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"Good morning love." Hyunjin's voice groggily spoke as he rubbed his eyes tiredly, Felix humming. "Good morning." The younger whispered as he kept his eyes closed, clearly not liking the idea of waking up.

"How is my baby hm?" Hyunjin asked as he pushed himself up a bit, holding the younger steady on his own body as he caressed his soft skin gently. "Okay... My stomach hurts a bit though..." Felix said honestly, Hyunjin frowning a bit as he lifted the younger up.

"Do I have to help you? Remember the doctor gave you the list of things etcetera, I can massage it for you hm baby?" Hyunjin asked worried, but Felix just shrugged it off and shook his head.

"It's fine... I don't want to bother you..." He softly spoke, his eyes still closed sleepily as Hyunjin chuckled lightly. "You're not a bother baby, I want to help. Can I help? Please?" He asked, hoping the younger would just agree and let him massage his insanely smooth and soft skin.

"M'kay then..." Felix muttered, Hyunjin's face lighting up with sparkles and happiness. "Okay then, lay down on your back for me hm?" The older said as Felix whined, not wanting to let go of the warm torso that hugged his waist so perfectly.

Hyunjin let out a soft laugh and rolled him over, pulling the thick blanket off the younger's torso, who whined even louder and shivered.

Hyunjin just took the bottle of cream off of the younger's nightstand and read the back, Felix still shivering on the mattress, whining and telling him to hurry up. "Sh... It's a warming ointment, so you'll feel better soon baby." Hyunjin spoke and filled the younger's face with light pecks and kisses, making Felix giggle out loud.

"Okay then..." The older said before rubbing a good amount of the ointment in his hands, instantly feeling how the product warmed up and started lightly burning and tingling, giving him a weird feeling. He gently put his hands on Felix's stomach, who hummed and enjoyed every bit of the touch and warmth.

"You still good my love? If i'm hurting you, please tell me okay? I don't want to hurt you..." Hyunjin trailed off, softly and gently massaging the ointment on the younger's belly, earning soft hums of approval from Felix.

"Jinnie... Don't worry... It's fine, nothing's wrong." Felix mumbled, getting a soft chuckle from Hyunjin, who shook his head with a smile.

"Baby, your stomach got teared open from both inside and outside and nothing's wrong? It looks to me that you would be in one hell of a pain sweets..." Hyunjin said, making Felix pout. He still had his eyes closed, not even planning to opening them even if an airplane crashed right in his house.

"Then don't look... I told you not to look at the scar, it's ugly..." Felix said, his voice trailing off the last few words with disgust as Hyunjin hovered over him, placing a soft kiss on his lips.

"Nuh uh, it's beautiful, just like you. Got it Lee?" Hyunjin scolded playfully, getting a soft giggle and whine from the younger. "Or would you prefer Hwang hm?" Hyunjin said, making Felix whine even more and cover his face with his hands, his cheeks shining a bright crimson red.

"Would you like that one day baby?" Hyunjin asked, now a bit more serious as he continued to massage the youngers belly and side, rubbing soothing circles on the area.

Felix softly hummed and nodded, smiling brightly as he already made images of a whole future with Hyunjin in his head.

"Yeah? And would you want to live together with me one day? In an apartement, or even a small little cozy house..." Hyunjin smiled, getting Felix to grin along and nod happily, his smile getting bigger as the seconds passed. 

"Could we get a baby cat then? Or a hamster... I would like to have a hamster..." Felix said with a light smile, this time looking at Hyunjin, who was showing his teeth very clearly with how much he smiled.

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