Them getting hurt

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For my Crystal Stark is Her Name book, what side should she be on?! Should I keep Jessica or not?

Tony- You started to have a panic attack, you found out that he was battling the war of New York.

Steve- You ran to the hospital, Sam called you saying that he was injured when the winter solider happened.

Bruce- You cursed, Tony called saying that he the Government tried to take him and something happened.

Clint- You started to lose hope, Nat said that the battle of Slovakia hit him hard and you couldn't see him.

Thor- You stood by his side, fighting with Loki and your dad taking a big hit made you stay.

Pietro- You cried, when you heard that he died, all you did was cry.

Bucky- You try to make him laugh, since you are a joker, you try to make him smile.

Sam- You taking the guilt, you have this strong connection with him you say to him, if you were there.

Loki- You overthink, you tell yourself that what if and if that.

Natasha- You let your anger out, you always blame yourself.

Wanda- You scream your heart out, you have a feeling that something is going to happen.

Jessica- You talk to Malcolm, you tell him about Kilgrave and what he did to her.

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