Someone blames you for something and they dont believe you

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Requested (some of this go back to the Terrible Addiction Preference)

Tony: Your older sister always blames everything on you. Everything single bad thing she does, she tells your dad, and you lose his trust.

"Y/n! Come down here this instance!" You heard your dad booming voice coming through the living room. You went to the living room and saw your sister standing next to him.

"Yes dad?"

"Is it true that you been sneaking out? Is it true?" He looked dead in your eye. You looked at your sister with a grin on her face.

"Dad, it wasn't! It was Diana!" You pointed out.

"Dad, remember the proof!" She lied.

"I'm sorry y/n, I dont believe you. I saw the video." You stood there confused. Your sister walked up to you and showed it. Your jaw dropped to the floor. It wasn't you. It was her. You can see her face on the video.

"Dad! Look close to the video!"

"You've lied so many times, I don't believe I can believe you anymore." Those words made your heart break. Your own dad can't believe you.

Steve: Supposedly the teacher, (rude teacher), told your dad a lie.

"Is that true? You've been doing bad things at school?" He said as you walked in the door from school.

"What?" You were so confused just like when he told you that he was 92 years old.

"Have you been doing drugs in school?" You dropping your backpack on the ground from the question.

"I don't do drugs! Where did you hear that!?" You started to panic. Did someone frame you?

"Your teacher, (teacher name)." That little bitch lied! Why would he/she do that!

"You believe the teacher than your daughter?"

"Y/n, he wants me to go and see the tape."

"You're gonna believe a complete stranger than your own blood!"

"Right now, I think I can't believe you. If he has a tape, it's gotta be true." You started to cry. Your dad believes a stranger more than his own daughter.

Bruce: Your cousin. Gosh don't you hate him. Lying since you were kids. Blaming every cousin in the family.

"Your dad need to talk to you." He leaned against the door frame of your room.

"What did you do now." You walked pasted him. You walked in your dad office/lab. "Hey dad, you need to talk to me?"


"Why what?" You crossed your arms. Thoughts going through your head, making you feel a panic attack coming along.

"You've been lying to me again?"

"That's the past! Dad, tell what is happening?"

"Have you been doing legal things when I was gone? Johnny told me about it." You gasp. It wasn't true. Why would your cousin do this.

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