You get hurt by your boyfriend and what did your parents do

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@karin_bae I hope you like it, I tried my best. Some I couldn't think of them hitting you so I changed it to hurt you instead of hit.
If you guys have ideas, tell me, I'm kinda running low on my ideas.(please no sad ones)

Tony- You were worried about Harry. Once he told you that he was dying, you broke. And he said that he needs Spider Mans blood. And you knew that Spider Man was Peter. When Spider Man came to Harry's house, you knew that Peter will say no. Then you heard glass thrown and heard,

"YOURE A FRAUD SPIDER MAN!" You walked down to the living room to see if everything was okay.



"Whats the matter?"

"I need that blood, I'm going to die." It felt like he was ignoring you. Then you felt a sting from your cheek. That's when you knew, Harry had hit you. You got up.

"Harry you such a greedy man, all you is power." Then he turned. He didn't know what had happened, then he remembered that he hit you. You drove back home. When you got back to the tower JARVIS said,

"Sir, Ms.Stark is here." Then your dad came up.

"What's up Tiger?" He saw you crying. "Tiger?" You lifted up your head. The red hand mark showed. "Who did this to you?"

"Harry did." you cried. Then your dad got up and said,

"I'll be back." he said angrily. "That Osborn will pay."

Steve- You were stopping by Matt's. You unlocked the door and sat down the bags.

"Matt? Im here?" You walked around. Then you felt a something watching you. You walked back to the living room. You felt a push and hit your head on the ground. "Matt it's me!"

"Stop just stop!"

"MATT!" You left a punch on your nose. You kicked him off of you, you ran to your car. You drove back home. "DAD!" You cried.


"Dad!"you cried.

"What's the matter? Why-why are you crying?"

"It was Matt, he hit me." You showed him your nose.

"He did this!" He got his shield and said, "None touches my baby girl!" And left.

Bruce- Peter had something going on. Black goo was everywhere. You lock the door from your guys apartment.

"Peter?" You said. You left something kicking your stomach. You couldn't get up. Then, you felt two hands on your neck. "P-peter!" You gasped. Then you kicked him off. You ran away, after 5 blocks you arrived at your dads.

"Dad!" You gasp.


"P-peter he choked me." Your dads eyes turned green. "Dad, don't."

"I'll be back." He growled and he left.

Clint- You walked downstairs where Wade was. He was practicing his throwing knives. You walked to where he was. Thinking he was done. Then you felt a sharp pain on your lower stomach. You looked down, a knife was there. You gasped. Wade wasn't looking. You slowly walked upstairs and went outside where your dad was.

"D-dad." You said weakly.

"Robin?" Then looked down, he took iff the knife.

"I'm fine, Wade he," He grabbed a bandage. He took his bow and arrow downstairs.

Thor- You were going to visit Peter. When you got the parking lot to his apartment, walked to the 4 floor and unlocked the door. You turned around and saw him and a girl half naked. You grabbed the nearest glass and throw it to the wall.

"Peter you son a bitch." you walked down to the parking lot and drove to Jane's.

"Y/n, what's the matter?"

"Where's my father?"

"Downstairs, is everything okay?"

"No." You walked downstairs. "Father."

"Princess? Why are you crying?"

"Peter is with another woman." you hear thunder.

"Peter son of Quill will be going back to the galaxy." He grabbed his hammer went to the garage and you heard thunder roll harder.

Pietro- You and Scott are fight. You couldn't believe that he's with another.

"I hate you Scott!"

"I don't hate you! Give me a chance!" You turned around. Then you saw red laser almost to every you were. Scott took off his glasses. "y/n I didn't mean-" you ran to the door. you looked at the mirror, the laser burned you shoulder. You drove to your dads.

"What's up lil Roadrunner?" Then he looked at your shoulder. "Your bleeding!"

"It's nothing, me and Scott had a fight."

"Nothing!? I'll be back." The you saw a blue and sliver blur went out the and in. "Its done, he won't hurt you."

Natasha- You walked in on Barry and Iris kissing. You knew that they had a thing but you didn't believe it. You went to SHIELD,

"Fury, can you call my mom please, I need to talk to her." He nodded.

"Agent Romanoff, your daughter is here to see you." Then in minutes she came. "I'll let you two alone." and he left. You went to hug your mom.

"Oh, Kiddo, Angel, what's the matter?"

"Barry cheated on me." you cried. Your mom pushed you off her.

"Barton, I need some back up, we are going to pay someone a visit." And she kissed your head.

Wanda- You and Clark and a off and on relationship. You walked in him and Lois making out. You found out by reading his mind. You went home and cried.

"Sweetie? Whats the matter?"

"Clark, he's messed me up, he broke my heart." You cried.

"Sweetie, I'll call Uncle Pietro and me and him will visit him in 2 hours." you hugged her. "And he'll never see it coming."

Bucky- "DAMN IT LOGAN!" Once again Logan was drinking.

"You think you can stop me?" He was drunk. His claws were out.

"Put those back." you said. Then he swing his arms back and forth. Then you turned invisible. You were minding your business, then you felt three scratch marks on your stomach. You turned back to normal. "L-logan, cal-ll my dad." you said. Then after 20 minutes your dad came. He look like he was going to kill Logan. He punched Logan, letting him be knocked out.

"I told you I didn't trust the guy." he said.

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