Where's Yongbok~33

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I thought if I STARTED with the authors note maybe someone would actually read it :)
Anygays, this will be more of a filler chapter since it's only 1000 words, BUT if you read and comment at the bottom... there is a lil suprise (i know y'all don't give a single fuck but just this once please-)

Hyunjin made his way back to the dorms, happy to finally see his boyfriends since they couldn't even walk home together.

He was kinda worried though, what if Felix was having a panic attack again? Or an anxiety attack? Or maybe he didn't go straight home and is now lost and scared? Or he tried to hur-

Stop Hyunjin. He's fine. He's okay. He's your Lixie, your precious Lixie. No need to worry.

Hyunjin then fastly ran up the tiring stairs of the dorm, skipping a step each time.
He jogged trough the hallways and finally got to his shared dorm, opening the door quickly.

"Lixie!" He called out happily while locking the door with his key again, turning around to see no Lixie.

"Lixie, i'm home baby." He said a bit softer, just realizing the younger must've been asleep.

"Baby...?" He whispered this time, slowly opening the bedroom door, trying not to make any loud noises since he discovered the younger boy may be asleep already.

"Sweets? Are you in here?" Hyunjin asked with a slight frown on his face, confused as why it seemed like there was no Felix in the bed, neither somewhere in the room.

He then closed the door again, alking towards the bathroom as he opened the door and only saw the empty and dark room, no trace of his Lixie.

"Where is he..." Hyunjin muttered, standing in the middle of the small dorm room as he looked around and thought a bit until a possible scenario got in his head.

The boy took out his phone, dialing Jisungs number as he patiently, ofcource not to mention the annoyed sigh he let out with the pregnant lady pose while his foot kept hitting the ground.

"Jisung?" He spoke out when the other at the line finally picked up, letting out a feared sigh in relief. "Yes?" Jisung answered, wondering why Hyunjin would ever call him.

"Could you hand me Felix the phone please?" Hyunjin asked the boy and felt his heart thumping out of his chest, louder and louder each second the younger didn't answer.

"What do you mean?" Jisung asked in a confused tone, Hyunjin felt his heart drop but didn't let his mood go down, instead he cursed under his breath and took a few deep breaths while he heard Minho's voice at the other side.

"He... he's not here. He texted me he left school earlier after talking with miss Seo but he's not here." Hyunjin fastly explained, making also Jisung feel a fear in his stomach curling up, aswell as Minho who was listening carefully with the pair.

"Did you try to call him?" Jisung asked, hoping the elder would say no so he called him and Felix happily picked up.

"Shit... I didn't." Hyunjin fastly said and immediately turned the call off and went to felixs number, patiently waiting for the male to pick up. He felt his nerves building up like a pile of zombies in a movie, his heart thumping louder and heavier every second he heard the loud beeping from the phone.

After about more than 20 calls, the younger still didn't pick up, which scared the living shit out of the boy.

"He doesn't pick up." He told Jisung after calling the squirrel like boy again as tears threatened to spill from his eyes, letting out a shaky breath.

"Could you guys please come over? All of us?" Hyunjin then asked as Jisung agreed and soon sent a message in the groupchat to everyone to meet at Hyunjin and Felixs dorm, right away. He didn't mention Felix was... gone, but he did say in the message it was very important, hoping everyone would shut their mouths and just agree to come over.

Hyunjin then changed his gaze towards the coffee table for the first time, and saw a red envelop that surely wasn't there before laying on it.

He took it in a swift movement and ripped the paper open to see another little card in white which seemed like red splatters on it, with a small text in the middle. he softly read it out out loud, and soon realized in what kinda shit he managed to pull him and the younger into.

"Gotcha. Funny how you can't even protect your little love huh? Pathetic Hyunjin. Now I will have some fun with this little bitch, so don't try to find him, you won't. But don't worry either, i'll send you beauteful pictures and videos of your slut. -T" Hyunjin read out loud as a silent sob escaped his lips. 

No... Not my baby.

After about five minutes of pacing back and forth between the kitchen and living room, the others finally arrived at the dorm. Hyunjin sure knew he had a lot to explain. He was still crying from the letter and surely knew it was best to hurry the fuck up and explain most of his gang parts of his life, then about Teongy and.. find out how the hell he'd fine his lover.

"Look. I know I sound fucking crazy for this but I don't have much time. Y'all know that Teongy guy from a few months ago? He has Lix. I have a whole past with him, where I was part of a gang, we were friends but soon realized we were on opposites teams. He kidnapped me and tried to rape me but ofcource didn't get any further than his fingers because my own gang saved me. Since then I didn't hear from him until now. I don't know how the fuck I will be able to fix this, but you can look for yourself. This is not my, neither Felixs handwriting and we've got a lot more of these letters already." Hyunjin explained to his friends, who all stared at him in shock.

Who would've thought this sweet guy was part of a gang when he was younger...

"S-So... What will happen- What is he gonna do to-" Jisung tried to speak but couldn't form the words and ended up letting out a soft sob, only to be hugged tighter from Minho.

"I don't know... It's complicated... He has people, many people." Hyunjin said and crouched down, holding his head while softly pulling his hair in frustration.

"It'll be alright... It's... it's..." Jisung tried again but couldn't make out the words he wanted to say, the emotions were overwhelming him and not in a good way neither.

"I gotta make a call..." Hyunjin then said, standing up and walking to the bedroom where he then closed and locked the door behind him, fastly pulling out his phone from his pocket.

After a few times the phone rang, he finally heard a deep voice answering.

"Yes? Who is this?" the voice said, sending shivers down Hyunjins spine. He knew this was the right person though, he knew he had to do everything to get his lover back, safe and well.

"Chingwa? Get the gang please, I need your help."




BUT if you guys would like.... I can also post it tomorrow?

Yes? No?


word count: 1181

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