
421 19 34

My legs felt like cooked spaghetti, I looked around to see if there were any people. There weren't .
I dropped to the ground. Or .... I almost dropped to the ground. I felt a hand catching me and placing me on the ground


Felix's pov

Come on Felix you've had this before.

Come on,


Let this stop already,

Okay think Felix think....

"Fi- five... Five thi- five things ..... I- I ca- can see"
I stuttered while looking around.
I felt like I was underwater.

I coudn't hear
I coudn't see
I coudn't feel
I coudn't breathe
I coudn't do anything...

"What do you mean? Hey it's okay just follow my breathing... In.... And out. Come on you can do this."

A strange voice was talking to me. I didn't recognize it. I hope it's none of my friends or teachers. Or then atleast Chan. He already knows so I don't care.

I tought back at the 5 4 3 2 1 method.
Come on Felix you got this.

"Y- you.... do- door ......"
I coudn't anymore.
It was to much , I still can't stand the feeling of not being able to breath.

"Just breathe.... Calm down"

Well what do you think i'm doing.
People can be so dumb.

I started shaking violently as the strange voice was wiping away the waterfall of tears.

By the tone of his voice I know it's a guy.
"It's okay just breath, slowly in and out. Come on you can do that." He said. Well strange voice, what do you think I'm trying?

Strange voice pov~~

I walked out of the door when I saw a boy being weird. It looked like he was going to faint any moment so I took his arms.

That moment he dropped on the ground so I put him against the nearest wall and tried to comfort him. He was gasping for air as tears fell down his pink tinted cheeks.

I was talking to him but it felt like he wasn't listening. Or at least that he coudn't hear me.

He started shaking violently when I was wiping away his tears and it looked like he was in total shock for some strange reason but what would I do?

I don't know what this was so I just sat down beside him, against the wall and took him on my lap. I patted his head while I was gently rubbing his shoulder with my other hand.

The shaking stopped a few minutes later as I was still patting his head.
"It's alright little guy" I said knowing he was a younger student here.

A while later he was breathing normal-ish again as I was still patting his head. I think we've sat here for about 10 minutes now.

Felix's pov

He did not just call me little guy. Do I look like a 5 year old or something?
I'm half dying on his lap and that's what he said?

I stopped shaking but I was still sobbing and got those annoying shocks that take your air away.

My head was on his chest as I could hear his heartbeat. It was slow and calm, not like mine.

When I finally calmed down, we sat besides eachother and talked about some random stuff.

"Thank you for helping me" I said nervous.
"Ofcource, but what's your name"
Oh great, now he wants to know my name.
"Uhmm.... Felix" I said quiet.

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