Heavy night~27

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!! this chapter may contain shit u don't like!!

3th pov

The eight boys were currently watching The Nun, which was a living nightmare for the sunshine twins, litterly.

Every time there was a jumpscare, Felix flinched and jumped on Hyunjin's lap, making the older a bit sensitive. More than usual atleast.

When there came another jumpscare and Felix once again jumped, Hyunjin took his hips harshly and pressed them down on his now erected part.

"What's wrong?" Felix asked with a frown, whispering so he wouldn't disturb the others as Hyunjin just smirked.

"You." He simply said with a smirk that Felix ofcource couldn't see because of the darkness in the room. The younger felt kinda bad... sad maybe even?

"M-me?" The younger said as his voice cracked, making Hyunjin confused and then realized he may have seem a bit offensive.

"Not in a bad way gorgeous, but you're making me extremely horny right now." He whispered in Felix's ear, who then became a mess and hid his face in his lover's chest.

"We can always go upstairs, I'm not really watching the movie anyways." Felix then responded as not even a second later, Hyunjin jumped up with the younger around him.

"Act babe." He whispered before grabbing everyone's attention.

"Lixie is tired, i'll put him in bed okay." The tall boy said and dragged his boyfriend to their room, locking the door behind them as he threw him on the bed.

"Can I?" Hyunjin asked the smaller one as he tugged his hoodie, making clear he wanted this out since it was just gonna be in the way anyways.

Felix nodded fastly as then his hoodie and shirt got taken off.

The older knew Felix wasn't comfortable being the only naked, or even half naked so he fastly took of all his clothes except for his boxers.

He then started kissing Felix all over his abs and chest, leaving marks here and there which led the younger to groan troughout the whole thing.

He then started sucking his navel, which directly caused the smaller boy to arch his back and moan loudly which was great to hear if you'd ask Hyunjin.

"Baby likes that doesn't he?" Hyunjin smirked and went back up to Felix's neck to leave some purple marks there. Meanwhile the younger was a blushing mess, his hair was messed up and he barely could even open his eyes.

"I wanna make a few rules love." Hyunjin whispered against the cold skin of Felix's neck, pecking it fastly before the younger hummed in responce.

"I want you to say red whenever you feel even the slightest bit of uncomfort, green when I can keep going." He said as he looked Felix in his eyes, "I will." He said and then got a smirk in responce.

"And..." Hyunjin started again, "Don't cum until I say so, otherwise you'll get a punishment." he ended his sentence which made the younger bot already scared of what will comming.

Hyunjin could feel Felix being a bit tense, probably because it is his first time in bed after all.

"Relax and just go with the flow." He said and then took off Felix's sweats, giving the younger shivers because of the cold air.

"Don't worry you'll have it warmer in a few minutes." Hyunjin said and then remembered something, "And oh, don't tell your psychologist about what happens in bed alright?"  Hyunjin said which made the younger blush even more while giggling.

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