Part 36

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"I am also sleepy"Jimin said while pouting
"You can sleep after going back"Taehyung said
"Yes, can I lay down till Yoon will come?"Jimin said
"Yeah sure"Taehyung said
Jimin laid on the bed and closed his eyes.

"Don't sleep, I won't carry you later"Jungkook said
"I won't sleep you bunny hybrid"Jimin said
"I'm not bunny hybrid you chick"Jungkook said
"You are"Jimin said
"No, I'm not"Jungkook said
"Guys shut up, he is sleeping"Taehyung said sternly
"Sorry"Jikook said
After half hour Yoongi came so Jikook went back to their house.

Time skips to the next day.
Right now Jikook were sitting in Taehyung's room.
"Doen writing your notes Jimin?"Taehyung said
"N-no sir"Jimin said while looking down

"Can I ask you why mister?"Taehyung said sternly
"I f-forget"Jimin said
"You want me to punish you?"Taehyung said
"No, sorry sir"Jimin said
"You won't go back to the home until you'll complete your notes, start writing"Taehyung said
Jimin didn't argue and started writing his notes.
"And you Mr Jungkook, I got your complain"Taehyung said
"My complain?"Jungkook said
"Yes, Mrs Choi was saying that you slept in her class"Taehyung said
"M-me?"Jungkook said
"Yes you mister, why you slept in her class?"Taehyung said
"She teaches us English, I am good at English that's why I slept"Jungkook said
"I know you are good in English but it doesn't mean you'll sleep in class"Taehyung said
"Sorry sir"Jungkook said
"I'm forgiving you this time, don't do it again"Taehyung said
"I won't"Jungkook said
"Alright, go and call Jungguk"Taehyung said
"Okkk"Jungkook said
He got up and went downstairs.
After sometimes he came back while carrying Jungguk.
"Come here you big baby"Taehyung said
He picked Jungguk from Jungkook and made him sit on his lap.
"Go and bring your bag, we will study"Taehyung said
"Hyungie I'm sleepy"Jungguk said
"You want spanks?"Taehyung said
"No"Jungguk said
"Then go and bring your bag"Taehyung said
Jungguk pouted and wents to take his bag.
After sometimes he came back.
"First of all, I wanna say something"Taehyung said
"Yes hyungie"Jungguk said
"I got your complain Gguk, your teacher told me Gguk don't study properly"Taehyung said
Jungguk didn't said anything.
"Is it true?"Taehyung said sternly
"Y-yes hyungie"Jungguk said
"Very bad Gguk"Taehyung said sternly
"S-sorry Hyungie"Jungguk said
"If you won't study today properly you'll get spank infront of this two hyungs"Taehyung said while pointing at Jikook
"No"Jungguk whined
"And that too bare"Taehyung said
"No hyungie"Jungguk said while whining
"No whining or else I'll tell your Kookie hyung to spank you"Taehyung said
"No, I won't spank him"Jungkook said
"Shut up kook"Taehyung said
"And you take out your books"Taehyung said
Jungguk took out his books.
Time skips after 1 hour.

Right now Jungguk was being a brat he was not studying at all.
"Jungguk, I'm bearing you from a very long time, study properly"Taehyung said
"I don't wanna study"Jungguk said while whining
Mr Kim was passing from there when he heared Taehyung's stern voice.
"What's wrong Taehyung?"Mr Kim said
"Appa, Jungguk is not studying"Taehyung said
"Why Ggukie?"Mr Kim said
"I don't wanna study"Jungguk said
"Appa, can I punish him?"Taehyung said
"You don't need to ask"Mr Kim said
"Okk, I'll handle him"Taehyung said
Mr Kim smiled and wents from there.

