You taking them to Victoria Secret

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"Hey dad, can we go to a store?"

"Hun, what store?"

"Victoria Secret." His eyes grew.


"Great! Let's go!" You grabbed his arm and walked into the store. Your dad tried not to make eye contact with anyone else. He saw a group of guy and one of them looked familiar.

"Sonic?" Pietro turned around. "What are you doing here?"

"My daughter." He rolled his eyes as he gave his little girl money to pay. "You."

"Sam here." He gave you his credit card and you shopped away.

"Can we go to Victoria secret?"

"Sure sweetheart." Little did Rogers knew that you made him walk into the bra section. "Um- I- um. Here!" He looked everywhere. Bra there, bra here.bras everywhere! He gave you his card and left the store in a bright red.

"I'm gonna go in this store. It will take me a few minutes." You told your dad as you pointed at the Victoria Secret logo.

"I'll be here." You smiled and walked in. You were gone for more than 20 minutes. You dad started to get worried and he puffed up his chest and walked in. The whole walk around to find you was impossible! He's face looked like this.

Clint: Your dad just leaves you there and waits for you at the food court

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Clint: Your dad just leaves you there and waits for you at the food court. He hates being there, only when you beg or when he has to.

"What is this Victoria Secret?"

"It's a store, father. I need some... Stuff."

"Is her name Victoria? Why does she have a secret?"

"No father-

"How many does she have?!"

"I'll go ask Jane."

As thing as Tony, but you fooled him.

"Can I go to a store?"

"What store? It better not be that Victoria Secret store."

"It's not. It's called Hot Topic."

"Alright." You walked into the 'store' "this isn't Hot Topic! You fooled me!"

"30 dollars please." He rolled his eyes and gave you the money. "Thanks!"

"Just like me."

Bucky: whenever he goes with you, he closes he's eyes and you guide him. He's embarrassed to go in that store.



"Because I said so."

"Come on dad!"


"Okay then, I'll tell Bucky that He can have Steve for himself."

"Don't you dare!"

"Then let's go!"

"I raised a devil child!"

"Thor told me about this Victoria Secret."


"Why does she have so many secrets?"

"You know what! I'll order them online. I can't even!"



"Why not? It's a normal thing."

"Thanks Baba!"

"No problem daughter."

"Let's go then!"

"Wow! I thought I'll be the one excited."

"Hey, it's part of growing up."

"I don't need this talk again."

"So I'm one of cool dads right?"

Natasha/Wanda/ Jessica
"Oh a sale! Let's go!" They said.

"Can't believe that the men are embarrassed to come in here."

"It's because they haven't seen anything in years." They said as they talked about the men not seeing boobs in years.

I got tagged by MrsEvanStan

1)favorite MCU movie?
I quote this by the one and only Chris Evans, 'it's like choosing your favorite child!'

2) favorite non MCU movie?
I gotta say maybe Star Wars all of the movies by the way. #makeSebbyMarksson!

3)favorite actor/actress
Robert Downey JR and Lizze Olsen my king and queen!

4) team cap? Team iron man? Or team Deadpool?
Deadpool to be honest

5)fuck marry kill: Loki, Baron, Zemo, Ajax(Francis)
Marry Loki
Fuck Ajax
And kill both Zemo and Baron. Even though Zemo is good looking person.

6)Agents Carter or Agents of SHIELD?

7) Fuck marry kill: Bucky, Tony, Steve?
Fuck Steve because I want to feel how the man is... Is that too much?

Marry Bucky because then we can have cute little Buckys!

And Kill Tony, BUT! I can revive Jim back to life!

8) do I ship Staron?
To be honest, no. I don't hate Emily (the girl who plays Sharon) but I don't like her and Steve together. I mostly ship Steve and Peggy.

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