Getting grounded

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Y/m/n means your middle name

Tony - It's been 5 months since your dad hasn't talked to you. He has been partying and coming home with women and not daring to come to your soccer game. Today was the final game and you won. You ran to the bleachers to see if your dad was there, he wasn't. Pepper and Happy were there. You ran to your room and started to break everything.

"Sir, Ms.Stark came home." JARVIS said.

"Okay thanks. Tell her the pizza is in the microwave."

"But Sir, she doesn't seem so happy."

"JARVIS, I'm kinda busy." Then about 5 minutes later, he heard a scream. Tony had ran upstairs and went to your room.

"What the hell happen?" He opened the door to your room and revealing the mess and broken glass in your room. "Y/n Stark tell me what happened."

"Did you forget something? Like a game?"

"What game?"

"MY FINAL SOCCER GAME!" You screamed. " Oh ya, and it's been 5 months since you talked to me." Your dad looked disappointed in himself.

"I didn't mean to miss it, I had to go a award show."

"Really, a award is better than going to your daughters soccer game?"

"I feel horrible."

"You should be." You said cried. "Pepper and Happy are the only people that have been going to my games when you go out with a woman!"

"I have done mistakes in my life."

"Like me?"

"Don't you dare say that!"

"I just did."

"Don't talk back to me y/n y/m/n Stark."

"What are you going to do? Lock me in here so you don't have to go to my games?"

"Thats it, your grounded."

"Well thats better than you not going to my final game." then your dad walked out to your room.

Steve- You had gotten a C on your math test. Your dad hated when you get a bad grade. When you came home, your dad was there.

"I checked your grades today."


"I saw you got a C on a math test."

"Am going to redo it."

"What did I say about a C?" You sighed.

"If you get a C in any class, you study until you remember all of it." You turned to your dad. "You know what at least I have one bad grade and I'm not on the streets doing something bad."

"Don't start with this again y/n Rogers." You rolled your eyes. "And don't roll your eyes at me young lady."

"Whatever, I'm going to my room."

"Don't whatever me. You are going to stay here and study." Your dad said. You went to your room and slammed the door."Y/N ROGERS! YOU ARE GROUNDED UNTIL YOU GET THAT GRADE UP!"

Bruce- "hello can I please speak to Doctor Bruce Banner."

"This is him, who's speaking?"

"Hello Doctor Banner, your daughter Y/n Banner and been driving around without a license." the the officer heard a sigh.

"I'll be there." then he hung up. Later you were sitting on the bench with handcuffs. The. You saw your dad.

"Doctor Banner, pleasure to meet you." The sheriff said.

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