You asked where was your other parent

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Hey guys! I made a Pietro Prefence book I would like you to check it out!

Tony-(age15)- You had notice that in the school you go to has a mother. When you went to elementary school everyone was picking on you because you didn't have a mom. So you ignore that why don't you have one. So one day you decided to tell your dad why don't you have one.

" Dad?" You said walking onto the kitchen.

" Yeah Tiger."

"Can I tell you something?"

" Go ahead." you took a deep breath and said it,

" Why don't I have a mom? i mean I never thought I'd know about her later in life, but I want to know." Your dad looked at you. His eyes started to water.

" Your mom, um, she, um, died." He said wiping away a tear.

" What happened?"

" You mother, died giving birth to you. The doctors said that if she have a C-section she will die, but if she gave you the normal way, you could die."

" So she took the C-section."

" Yeah. But she really loved you. You don't know how much. If I put my hand on top of her stomach, she would make me wash my hands. Also, she would buy you clothes and sing to you." You smiled. " I love you."

" I love you too dad."

Steve-(age10)- " daddy, wheres mommy?" Steve wanted to tell you why your mom left.

" Mommy left, and may not be coming back."

" Why is that?"

" Because mommy and daddy had a fight." Steve and (whatever mom name) had a fight, a horrible one. Your mom got caught cheating on Steve, so he told her that she can leave and never come back, not even letting her see you.

" Daddy?"

" Yeah sweetheart?"

" Are you going to leave me?"

" No, sweetheart, i will never leave you. Never because I love you." You smiled and gave him a hug.

" I love you too daddy."

Bruce-(age18)- You and your dad were in the lab. You saw how your dad looked at the woman in the lab, how he was smiling at her, giving her weird but cute pick up lines. The one thing that you remember that what happened to your mom. When the woman left you said,

" Ask her out."

" What, what no."

" Why not?"

" Because." You thought to yourself.

" Is because of someone." You paused "Mom?" Your dad looked at you. " Dad, I know I shouldn't be asking you this but, what happened to mom?"

" She left us because she made a mistake. The mistake of putting you for adoption."

" She left because she was a bitch."

" Hey language." You laughed.

" Forget about that bitch and ask her out."

" You know what, I will."

Clint-(age14)- So one day you where coming home from school and you didn't see your mom, it was weird because she stays home. So when your dad, Clint, came home you told him.

"Dad, where's mom?"

" She, um, left."

" Left where?"

" she left us." you started to have a breakdown. Your dad came to you. " im kidding, she's with grandma." you looked at him. You punched him in the chest. "ow."

" Thanks for scaring me."

Thor-(age7)- Your life is complicated. You are the princess of Asgard, and living a human life down on Earth. But Jane was like a mother figure to you, but you never thought what happened to your mother. For a 7 year old, you knew a lot of stuff. So you told your father what had happened.

"Father, may I ask you a question?"

"You shall."

"What had happened to my mother?" Your father sighed.

"She was a Amazon, she fought and she died." You looked down. "She fought for you, she wanted you to live a life, she died fighting for the kind of Asgard." you smiled. Happily knowing that you had a mother that fought fighting.

Pietro-(age12)- You had this thing at school about mother days, and everyone's moms are going.



"Wheres mom? I want to tell her something."

"And thats about."

"Theres a party at my school for mothers day and I was wondering when will mom be back?"

"Um, y/n, momma won't be back. She's in a mission."

"Oh, okay." Your mom died in a mission but Pietro said that the mission is still working.

"Its fine, you, me, and Aunt Wanda can watch movies."

"Sounds like a plan." You smiled and walk away, leaving Pietro sad.

Natasha-(age10)- You have been with your mom since you can remember. Whenever you go to a friends house, they had a dad. You wonder why don't you have one. When you came back from your friends, you told your mom.

"Mom?" You asked entering the kitchen.

"Yes my Angel."

"What happened to my dad?" Then she turned.

"Your father, left and he said that he wanted to see the world." Nat didn't like lying to you but, when it came to your father, she had to.

"So he's like a famous person?"

"Something like that." Nat force a smile.

"Okay thanks mom." And you walked away. The real story was your father left because he didn't want a child.

Wanda-(age13)- You had heard your mom talking to a guy on the phone. He was speaking harsh. When your mom was done talking to him, you asked her who is it was.


"Yes sweetie?" She put her hand on top of your head.

"Who was that on the phone?"

"Your father."

"When can he come back?"

"His not."

"Because he's doesn't want me?"

"He left because he was a guy how lied to much and he just left like that one day."

"Mom, I don't need a dad. I need you you and that's all I want." You smiled. Wanda kissed your forehead and smiled.

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