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"Baby... time to wake up. Food is here sweets." Hyunjin softly called as he caressed Felix's cheek softly, waking the younger up from his nap. They were both already a few days in the hospital, Felix healing slowly and Hyunjin because he couldn't live without the younger.

"C'mon darling." The older called out once again, a smile plastered on his face as he caressed some strands of hair out of the younger's face.

Felix softly stirred in his sleep, letting out a gentle groan before rubbing his eyes, opening them slowly as he got used to the light in the room.

"Hi beautiful." Hyunjin said and kissed his lips gently, making the younger smile brightly and hum. "Do you wanna eat some? Lunch just arrived hm, Sung and the rest will come a little later because of school and then they'll come." Hyunjin explained and got a soft nod from Felix, who tried to pull his blanket higher even tho he failed.

"Here you go my baby." Hyunjin said and pulled the blanket higher, almost covering the younger's face as he nuzzled into the thick fabric, closing his eyes once again.

Hyunjin then fed him his meal, giving him breaks in between because of the large amount of food and the small amount of hunger the younger felt, whining softly whenever he felt a little to full.

He also didn't dare to eat to much, scared he'd get sick or feel nauseous and have to throw up, which he of course wasn't waiting for with his just healed stomach.

He was just able to go to the toilet and leave his bed, so that was not something on his to- do list.

"How do you feel hm? Was it a good nappie?" Hyunjin asked and smiled at the blushing face of the younger, clearly liking how he'd talk so tiny towards him, letting him feel small and loved.

Felix gently nodded and turned to face Hyunjin completely, frowning a few times in the process because of the annoying pain his body was in, bothering him once again for the nth time that week.

"Careful hm. Don't hurt yourself." Hyunjin said and helped him move, kissing Felix's cheek when he let out a deep breath, praising him before sitting down again.

"Today the psychologist will come... Do you want me to stay in the room with you while she's here?" Hyunjin asked ans Felix nodded, humming along with it.

"What will she ask?" Felix responded in a whisper, scared of what questions would be asked. Scared he'd have to explain what happened and relive those moments in his head again.

"I don't know honestly... But when you don't want to answer something, or you feel like quitting, just tell me okay? Or give a sign, look at me, anything." Hyunjin said and smiled, trying to calm the younger down who was visibly scared.

"It'll be alright sweetheart... I promise. I'm sorry I put you trough this..." Hyunjin said with a sad smile and sighed deeply, letting his head fall on the mattress the younger was laying on, close to his stomach.

Felix then put his hand in the long strands of black hair and massaged Hyunjin's scalp gently, pulling the hairs here and there.

"Don't worry about it Jinnie... You did nothing wrong." Felix whispered under his breath and also sighed deeply, curling up a but more so he could almost touch Hyunjin's head with his own.

"Are you in pain? Anything?" Hyunjin softly asked, his voice almost a whisper as he enjoyed the younger's slim hands in his hair, pulling the strands softly.

"No... not really..." Felix replied, his eyes still closed as he sighed deeply, letting the air flow out of his nose smoothly. "I don't know... just tired." He added and repositioned himself, only to let out a soft yelp when he moved something the wrong way, whining loudly as he slowly laid back down, not daring to move.

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