Remember me?~01

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Felix pov

I looked in the mirror. Again I was looking at those ugly freckles. Those ugly lips. Those ugly eyes and cheeks. I hate my face, my body, my mind and toughts. It was all ruined, those people ruined me.
Why did they have to take her? I tought while looking at my own messed up self.

I saw the name popping up on my screen, Jisung. It's my new friend since I moved to Korea, I miss Australia so freaking much but i'm also glad my parents wanted to move away from that dark place, with all those dark thoughts and memories. We all had enough of it, every day living in that house, that neighbourhood, seeing that place and reliving those memories.

Hey Lixie, wanna hang?

Sure ! Where do we meet?

Can I come to yours ?
Yk... ,my parents again

Ofcource you can, you can
Always come to me okay Sung?

Thanks Lix, I js need to go out of this
house, it's driving me insane.
Can I come in around 10 minutes?

Ofc, i'll be waiting for ya

Jisung is my best friend. We've been friends for 3 weeks now, since I moved to Korea. He doesn't know why I moved, or what happened in my past. I just told him my parents wanted to move back to Korea when I would go to college, since I was technically born here, but moved at a very young age. He also doesn't know I have a sister.
Or had...

Author's pov (3rd person)

Felix jumped up from the couch when he heard the doorbell ringing.
"Jisung! You're here!" Felix yelled out in excitement, opening his arms for a hug, since the older and him were both skinship boys.

Jisung looked sad and tired, like he hadn't slept for days.

"Hey, Jisung what's wrong? Come here" Felix said as he pulled him in for a hug, he saw his best friend tried to fake a smile, but he failed.
Felix knew as the best how a fake smile looked. He knew how it felt too and he didn't want the older to feel like that.

"I'm just so tired of them Lix, they are always yelling and throwing stuff around. I don't think I can do this anymore" The boy said as breathing became harder and tears started to fill his eyes.

Felix felt like a knife was just stabbed a hundred times trough his heart when he heard that.
'I don't think I can do this anymore' Felix knew how this felt. He totally did. And he never wished someone those feelings.

"Sungie don't say those things, I'm gonna help you okay? Whatever it's gonna take, i'll help you."
Felix said as it reminded him of his beautefull and smart sister. Who would always tell him those things, whenever he felt like that his sister would come to him and hug him, telling him she was going to help him out of those toughts.

"Do you wanna stay over for a few days?" The younger male asked his friend calm and soft, hugging him even tighter than before.
He was patting his head as Jisung slowly knodded.
"Thank you Lix, I really appreciate it"
"Ofcource Sungie, anything for you"

The 2 boys played some video games, watched movies and went to bed.


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