You got into an accident part 2

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Their reaction

Tony: I got home and I listened to my voice mail. When I heard that y/n is in critical condition, I fell to the floor and sobbed.

Steve: Once I heard Nat crying, it was serious, then she said y/n. I dropped the phone, and I stood there shocked.

Bruce: Oh my... y/n, no. I knew something was gonna happen in that mission. I banged my hands on the desk and thought what I could've done.

Clint: Damn it! Not my baby. Not her, don't take her away. Please, don't do anything, don't take her away from me.

Thor: The words hurt me, 'we don't think she's gonna make it.' I don't know what I'm gonna do. My princess can't go, she can't.

Pietro: I threw the voice mail box across the room. I screamed, not my sister, not my daughter. Don't leave me alone.

Bucky: A school shooting!? I need to get over there. Y/n is terrified of guns. What if... don't you think like that Barnes, she's not.

Sam: Comprised? No! It was supposed to be easy. If I went, this wouldn't happen!

Loki: It's gonna be okay, I told myself. She's gonna be okay. I know it. I'll find this man or woman who hit my daughter with their car, and I'll... I need to be there with her.

T'Challa: How many times I told her not to go in the jungle! No no, she's gonna make it, she will.

Scott: Coma? Come on nugget, you can make it. Don't leave me here. You need to come back to me.

Natasha: I fell to the ground crying. Not my baby. Not her. She can't, take me! What you do, don't take her, take me instead.

Wanda: I started to gather my things. I started to shake, I stopped what I was doing, my angel, no. Please, for the love of god, don't take her.

Jessica: when I listened to the voice mail, I was in denial. It can't be her, they got the wrong kid. I tossed my desk and started to rip the apartment, then I saw her room, she needs me there with her.

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