"Study properly Gguk"Taehyung said sternly
"I won't"Jungguk said
Jungkook noticed Taehyung is getting angry.
"Gguk baby please study"Jungkook said
Jungguk angrily punched Jungkook on his eyes.
"I WON'T"Jungguk yelled
"JUNGGUK"Taehyung yelled
He picked Jungguk and removed his pants and boxers.
"HOW DARE YOU HIT HIM?"Taehyung yelled while spanking him
"AHHH H-HYUNGIE"Jungguk yelled while crying
"I *spank* said *spank* how *spank* dare *spank* you"Taehyung said
"Sir l-leave him"Jungkook said while placing his one hand on his eye
"He is being brat, let me teach him a good lesson"Taehyung said
He gave 20 spanks to Jungguk and made him stand on floor.
"Get out of the room"Taehyung said coldly
Jungguk run out of the room while crying.
"Are you alright Jungkookahhh?"Taehyung said softly
"Y-yes s-sir"Jungkook said
Taehyung slowly removed Jungkook's hand from his eyes.
He saw Jungkook eye was swollen.
"It looks painful"Jimin said
"You want me to call Yoongi hyung?"Taehyung said
"Y-yes"Jungkook said
Taehyung know Jungkook wants his hyung beside him whenever he is hurt.
"Let's go downstairs first"Taehyung said
They all wents to the living room.

"Taehyung, why you punished Gguk?"Jin said
Taehyung told him everything.
"Very bad Gguk"Jin said
"Sorry hyung"Jungguk said
"Say sorry to your kookie hyung"Jin said
Jungguk got up from Jin laps and wents to Jungkook and sit on his lap.
He cupped Jungkook's face and kissed his swollen eye.
"Sowwy kookie hyung"Jungguk said
Everyone cooed at him.
"It's alright baby, hyungie forgive you"Jungkook said
"Thank you hyungie, Ggukie will not be a brat anymore"Jungguk said
"I know my good baby won't be brat"Jungkook said
"Taehyungie hyung, Ggukie is sorry"Jungguk said
Taehyung didn't said anything.
"Hyungie please"Jungguk said
"Sir please forgive him"Jungkook said
"Fine, come here"Taehyung said
He picked Jungguk from Jungkook.
"Hyungie is sorry for spanking his baby"Taehyung said
"It's alright hyungie, please forgive Ggukie"Jungguk said
"I forgive my baby"Taehyung said
"Sir"Jungkook said
"Yes?"Taehyung said
"Yoonie hyung?"Jungkook said in low voice
"He is coming, I called him, Jin hyung will you please bring cold pack"Taehyung said
"Okkk"Jin said
He wents to bring cold pack, after sometimes he came back with cold pack.
"Jungguk, sit on couch"Taehyung said
"Minnie hyung"Jungguk said while making grabby hands towards Jimin
Jimin smiled and pick him up.
Taehyung sat beside Jungkook.
He place cold pack on Jungkook's eyes.
"Ahhh, d-don't"Jungkook said
"Shhhh, it's alright baby"Taehyung said
"It H-hurts"Jungkook said in low voice
"It'll be Okk"Taehyung said
"I want Yoonie hyung"Jungkook said
"He is coming"Taehyung said
After sometimes Yoongi came there.
"What happened tae?"Yoongi said
"Jungkook got hurt on his eyes"Taehyung said
"Kiddo my baby, are you alright?"Yoongi said worriedly
"I'm alright hyungie"Jungkook said
"How did he got hurt?"Yoongi said
Taehyung told him everything.
"I'm sorry from his side hyung"Taehyung said while looking at Jungguk who was sleeping in Jimin's arms
"It's alright he is just a baby"Yoongi said
"Hyungie home"Jungkook said
"Yes baby, we are going home"Yoongi said
"Jimin you can also go but I want your notes tomorrow or else I'll punish you"Taehyung said
"Don't worry, I'll make him complete his notes at my home"Yoongi said
"Okk Hyung"Taehyung said
"Come let's go"Yoongi said
"Jungkook, I'll pick you"Yoongi said
"It's alright hyung"Jungkook said
"You can't see properly baby"Yoongi said
He picked Jungkook like koala who rested his head on Yoongi's shoulder.
Jimin handed Jungguk to Taehyung and picked their bags.
They all went from there.

To be continue:)
In next ep Yoonmin will get married, Taekook will also marry soon.

100+ votes for the next part.

I again couldn't add pics because of my WiFi connection problem.

Please do comments, I'll feel good.

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