eyes.
He held his head and fell on the floor.
Hear a loud thud everyone looked behind and saw Yoongi on the floor.
His head was bleeding because he fell on the floor.
"Yoongi"Mrs Min said
They all rushed to Yoongi and Taehyung immediately picked him up.
"Follow me Tae"Hoseok said while panicking
Taehyung starts to follow him.
They wents to Hoseok's cabin.

In cabin.
Hoseok treated Yoongi's wound and gave him glucose IV.
Yoongi was sleeping now.
"Why is this all happening hyung?"Taehyung said
"Everything will be alright bear"Hoseok said softly
"I c-can't live w-without kook"Taehyung said
"Baby, you've to be strong"Hoseok said
"I can't be, everything's going wrong"Taehyung said
"Nothing's wrong, everything will be alright"Hoseok assured him
"First Jungkook wents to coma and now Yoongi hyung"Taehyung stated

"I know but you've to be strong, Jungkook will come out soon and Yoongi will be alright as well"Hoseok assured him

"C-can I h-huh you hyung?"Taehyung asked
Hoseok didn't said anything and pulled Taehyung in a hug.
"You can cry bear"Hoseok said
That's it, Taehyung starts to cry badly.
"H-hyung, m-my K-Kookie"Taehyung uttered while crying
"Shhhh, he'll be alright"Hoseok assured him while trying to calm him
"I c-can't leave w-without him"Taehyung uttered while crying
"I know baby but he'll be alright soon"Hoseok said
"I w-want him b-back"Taehyung said while crying
"Taehyungahhh"Yoongi said
He just woke up.
Taehyung broke the hug and rushed to Yoongi.
"Hyung, you alright?"Taehyung asked worriedly
"I'm completely fine baby"Yoongi replied softly
"You fainted and you're saying you're fine"Taehyung said
"You know I was shocked listening to the news"Yoongi said
"H-hyung, Kookie?"Taehyung mumbled
"He'll come out soon my brave bear"Yoongi said

Even thought he wanted to cry loudly himself but he can't be weak, he choosed to be strong for everything.

If he'll break down and then who'll handle Taehyung? He won't listen to his family, Yoongi also know this so he can't be weak.

Even after he is also hurt, he also wanna cry in someone's embrace but it's not time to be weak, it's time to make Taehyung understand and support him.

"Baby, look at me"Yoongi spoke softly
Taehyung looked at him, his (Taehyung's) eyes was filled with tears.
Looking in his eyes it feels like he is scared to accept the reality.
He just wanna to escape from this situation, he don't want to accept it.
He would be crying for days and days if he accepted it.
If he accept it he won't be able to live peacefully.
He don't wanna be weak but situation isn't helping him.
He wants Jungkook beside him but what can he?
He can't do anything, he have to wait for Jungkook.
Meanwhile Yoongi also don't wanna accept reality but he have to.
His eyes was also holding alot of emotions but he have to hide it.
He can't let his tears fell, he can't be weak, he have to be strong no matter what.
He is eldest son of his family which means he have responsibilities.
He have to look after his mother and Jimin, he can't be weak.
He probably knows his mother and Jimin would be crying so much by now.
But if he also end but crying who'll calm them?
He have to be strong and he have to make others understand.
Yoongi didn't wanted to make Taehyung sad but he have to make him understand.
He took a deep breath and said.
"Taehyungahhh, aren't you my brave bear?"Yoongi asked
Taehyung couldn't reply because he was thinking he is weak now.
"Baby, reply hyung"Hoseok
"I'm not, I'm not hyung"Taehyung uttered
"You're baby, you're strong"Yoongi said
"Hyung, I want Kookie"Taehyung said
"He will come out of the coma but you've to promise me to be strong"Yoongi said
"I can't promise but I'll try"Taehyung uttered
"Fine but try alright"Yoongi said
"Okkk hyung"Taehyung said
He gave a small smile to Hoseok and Yoongi but obviously it was fake.
"Hoseok take this out of my hand"Yoongi said
He pointed at the IV.
"Not yet"Hoseok said
"I wanna go out"Yoongi uttered
"Let this finish"Hoseok said
"Fine"Yoongi uttered
Taehyung alredy wents out of the room.

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