You tell them that you are dating

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Tony- "Harry is such a nice guy! I can't believe he's my boyfriend!" You said while you were talking to Pepper.

"That's great Honey, Tell me more about him." Then your dad came in.

"Tell me more about who?" he asked walking to the kitchen to get some water,

"About Harry." Then he choke on his water.

"Harry Osborn?" He asked.

"That's the one." You laughed. " Dad, I'm dating him."

"You are?" And you nodded. "He's a nice guy."

"So you approve?" You asked.

"Might as well."You smile and hugged your dad.

Steve- You were talking to your dad about dating.

"So, I can date, right?"

"Well, it's part of growing up and everyone needs to experience it. Why you asked?"

"I'm dating someone." Then his eyes widen.

"Who is this, someone?"

"His name is Matt, Matt Murdock. We met in the cafe down the street."

"Really? Tell me more about this, Matt."

"Well, He's a lawyer, he and and his friend Foggy, He's sweet."

"Anything else?"

"He's blind." You smiled. "Before you say something, I like him so does he."

"When can I met him?" You smiled.

Bruce- You were working with your dad in the lab, then Peter came in.

"Hello Mr. Banner." Peter said.

"Peter, how are you?"

"Im great what about you?"

"Great, Um do you guys mind, I'll be out for a second."

"I don't mind dad." Then your dad left. Then he came back to Peter having his head on your shoulder, kissing you.

"Can someone explain this?" you both jumped.

"Dad, Peter and I have been dating."

"No wonder you been talking about him." He said. Peter's face turned red. You shyly smiled.

Clint- "Dad?" You said walking into the archery room.

"What's up Robin?" He put down his bow.

"Um, this is going to be a surprise for you." You let out a big breath. "Im dating Wade!" His eyes widen.

"You and Wade." you nodded. "Wade Wilson?"

"Yeah, that's Wade." you smiled.

"If he every breaks your heart, he will not see it coming."

"So, you approve?"

"Whatever makes you happy Robin." And you smiled, giving Wade thumbs up from the other room.

Thor- "Father?" You asked. Today was the day you were going to tell him about Peter. Peter Quill.

"Yes, Princess."

"You remember Peter? Peter Quill."

"I recall Peter, Son of Quill." You smiled.

"Father, Me and Peter are in a relationship." Your dad smiled. "Wait, you knew?"

"I knew you and Peter will become a couple."

Pietro- "Scott stay here, I'm going to tell him." Scott nodded his head. You walked to your dad.

"Roadrunner? What's up?"

"Dad, I want you to met someone." And you pulled Scott. "Scott Summers, my boyfriend." Scott came out of the hallway and waved.

"Hi Mr. Maximoff."

"You and Scott?" He asked.

"Me and Scott."

"Im happy for you both." You and Scott went to hug your dad.

Natasha- "Hey Barry, I was wondering if you want to, I don't know get some coffee later?"

"Sure! I'll love that, Pick you up in 4?"

"Sure. I'll see you later then."

"See you beautiful" Then you hung up the phone. When you turned around your mom was behind you.

"Who's Barry?" She asked. You jumped and catch a breath.

"Mom, Barry is my new boyfriend."

"Really, Anything else I should know about him?"

"He works for STAR labs." You smiled. Then the door bell rang. "His name is Barry Allen." You opened the door and saw Barry. "See you mom." Then when you were gone, your mom went to check out what did Barry do.

Wanda- "Mama?" You said walking to where she was.

"Something is up? What is it?"

"Im dat-" Then cut you off.

"Dating Clark Kent, I know." Your mouth dropped.

"What, how, when?"

" I saw you and him in your mind."

"You read my mind?"

"Yes I did. And I approve."

"Thank you!" You hugged her.

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