When they left and they didnt tell you

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Tony: You start asking questions to everyone and you go out to find him.

Steve: You'll call him until he picks up.

Bruce: You start panicking.

Clint: You ask your mom and then you find him in his favorite places.

Thor: You go back in time to find him.

Pietro: You ask Aunt Wanda to read his mind so she knows where he is.

Bucky: You have a panic attack, hoping that HYDRA didn't kidnapped him.

Loki: You stay up all night, wondering where he his.

Sam: You check in with Steve.

T'Challa: Face it, he never goes out without telling you.

Scott: You and Hope start finding him all night.

Natasha: Staying up all night long to see if she comes back.

Wanda: Asking Vision(your now father) to help you find her.

Jessica: You always find her at a bar. If not, you start looking at other bars.

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