I'm hurt~12

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He saw how defeated I looked and immediately stroked my hair.
"Are you really okay Lix?" He asked as obviously he knew what the problem was.

"Yeah." I sighed.


Felix's pov

To be honest Teongy seemed like a nice guy but it still feels weird in some way.

When it was finally lunch we all sat down as Hyunjin then ran to our table.

"Sorry Lix I had to help a teacher." He said as he was still catching his breath.

"It's nothing Jinnie." I said as he then laid his head on my shoulder.
"Are you tired?" I asked him since he had his eyes closed.

"No I'm just enjoying my time with you." He said as he looked up which was the cutest thing ever.

I smiled at the tall boy who was laying on my shoulder which made me look so tiny.

"Was anyone mean to you Lix?" He then asked as he sat up, looking at me.

"No, actually they were pretty nice to me." I said as I gave him a smile.

"Jisung were they nice to Felix?" He asked Jisung as I chuckled.

"Yeah, he was stressing out and they comforted him. Until that stupid bitch came in ofcource." Jisung said as he mumbled that last part, rolling his eyes and laying against Minho.

"What did you say? What bitch? What did they do?" Hyunjin asked as I quickly cut him off.

"Jinnie it's nothing don't worry it's just a new student again and obviously they put me with him for an assignment. It's fine." I said as I stroked his hand.

"What's his name?" He asked me which I thought was weird but I'm sure he won't beat him up for being the new student.

"Teongy, he said a lot of people call him G tho." I said as I saw Hyunjin's eyes widen.

"What does he look like Felix?" He quickly asked.
"Uhm brown eyes, dark brown hair, he's tall and muscular." I said as I was confused. Why would he want to know?

"Felix you have to do something for me alright?" He said as he caressed my hands softly.

"Uhm... Okay." I said as I would do anything for Hyunjin.

"Ask the teacher to change your partner Lix, please." He said as he was being serious about it.

"Why tho Jinnie?" I asked as he cut me off.
"Baby please do this for me okay you can't work with him, please Lix." He almost whispered, begging me to do it.

"Alrighty." I said and got up.
"Just stay here for a bit i'll go ask the teacher." I said and then walked out of the cafetaria, searching for the teacher.

When I finally found the teacher I asked her about it.

"Uhm so I wanted to ask if it is possible to change partners for the assignment?" I asked as she gave me a light smile.

"Unfortunately I can't change anymore I'm sorry Felix, I tought it would be the best since you are really smart and a hard worker. You always help the others and Teongy is new here." She said as she patted my shoulder.

"I'm sorry for what happened the last time Felix, I am. But Teongy asked himself to be your partner and he seems like a nice student."

Yeah ofcource. But why did he ask to be my partner? I don't even know him.

"Is there really no option to change?" I asked as I was almost begging to my knees. I didn't know why Hyunjin asked me to change it but I trust him.

"I'm sorry Felix... I gotta go now. I'll see you next week?" She said as I looked down and sighed.

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