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Hyunjin finds himself in dreamland faster than he could remember, his head on the mattress near Felix's arm, which he softly caressed as he laid his head on his crossed arms, admiring the younger boy.

Sure he wasn't looking the best, but for Hyunjin that 'wasn't looking the best' was more of a, his skin is bruised, because Felix always looks good, stunning, a God.

"Sweetheart.." A soft voice whispered near him, shaking his shoulder very lightly, almost impossible for him to feel as he lifts his head slightly and stretches himself out, only to see Felix's mother standing next to him, her arms around his shoulders.

"Go take a nap. I'll be with Felix okay? If he wakes up i'll come to tell you." The woman softly says, making Hyunjin nod slightly and stand up, walking towards the hidden door where he then enters the small room and immediately goes to lay down the bed.

It doesn't take him long to fall asleep once again, the soft yet loud beeping sounds that made clear Felix was okay was now like a soft melody that had helped him fall asleep, knowing his lover was safe.


"Channie?" Jeongin spoke up in a soft voice, his left hand playing with the bedsheet as his right was under his head.

"Yes love?" Chan answered, opening his eyes as he scooted closer to the younger, pulling him by his waist so their bodies were touching.

"Do you think... Do you think Lixie will be alright?" The younger male asked, his gaze still on his hands that were playing with the soft, white sheets underneath his body.

"Of course baby, he will be alright. I know that, it's our Lixie hm?" The older softly spoke, caressing Jeongin's soft cheek as he kissed his lips.

"You wanna know something?" He then started, stroking away some hair strands from the younger's face.

"Lix is the strongest person I know on this entire earth. He has tried to take his life from himself a lot, thinking it would be the best decision. Thinking, that no one actually loved him and that it was all because of pity. But every time, he forgot there was always a person near that loved him uncontrollably and saved him. And see him fighting for his life? He has been fighting so much in his life and I know he will stay like that love, it's our Lix hm? He's very strong." The older said in a soft tone, clearly calming Jeongin a bit more down.

"We'll go see him in a few hours, but first take a nap okay? It's been a long day." Chan whispered and again kissed the younger's lips, which he gladly accepted. 


"He's... He's- he's all alone Min, I feel so bad... I- He's all alone with those scary monitors and we- we can't-"

"Babyboy... Calm down a bit." Minho softly whispered and pulled the crying Jisung on his lap, bouncing his leg up and down in the hope it would calm the younger down at least a bit.

"But- But what if he... He's hurt... He looked so hurt." Jisung said as tears left his eyes, clutching his fists on the older's shirt.

"Hey hey... It's our Lixie, he's gonna be okay. You have to believe in that hm sweetheart? If you don't believe in that he won't heal as fast. Trust me hm?" Minho softly spoke and rocked both of their bodies from side to side, his hand palm placed on the younger's ear so he could gently scratch his scalp.

"I love you hm Sung, i'm here." He then added in a whisper, placing a gentle kiss on the younger's head while still massaging his head softly.


"What's wrong babe?" Changbin softly called out, wrapping his muscular arms around Seungmin's shoulders, gently pecking his cheek as he sat down on the bed besides the taller.

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