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When Felix woke up, he felt strong arms wrapped around his waist, holding him tight. But there is just one problem... he really needed to go to the toilet. When he looked at his phone, he saw it was only 3 am so way to early to wake up already.

He just decided to squirm out of Hyunjin's grip, but once he tried to stand up, a whole sting went trough his back like he'd been stabbed. He fell to the ground with a loud thud and groaned, or better , moaned loudly.

When Hyunjin heard this and didn't feel a little, warm and soft body in his arms, he sat up and looked around to see his lover on the ground, holding his back and stomach as he chuckled.

"Went a little harsh on you today didn't I?" He whispered and got out of bed, kneeling down to Felix who already had a tear on his cheek.

"It's okay babyboy, i'll carry you." Hyunjin said and kissed the younger's cheek, picking him up as Felix wrapped his legs around his waist and his arms around his neck, of course with a lot of effort.

"Are you okay love?" Hyunjin asked when Felix flushed the toilet, giving a sign for the older to come in. When he came in, Felix was just sitting on the now-closed toilet with his head in his hands, leaning on his knees.

Of course the boy was embaressed, to say the least, he fell on the ground after being fucked and also didn't even wear any clothes when he fell asleep. His legs were rapidly bouncing up and down, and his whole body felt like ice.

Hyunjin giggled and went to Felix, again picking him up as he then placed him on the bed, taking a hoodie out of the drawer they filled the previous day and slipped it over his head.

"Just wear my hoodie, it's long enough to cover up your masterwork down there anyways." Hyunjin whispered in his ear as he received a whine.

"Don't say that Jinnie." The younger whined out playfully as Hyunjin kissed his neck and laid him down, cuddling until they again fell asleep.


Even tho Hyunjin is the hardest to wake up, he was already downstairs at 7 am without his lover, eating some cereal as also Minho came downstairs.

"So... How'd it go?" Minho said, chuckling as he took a bowl and filled it with cereal, then adding milk as Hyunjin smiled at the flashbacks of yesterday.

"It was amazing, but this night he couldn't even stand up so I think he might need your baby to help him out a little, since he is more used to that stuff already huh fuckboy?" Hyunjin sassily said as Minho chuckled.

"My baby is yes, and he's getting better every time... Oh boy, he's so perfect." Minho said, already deep in his thoughts as Hyunjin snapped him out of it.

"I never thought it would be so good, I just thought it was something boring." Hyunjin said as they both chuckled.

"It ain't boring, but i'll send you my baby when he wakes up alright?" Minho said as Hyunjin nodded and ate his cereal.

After a few hours of just laying besides Felix to cuddle him and watch some stuff on his phone, Hyunjin saw the younger squint his eyes a bit as he groaned, rolling up like a little ball while holding his stomach.

"Baby... are you okay?" Hyunjin asked, feeling kinda bad he went so harsh on him yesterday.

"I didn't expect so much pain... I thought it was going to be a short lasting and weird feeling or something... But not this." Felix said as Hyunjin held him even tighter.

"Sorry love." Hyunjin said and kissed the back of his ear, snuggling behind the younger as he closed his eyes.

"Don't be sorry... It was the best feeling of my life." Felix said as they both chuckled and laughed, receiving a groan once more from the young boy.

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