Missing you~38

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A:N, y'all... to be clear, i'm NOT a doctor- this is what I know from medical stuff, and a tiny bit from google. Don't come for me if there are any mistakes!! Enjoy, :D

"Sorry, It must've been a long waiting time for you guys-" The doctor said but fastly got cut off by Hyunjin's voice interupting.

"How is he?" He spoke fastly, stepping a small step forward as tears again threateneed to spill from his eyes.

"Well... I think you may want to follow me to my office." The doctor said with a small smile and mentioned to Hyunjin to follow him, earning a few looks from the rest of the group, who obviously also wanted to know how their friend was doing.

Hyunjin fastly followed the doctor, speedwalking trough different hallways as they finally reached a blue door, the doctor scanning a small cart that was hanging on his neck at the lock as it then made a small beep before opening.

Hyunjin went to sit at the opposite side of the table, waiting for the doctor to give him any news of his lover.

"Okay.. So, we lost him 2 times as we operated him, due to to much loss of blood. He had several internal bleedings, inclusively his ribs pushing onto his lungs which were broken. His right leg has a crack in his calf bone, as well as a fracture in his shinbone. We don't know how this happened, ofcource, but we do know that it was because of a giant amount of pressure being pushed into the leg, causing it to break. 

His left arm also has a fracture, but less worse than the others. We also had to stitch up 4 wounds in total, one near his head, two at his abdomen and one on his arm. Going back to the internal bleedings, there were 2 tears inside his stomach and one in his lungs. The one in his lungs was caused by a broken rib pushing it's way trough the organ, but we managed to keep everything in place. His brain was slightly damaged, but normally he is't gonna have memory loss or anything that is permanent. 

Ofcource there are a lot more things, minor things like bruises etcetera, but I think you- or he will have to explain that. Could you tell me what happened? This is clearly a sort of torture, if it isn't attempted murder." The doctor explained, and immediately Hyunjin felt a rush of concern? Guilt? But also relieve, knowing Felix made it out alive. 

His strong boy. Hyunjin's strong, smart, boy.

"I... Someone... They took him and- I-... I called old friends of mine, who could legally check where he was because- He- He sended me a video of Felix and... I- I went there but they started shooting so I was scared that they'd hurt Felix. They then got me into a basement where- where Felix was. Getting hurt by someone." Hyunjin tried to explain but soon all guilt build up in him as it left in the form of tears.

"Do you know who that someone is? It's most likely that you, or him, know the one that did this." The doctor explained and soon Hyunjin nodded, letting the tears slip down his cheeks.

"A few years ago, I joined a group. It wasn't a gang, we were just a group of real close friends. But, that group had a sort of enemy. The guy I was friends with, joined that group and so it all started. In the beginning, we didn't really care since I thought he didn't know about me being in that group, but that changed when I got kidnapped. He tortured me and tried to rape me, but luckily those friends came. Since then I didn't hear a single thing from him... Until he started sending letters, telling me what he would do to Felix because I didn't let him... use me."

"That's a lot... Do you know where he is right now? We have to be sure he won't try that again and i'll make sure i'll call the police okay?" The doctor said in a lighter tone, clearly suprised by the younger's story, which Hyunjin was himself to, suprised he told someone he totally didn't know, that information.

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