Attempting to run away when...

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Tony- When he didn't talk to you since you were 13

Steve- When you guys had a fight

Bruce- When your dad turned into the Hulk

Clint- When he won't understand you

Thor- When you couldn't stand to be in the palace

Pietro- When you cried over a boy

Bucky- When Hydra was coming to get you both

Sam- When he wasn't there much

Loki- When you knew about him destroying New York

Natasha- When you found out that she was assassin

Wanda- When Hydra came to get you

Jessica- When you were pregnant

I was tagged again so enjoy

1) I'm 15

2) I love Justin Bieber (don't hate)

3)My favorite color is black... Like my soul

4)I'm a Sam Winchester type of gal

5)I smile when people say Bucky or Pietro

6)I still watch cartoons

7)Done watching all Star Wars movies

8)Stitch is my life

9)I have all Marvel movies that they made

10)I like llamas

11)Heasell Fernanda Guevara is my real name

12)Nicknames are: Smalls, Ewok, Haze, Hazelnut, Selena Gomez

13)I need to sleep

1)DC or Marvel?
marvel and Dc were my part of my childhood life so I can't choose

2)first fandom?

3) favorite book/series now?
Possibly the lord of the rings

4) favorite book/series when I was younger?
The hobbit

5)Bucky or Pietro?
Can't choose! Why! This is some type of test!

6)who do I want to die more: Umbridge or Voldemort?
Umbridge to be the right answer

7)worst character death?
Allison Argent and Pietro Maximoff(hated why they died)

8) "best" character death?
Meaning the character I hate, it had to be Jennifer Blake. Person that I love and loved how the scene was, Spoilers!!

Han Solo

9)books I recommend? Why?
Anything John Green because I love how his book are written.

10) authors I recommend? Why?
Once again John Green and because of his work.

11)what would be my superpower?

12)do you I want to hide my body?
At times...

13)when/how did I come across the marvel fandom?
It all happened when when I watched Iron Man in 2008... That's how I feel in love with Robert Downey JR.

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